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search your leveldb from the query string!

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basic queries

With a leveldb populated with github user data,

we can sort by a key:

$ curl -'http://localhost:4000/?sort=repos&limit=3&order=desc'
{"key":"user-12631","value":{"id":"user-12631","gravatar_id":"d4a2f12ceae3b7f211b661576d22bfb9","username":"substack","login":"substack","name":"James Halliday","fullname":"James Halliday","location":"Oakland, California, USA","language":"JavaScript","type":"user","public_repo_count":428,"repos":428,"followers":2332,"followers_count":2332,"score":1,"created_at":"2008-06-04T23:33:44Z","created":"2008-06-04T23:33:44Z"},"index":["repos",428]},
{"key":"user-39759","value":{"id":"user-39759","gravatar_id":"fcc9bbfe2a31c5a6225cc287ed7ae2a6","username":"maxogden","login":"maxogden","name":"Max Ogden","fullname":"Max Ogden","location":"Oakland, CA","language":"JavaScript","type":"user","public_repo_count":310,"repos":310,"followers":1053,"followers_count":1053,"score":1,"created_at":"2008-12-11T06:52:00Z","created":"2008-12-11T06:52:00Z"},"index":["repos",310]}]

we can map the results to get more compact output:

$ curl -sg 'http://localhost:4000/?sort=repos&limit=10&order=desc&map=[["username","repos","location"]]'
["substack",428,"Oakland, California, USA"],
["maxogden",310,"Oakland, CA"],
["drnic",299,"Palo Alto, CA, USA"],
["isaacs",291,"Oakland CA"],
["miyagawa",250,"San Francisco, CA"],
["visionmedia",213,"Victoria, BC, Canada"],
["steveklabnik",181,"Santa Monica, CA"],
["creationix",176,"Red Lick, TX, USA"],

we can filter by a regular expression:

 $ curl -sg 'http://localhost:4000/?filter=["location",/land\b/i]&map=[["username","location"]]'
[["mattgemmell","Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)"],
["josevalim","Kraków, Poland"],
["addyosmani","London, England"],
["isaacs","Oakland CA"],
["maxogden","Oakland, CA"],
["substack","Oakland, California, USA"],
["torvalds","Portland, OR"]]

we can sort and filter at the same time:

$ curl -sg 'http://localhost:4000/?sort=followers&filter=["location",/land\b/i]&map=[["username","followers","location"]]'
[["mattgemmell",972,"Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)"],
["maxogden",1053,"Oakland, CA"],
["isaacs",2020,"Oakland CA"],
["josevalim",2210,"Kraków, Poland"],
["substack",2332,"Oakland, California, USA"],
["addyosmani",4759,"London, England"],
["torvalds",11062,"Portland, OR"]]

By default we get a complete json result, but we can ask for newline-delimited json with format=ndj:

$ curl -sg 'http://localhost:4000/?sort=followers&filter=["location",/land\b/i]&map=[["username","followers","location"]]&format=ndj'
["mattgemmell",972,"Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)"]
["maxogden",1053,"Oakland, CA"]
["isaacs",2020,"Oakland CA"]
["josevalim",2210,"Kraków, Poland"]
["substack",2332,"Oakland, California, USA"]
["addyosmani",4759,"London, England"]
["torvalds",11062,"Portland, OR"]

nested data

For a dataset with more nested data, we can use pathway-style array paths, which is the key path format originally pioneered by JSONStream.parse().

First, here's the complete data:

$ curl -sg 'http://localhost:4000/?format=pretty'
  "key": "dominictarr",
  "value": {
    "name": "dominictarr",
    "location": {
      "country": {
        "short": "NZ",
        "long": "New Zealand"
      "city": "Auckland"
  "key": "rvagg",
  "value": {
    "name": "rvagg",
    "location": {
      "country": {
        "short": "AU",
        "long": "Australia"
      "state": {
        "short": "NSW",
        "long": "New South Wales"
  "key": "substack",
  "value": {
    "name": "substack",
    "location": {
      "country": {
        "short": "USA",
        "long": "United States of America"
      "state": {
        "short": "CA",
        "long": "California"
      "city": "Oakland"

Now we can filter by an array path:

$ curl -sg

Array paths can even have regex:

$ curl -sg 'http://localhost:4000/?filter=["location","city",/land$/i]&map=name'

follow live updates

You can add ?follow=true to any query to subscribe to realtime updates as new data is inserted into the database.

$ curl -sNg 'http://localhost:4000/?filter=["location","city",/land$/]&map=name&follow=true'

The http connection stays alive and no terminating ']' is ever sent.

Now if we insert another record for somebody from a city that ends in "land":

$ echo '{"name":"chrisdickinson","location":{"city":"Portland"}}' | curl -X POST -d@- 'http://localhost:4000/chrisdickinson'

we see a new record in the output stream from before:

$ curl -sNg 'http://localhost:4000/?filter=["location","city",/land$/]&map=name&follow=true'

Make sure to use -N with curl in follow mode because curl uses line-buffering by default.

server code

Here's the example server we've been using to respond to requests on the query string:

var http = require('http');
var concat = require('concat-stream');
var levelup = require('levelup');
var sublevel = require('level-sublevel');
var db = sublevel(levelup(__dirname + '/db', { encoding: 'json' }));
var query = require('../')(db);
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    if (req.method === 'GET') {
        res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
        var q = query(req.url);
        q.on('error', function (err) { res.end(err + '\n') });
    else if (req.method === 'POST') {
        req.pipe(concat(function (body) {
            db.put(req.url.slice(1), JSON.parse(body));
    else res.end();

To populate the database, send some POSTs with JSON to http://localhost:4000/$ID.


var levelQuery = require('level-query')

var query = levelQuery(db)

Return a query function query() from the sublevel-enabled leveldb database handle db with json encoding.

Here's an example of creating a query instance:

var levelup = require('levelup');
var sublevel = require('level-sublevel');
var levelQuery = require('level-query');
var db = sublevel(levelup(__dirname + '/db', { encoding: 'json' }));
var query = levelQuery(db);

var q = query(params)

Return a readable stream q with the results of the query contained in params.

Make sure to listen for 'error' events on the q instance.

If params is a string, it will be parsed as a query string and its elements will be parsed with json-literal-parse where possible to allow for safe regexes in nested json data.

If params is an object, its parameters will be taken directly. When passing an object, you can also specify a truthy value for params.raw to skip stringification and operate directly on row objects.

All the rest of the params are treated according to the "query parameters" section that follows.

query parameters

Specify any of the following on the query string or by passing the options directly to query(params) as a params object:


Sort the results by the value defined at the sort parameter array path into the nested document using level-search.

If the sort parameter is just a string, it will be lifted to an array with a single item.

The elements in the array path can be strings, booleans, and regex. For more about how array paths work, read about JSONStream.parse() and pathway.


Filter the results by the existence or match of data at the array path into the nested document. For leaf nodes, equality or regex test is used. For non-leaf nodes, the existence of a matching key is used.

If the filter parameter is just a string, it will be lifted to an array with a single item.

The elements in the array path can be strings, booleans, and regex. For more about how array paths work, read about JSONStream.parse() and pathway.


  • "json" - the default: results are complete json documents you can call JSON.parse() on the entire response. Note that
  • "pretty" - display a complete json document, but with 2-space indentation and human-readable whitespace
  • "ndj" - newline delimited json: newline-separated lines of json


Use map to limit which elements are shown in the results.

If map is an array, it will be used as an array path to select results explicitly from the nested document.

If map is an object, it maps names to show in the output to array paths into the document:

$ curl -sg 'http://localhost:4000/?map={"name":"name","from":["location","country","short"]}'

If map isn't an object or an array, it will be lifted into a single-item array.


Use the string desc for descending elements or asc for ascending elements. The default mode is ascending.

By default in leveldb all results are ascending and you set the reverse parameter to true when you want descending results.


Show at most limit many results.


When follow is true, the stream stays open similarly to tail -f.

When new data is inserted that matches the filter and sort parameters, the stream will emit the new data.


Establish a lower bound based on the key name, inclusive.


Establish an upper bound based on the key name, inclusive.


Boolean about whether to include "key" and "value" wrapping in the results.

By default keys is true except when you set a map, in which case it will need to be explicitly enabled.


  • stream mode: dead, live, follow
  • patch level-search to detect which index it should filter on
  • fix bugs setting min/max and filter/sort at the same time


With npm do:

npm install level-query




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