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This package is deprecated and replaced with leaflet.travelnotes


1.0.0 • Public • Published


lrm-extensions is a plugin for leaflet-routing-machine. With this plugin, you can:

  • switch between Mapbox, Mapzen or Graphhopper as routing engine, using buttons in the control
  • switch between car, bike or pedestrian, using buttons in the control
  • export the route to a GPX file
  • export the route description to an HTMLElement object
  • transform the route into a leaflet polyline
  • takes actions on a right click on an instruction in Leaflet Routing Machine control with the 'instructioncontextmenu' event

See the demo page.

Before starting using lrm-extensions

To access the routing engines, you need API keys ( also named access tokens). Visit Mapbox, Mapzen and/or GraphHopper to obtain an API key.

Notice also that when you don't have any API key, lrm-extensions uses OSRM as routing engine. Remember that OSRM is only usable for demo and not for production. See OSRM usage policy.

Loading lrm-extensions

You have first to have Leaflet and Leaflet-Routing-Machine loaded and eventually lrm-mapzen: in the header:

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet-routing-machine.css" />

and in the header or the body:

        <script src="leaflet.js"></script>
        <script src="leaflet-routing-machine.min.js"></script>

After, you have to load lrm-extensions: in the header:

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="lrm-extensions.css" />

and in the header or the body:

        <script src="lrm-extensions.min.js"></script>

What's you have to do in the javascript?

You have to replace the call to the L.Routing.control factory method by a call to the L.Routing.extensions factory method:

var Routing = L.Routing.extensions ( options ).addTo( Map );

All the options of the L.Routing.control method remains valid (but not tested... too mutch options... ).

In the options, you have also to gives your API keys for Mapbox, Mapzen and / or Graphhopper and eventually witch one is the default.

        providerKeys : { 
            GraphHopper: "Your GraphHopper API key", // not mandatory, case sensitive. GraphHopper cannot be used when missing or empty.
            Mapzen: "Your Mapzen API key", // not mandatory, case sensitive. Mapzen cannot be used when missing or empty.
            Mapbox: "Your Mapbox API key" // not mandatory, case sensitive. Mapbox cannot be used when missing or empty.
        provider: "Your prefered provider", // not mandatory, case insensitive, must be "GraphHopper", "Mapzen" or "Mapbox". Default value : the first provider with an API key completed or OSRM if any.
        transitMode: "Your prefered transit mode" // not mandatory, case insensitive, must be "car", "bike" or "pedestrian". Default value: "car". Switch also to "car" if the provider is OSRM.
	options.color = options.color || '#000000';
	options.width = options.width || 5; = || '';
	options.clear = options.clear || false;

lrm-extensions documentation

getTransitMode ( )

This method get the transit mode currently used ( = 'pedestrian', 'bike' ' or 'car' )

getProvider ( )

This method gives the current routing engine provider ( = 'mapbox', 'mapzen' or 'graphhopper' )

routeToLine ( options )

This method transform the current route into a leaflet polyline and add this polyline to the routePolyline LayerGroup Possible values for options:

Option Type Default value Description
options.color String #000000 The polyline color
options.width Number 5 The polyline width String '' The polyline name
options.clear Boolean false Waypoints are removed when true

addPolyline ( pnts, options, name ) method

This method add a polyline to the routePolyline L.LayerGroup

  • pnts : the polyline points as defined by the L.polyline object factory
  • options : the polyline options as defined by the L.polyline object factory
  • name : the text to put in the polyline tooltip

getRoutePolylines ( ) method

this method returns a reference to the routePolyline L.LayerGroup

getPointAndDistance ( latLng ) method

This method return the nearest point on the route and the distance from the beginning of the route to this point


  • latLng the given point as L.LatLng

Return value: an object

Property type Description
latLng L.LatLng the nearest point on the route
distance Number the distance from the beginning of the route in km

getInstructionAtLatLng ( latLng ) method

This method search in the route instructions witch one is at the given point and return an object with the corresponding leaflet routing machine icon name and distance since the beginning of the route

Return value: an object if an instruction is found, null otherwise.

Property type Description
iconName String the icon name used for the instruction
distance Number the distance from the beginning of the route in km

getGpxString ( options ) method

This method get the GPX string corresponding to the current route found with leaflet-routing-machine

Possible values for options:

Option Type Default value Description
GpxXmlDeclaration Boolean true The XML declaration is added to the XML string
GpxDate Number 2 0 : date is not added to the XML string
1 : the date is 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
2 : the date is the current date
GpxWaypoints Boolean true Waypoints are added to the XML string
GpxRoute Boolean false The route description is added to the XML string
GpxTrack Boolean true The track is added to the XML string

getRouteHTMLElement : function ( options )

This method gives an HTMLElement object with the complete route description

The HTML element can be configured with the templates defined in the options parameter:

Option Type Default value
routeElement string 'div'
routeElementId string 'Route'
routeHeaderTemplate string '<h1>itinerary&nbsp;{TransitMode}&nbsp;:</h1>'
routeDistanceSummaryTemplate string '<div class="Route-DistanceSummary">Distance&nbsp;:&nbsp;{ Distance }</div>'
routeTimeSummaryTemplate string '<div class="Route-TimeSummary">Time&nbsp;:&nbsp;{ Time }</div>'
routeAscendSummaryTemplate string '<div class="Route-AscendSummary">Ascend&nbsp;:&nbsp;{ Ascend }</div>'
routeDescendSummaryTemplate string '<div class="Route-DescendSummary">Descend&nbsp;:&nbsp;{ Descend }</div>'
routeTextInstructionTemplate string '<div class="Route-TextInstruction">{Number}<span class="leaflet-routing-icon-big {IconClass}"></span>{TextInstruction}</div>'
routeNextDistanceTemplate string '<div class="Route-NextDistanceInstruction">Distance to the next instruction: {NextDistance}</div>'
routeNextTimeTemplate string '<div class="Route-NextTimeInstruction">Time to the next instruction: {NextTime}</div>'
routeCumulatedDistanceTemplate string '<div class="Route-CumulatedDistanceInstruction">Cumulated distance to this instruction: {CumulatedDistance}</div>'
routeCumulatedTimeTemplate string '<div class="Route-CumulatedTimeInstruction">Cumulated time to this instruction: {CumulatedTime}</div>'
routeProviderTemplate string '<div class="Route-Provider">This route is computed by <a href="{ProviderUrl}" target="_blank">{Provider}<a> - © {Provider}.</div>'
transitModeName object { bike : 'bike', pedestrian : 'pedestrian', car : 'car' }

gpxchanged event

This event is fired each time the route is modified.

instructioncontextmenu event

This event is fired each time the user rigth clik on an instruction in the Leaflet Routing Machine control. The event have a latLng property with the coordinates of the instruction clicked by the user.


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