
0.6.9 • Public • Published


Features and philosophy

  • [X] The sql query generated by MorphineOrm is always a simple query, never nested select are generated.
  • [X] Do you have problems with your migration tools in other ORM ? Me too ! That's why MorphineOrm is designed to sync defined models and tables in a very simple way.
  • [X] Support MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.
  • [X] Really fast !
  • [X] Support associations one-to-one, one-to-many. Easy to do many-to-one or many-to-many associations (but not automatized... it's a developper choice).
  • [X] Easy to learn, easy to use.
  • [X] Synchronize the database with the models that you define (columns, indexes, tables).
  • [X] Easy to do your own SQL queries.
  • [X] Original ! No other ORM is like MorphineOrm.

Quick look

// create a new record in Dogs table and a new record in Kinds table
// just use plain javascript objects to create/update/get records
// you can do : const dog = await Dogs.create(req.body).exec() 
// for example to simplify your code
const dog = await Dogs.create({
   name: "Rex",
   birth: "2019-10-06",
   kind: {
      name: "Labrador",

// find some records just by complete the sql query after 
// the where clause ; don't learn a new syntax, use sql syntax
let dogs = Dogs.find(
   "birth>? AND like ? order by name", 
   ["2015-01-01", "Lab%"]

// find the first record and populate the attributes 
// of the associated model
const dog = await Dogs.findone(1).populate('kind').exec();


  • Install the npm package:
npm install morphine-orm
  • Install a database driver:

    • for MySQL or MariaDB npm install mysql2 (you can install mysql instead of mysql2)

    • for PostgreSQL or CockroachDB npm install pg

    • for SQLite npm install sqlite3

    • for Microsoft SQL Server npm install mssql

    • for Oracle npm install oracledb


1. Define models

The models that you define are pure JavaScript objects. No need to extend any class or register anything.

Tables are automatically created from models when the application starts.

// /models/Dogs.model.js
module.exports = function mymodel() {
   return {
      attributes: {
         id: {
            type: "integer",
            autoincrement: true,
            primary: true,
         name: {
            type: "string",
            defaultsTo: "",
            index: true,
         birth: {
            type: "date",
            defaultsTo: "0000-00-00",
            index: true,
         kindId: {
            model: "Kinds",
            alias: "kind",
// /models/Kinds.model.js
module.exports = function mymodel() {
   return {
      attributes: {
         id: {
            type: "integer",
            autoincrement: true,
            primary: true,
         name: {
            type: "string",
            defaultsTo: "",
            index: true,

By default the table name is the model name in lowercase. You can override this by setting the tableName attribute in the model.

Types are the same as in MySQL.

2. Initialize the ORM

Try to initialize the ORM in the app.js file of your application before require your controllers.

// /app.js
import { MorphineDb, loadModels } from "morphine-orm";
// OR
const { MorphineDb, loadModels } = require("morphine-orm");

await MorphineDb.init({
   type: "mysql2", // mysql2, pg, sqlite3, mssql
   host: process.env.DBHOST,
   user: process.env.DBUSER,
   password: process.env.DBPASSWORD,
   database: process.env.DBNAME,
   migrate: "alter", // alter, recreate, safe
   port: 3306,
   dateStrings: true,
await loadModels("./models");

migrate: "alter" will create the tables if they don't exist and add new columns and indexes. It will not delete columns or tables.

migrate: "recreate" will create the tables if they don't exist and add new columns and indexes. It will delete columns or tables and delete all records.

migrate: "safe" will not create tables or add columns or indexes. None modification on tables will be done.

loadModels(pathModels) will load all models in the folder and subfolders passed as pathModels.

3. Create a new record

3.1. Create a record with only the attributes of the model

const { Models } = require("morphine-orm");
const { Dogs } = Models;

const dogRex = await Dogs.create({
   name: "Rex",
   birth: "2019-10-06",

// dogRex = {
//    id: 1,
//    name: "Rex",
//    birth: "2019-10-06",
//    kindId: 0,
// }

3.2. Create a record with the attributes of the model and the attributes of the associated model

const dogJazz = await Dogs.create({
   name: "Jazz",
   birth: "2019-10-06",
   kind: {
      name: "Labrador",

// dogJazz = {
//    id: 2,
//    name: "Jazz",
//    kindId: 1,
//    kind: {
//       id: 1,
//       name: "Labrador",
//    },
// }

Note the populate('kind') method. This method will populate the kind attribute of the dog with the associated kind. This will create a new record in the Dogs table and a new record in the Kinds table !

Now, if you create a new dog with the same kind, it will not create a new record in the Kinds table but will use the existing one :

const dogNewton = await Dogs.create({
   name: "Newton",
   birth: "2019-10-06",
   kind: {
      id: 1,
      name: "Labrador",

// strictly the same as :
const dogNewtonBis = await Dogs.create({
   name: "Newton",
   birth: "2019-10-06",
   kindId: 1,

// dogNewton = dogNewtonBis = {
//    id: 2,
//    name: "Jazz",
//    kindId: 1,
//    kind: {
//       id: 1,
//       name: "Labrador",
//    },
// }

4. Find one records

4.1. Find one record with the ID

const dog1 = await Dogs.findone(1).exec();
const dog2 = await Dogs.findone({ id: 1 }).exec();
// if you pass an object, the keys are the attributes of the
// model and the values are the values to search :
const dog3 = await Dogs.findone(
   { name: "Rex", birth:"2019-10-06" }
// the first argument is the string after the where clause and
// the second argument is an array of values to replace 
// the ? in the string :
const dog4 = await Dogs.findone(
	"name=? && birth=?",
	["Rex", "2019-10-06"]

// dog1 = dog2 = dog3 = dog4 = {
//    id: 1,
//    name: "Rex",
//    birth: "2019-10-06",
//    kindId: 0,
// }

4.2. Find one record and populate the attributes of the associated model

const dog1 = await Dogs.findone(1).populate('kind').exec();

// dog1 = {
//    id: 1,
//    name: "Rex",
//    birth: "2019-10-06",
//    kindId: 1,
//    kind: {
//       id: 1,
//       name: "Labrador",
//    },
// }

5. Find many records

5.1. Find many records without associations

// find all records
const dogs1 = await Dogs.find().exec();
// find all records with the kindId=1
const dogs2 = await Dogs.find({ kindId: 1 }).exec();
const dogs3 = await Dogs.find(
   "kindId=? AND (name like ? OR name like ?)", 
   [1, "Jazz", "%e%"]

// dogs1 = dogs2 = dogs3 = [
//    {
//       id: 1,
//       name: "Rex",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//       kindId: 1,
//    },
//    {
//       id: 2,
//       name: "Jazz",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//       kindId: 1,
//    },
//   {
//       id: 3,
//       name: "Newton",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//       kindId: 1,
//    }
// ]

5.2. Find many records and populate the attributes of the associated model

const dogs1 = await Dogs.find().populate("kind").exec();
// populateAll() will populate all associations of the model and 
// the associations of the associations and so on...
const dogs2 = await Dogs.find().populateAll().exec();

// dogs1 = dogs2 = [
//    {
//       id: 1,
//       name: "Rex",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//       kindId: 1,
//       kind: {
//          id: 1,
//          name: "Labrador",
//       }
//    },
//    {
//       id: 2,
//       name: "Jazz",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//       kindId: 1,
//       kind: {
//          id: 1,
//          name: "Labrador",
//       }
//    },
//   {
//       id: 3,
//       name: "Newton",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//       kindId: 1,
//       kind: {
//          id: 1,
//          name: "Labrador",
//       }
//    }
// ]

6. Update one record

let dogRexy1 = Dogs.updateone(1, { name: "Rexy" }).exec();
let dogRexy2 = Dogs.updateone({ name: "Roxy" }, { name: "Rexy" }).exec();
let dogRexy3 = Dogs.updateone("id=?",[1], { name: "Rexy" }).exec();

// dogRexy1 = dogRexy2 = dogRexy3 = {
//    id: 1,
//    name: "Rexy",
//    birth: "2019-10-06",
//    kindId: 1,
// }

let dogRexy = Dogs.updateone(1, { 
   name: "Rexy",
   kind: {
      id: 1,
      name: "Labrador 2",

// dogRexy = {
//    id: 1,
//    name: "Rexy",
//    birth: "2019-10-06",
//    kindId: 1,
//    kind: {
//       id: 1,
//       name: "Labrador 2",
//    },
// }

7. Update many records

Dogs.update({ kindId: 1 }, { kindId: 2 }).exec();
Dogs.update("kindId=?",[1], { kindId: 2 }).exec();

8. Delete one record

Dogs.deleteone({ id: 1 }).exec();

9. Delete many records

Dogs.delete({ kindId: 1 }).exec();

10. Do your own SQL queries

import { MorphineDb } from "morphine-orm";

const dogs = await MorphineDb.query(
   "SELECT * FROM Dogs WHERE name=? && kindId=?",
   ["Roxy", 1]

// always returns an array of objects
// dogs = [
//    {
//       id: 1,
//       name: "Roxy",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//       kindId: 1,
//    },
// ]

11. Some other methods

const dog = await Dogs.createEmpty();
// dog = {
//    id: 0,
//    name: "",
//    birth: "0000-00-00",
//    kindId: 0,
// }

// select only some attributes
const dogs = await Dogs.find().select(["name", "birth"]).exec();
// dogs = [
//    {
//       name: "Rex",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//    },
//    {
//       name: "Jazz",
//       birth: "2019-10-06",
//    },
// ]

// count the number of records (sql queries are optimized)
const count = await Dogs.count().exec();
const count = await Dogs.count({ kindId: 1 }).exec();
const count = await Dogs.count("kindId=?",[1]).exec();

// check if a record exists
const exists = await Dogs.exists(1).exec();
const exists = await Dogs.exists({ id: 1 }).exec();
const exists = await Dogs.exists("id=?",[1]).exec();

// get the attributes of a model
const kindsAttributes = Kinds.getAttributes();
// kindsAttributes = {
//    id: {
//       type: "integer",
//       autoincrement: true,
//       primary: true,
//    },
//    name: {
//       type: "string",
//       defaultsTo: "",
//       index: true,
//    },
// }

const kindsAttributesEntries = Kinds.getAttributesEntries();
// kindsAttributesEntries = [
//    ["id", {
//       type: "integer",
//       autoincrement: true,
//       primary: true,
//    }],
//    ["name", {
//       type: "string",
//       defaultsTo: "",
//       index: true,
//    }],
// ]

Many-to-many associations

// /models/Dogs.model.js

One-to-many associations

// /models/Dogs.model.js



Initialize the ORM. options is the object with the same properties as the mysql2 connection options package.

  • options : object with the following properties :
    • host : string, the host of the database
    • user : string, the user of the database
    • password : string, the password of the database
    • database : string, the name of the database
    • migrate : string, the migration mode (alter, recreate, safe)
    • port : integer, the port of the database (optional, default 3306)
    • debug : boolean, if true, the SQL queries are logged (optional, default false)
    • dateStrings : boolean, if true, the dates are returned as strings (optional, default false)
    • ... other options of the mysql2 connection options package


Load all models in the folder and subfolders passed as pathModels. Return a promise.

MorphineDb.query(sql, values)

Do your own SQL queries.

  • sql : string, the SQL query
  • values : array of values to replace the ? in the SQL query
  • returns a promise that resolves with an array of objects
  • the objects have the attributes of the model


Close the connection to the database.


The Models object contains all models that you have defined.

const { Models } = require("morphine-orm");
const { Dogs, Kinds } = Models;


A model is an object with the following properties :


MIT License


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