
3.0.13 • Public • Published

MorphineJS 3


  • put and patch difference


No informatic is not philosophy, but main principles of MorphineJS are :

  • anti-verbose micro-framework, 100K of code (10.000 lines of documentation)
  • produce really short code
  • use decorators with node >=8, thanks to Babel
  • 10 main Objects or Decorators to learn, intuitive
  • no revolutionary concept (however decorators are not usual in javascript)
  • original ORM integrated (MySQL, MariaDB, PostGres, SQLite only) ; if you know sql you know this ORM
  • ORM without complex migration system... silently auto-migrate... never delete your data... never... follow my finger...
  • bootstrap minimum applications with CLI (API server, website, ACL... all together)
  • as fast as ExpressJs is (based on ExpressJS to take advantage of ExpresJS plugins)
  • use the simplest template engine : mustache
  • as secure as possible (helmet, cors)
  • write ES9, execute on ES5 nodejs server (thanks to Babel)
  • one page documentation

Get started

If you use Microsoft VSCode, install "ESLint", "Prettier" and "Mustache" plugins

npm i -g @morphinejs3/cli
morphinejs3 new my-project
cd my-project
npm run dev

Now visit http://localhost:5100

Preview : Exported objects by morphinejs

When you import * from 'morphinejs' you can access only to this objects or decorators :

export { MorphineJs, Config, App, Controller, Crud, Get, Post, Put, Delete, DbMysql, Model, Service, Middleware };
Syntax Description
rootDir The root directory of your application
Config Edit /morphinejs.config.jsonc (json with comments)
Controller Extends this class to herit base class controller
Services All objects or classes exported in /src/*/.service.js
@Middleware Decorator to use a middleware (function executed before controller handler)
@Crud Magic decorator to create CRUD requests on a controller ; link a MySQL table
@Get, @Post, @Put, @Delete Decorators to declare your controller routes
@Model Decorator to use a model
@Service Decorator to use a service (sometime named helper or provider)
DbMysql Use directly database without ORM
App The ExpressJS app instance
MorphineJs used in main.js to bootstrap application
res.sendData() New function to simplify JSON response with errors

That's all folks !



import { Get, Controller, Config } from "morphinejs3";

class ActionsController extends Controller {

	async home(req, res) {
        res.render("home", {Config}); // visit /src/views/home.mustache

	async find(req, res) {
        if ( res.sendData("not_found);
		res.sendData({ ok: "wow2" });

export { ActionsController };
  • @Service("Utils") allow to import automatically a file named /src/**/*.service.js and use functions in this file. You access with
  • @Get("/home") allow to declare that the next function (just below) is a funtion called when route /home is called
  • @Middleware(["isAdmin"]) allow to first call the function isAdmin() before find(req, res). The function isAdmin() must be declared in a file named /src/**/*.middleware.js

Routing without @Crud

Same logic as but with decorators (no need to understand or write a single decorator from scratch... use it)

Some samples :

find_actions(req, res) { ... }

find_action(req, res) { ... }

create_action(req, res) { ... }

update_action(req, res) { ... }

@Patch("/api/actions/:id") // @Put is identique by default at @Patch but you can change this behaviour see [todo])
update_action(req, res) { ... }

delete_action(req, res) { ... }

some_action(req, res) { ... }

Routing with @Crud

import { Controller, Crud, Middleware, Models } from "@morphinejs3/core";
const { Actions } = Models;

@Crud("/api/1.0/actions", Actions)
class ActionsController extends Controller {}

export { ActionsController };
  • Five routes have been created :
    • @Get("/api/actions")
    • @Get("/api/actions/:id")
    • @Post("/api/actions/:id")
    • @Put("/api/actions/:id")
    • @Destroy("/api/actions/:id")
  • middleware user() function is called before each routes (for sample this function complete req.user or call Passport)

ORM (database)


Configure the connection params in /morphinsjs.config.jsonc

	"mysql": {
		"client": "mysql2",
		"migrate": "alter",
		// see
		"connection": {
			"host": "localhost",
			"port": 3306,
			"user": "mysql_user",
			"password": "mysql_pass",
			"database": "testnest",
			"charset": "utf8_general_ci",
			"dateStrings": true

Decalare a model

// file /src/Actions.model.js

const uuid = require("uuid/v4");
module.exports = {
	beforeCreate: function (values, next) {
		if (!values.uuid) values.uuid = uuid();
	beforeUpdate: function (values, next) {
	filterValues: function (values, next) {
		values.uuid = values.uuid.toLowerCase();

	tableName: "actions",

	attributes: {
		id: {
			type: "integer",
			autoincrement: true,
			primary: true,
		uuid: {
			type: "string",
			length: 36,
		userCreateId: {
			model: "Users",
			alias: "userCreate",
		userUpdateId: {
			model: "Users",
			alias: "userUpdate",
			onDelete: "RESTRICT",
			onUpdate: "RESTRICT",
		infos: {
			type: "json",
			defaultsTo: {},

Query a model


// find action with id=1 and auto-populate userCreate, userCreate.type, userUpdate, userUpdate.type
let row_ac = await Actions.findone(1).populateAll().exec();

// uuid start with 's1' ; populate userCreate and userCreate.type
let rows_ac = await Actions.find("uuid like ?", ["s1%"]).populate("userCreate.type").exec();

// create a new action and return the record saved
let row_ac_new = Actions.create({ userCreateId: 2, userUpdateId: 2 }).exec();

// update an action and return the record updated
let row_ac_updated = Actions.update(, { userUpdateId: 2 }).exec();

find({...}) or find("...", [...])

Find multiple rows by object criteria or string criteria

// row_ac1 and row_ac2 are identiques :
let rows_ac1 = await Actions.find({ userCreateId: 1, userUpdateId: 1 }).exec();
let rows_ac2 = await Actions.find("userCreateId=? && userUpdateId=?", [1, 1]).exec();
  • Object criteria are ONLY the AND sql statements
  • String criteria are the criterias after WHERE sql statement ; we recommand this easy way to write your searches for complexes queries.

findone(id) or findone({...}) or findone("...", [...])

Find one row by id or object criteria or string criteria

// row_ac1, row_ac2 and row_ac3 are identiques :
let row_ac1 = await Actions.findone(1).exec();
let row_ac2 = await Actions.findone({ ac_id: 1 }).exec();
let row_ac3 = await Actions.findone("ac_id=?", [1]).exec();

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  • morphine06