
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Plugin for node-registry that creates a configurable express server module to your project.


npm install node-registy-express --save


In order to define your routes you need to have a routes/index.js. You can change this location by setting the server.routes.location environment property in your configuration files.

A simple router file should look like this:


module.exports = function() {
    this.get('/', (req, res) => {
        return res.render('index');
    this.get('/profile', (req, res, next) => {
        if(req.user) {
            return next();
        throw new Error('Unauthorized access');
    }, (req, res) => {
        return res.render('profile', req.user);
    // Loads a router file from the `api` folder that
    // is mounted on the current router with an `/api` path
    // Creates a new Router that is mounted with a `/blog` path
    this.route('blog', function() {
        // Renders the index page of the blog
        this.get('/', (req, res) => {
            return res.render('blog/index', {
                layout: 'blog'
    this.use((error, req, res, next) => {
        return res.render('error', error);


module.exports = function() {
    // Mount a new router instance to `api/users` path
    this.route('users', function() {
        this.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
            // list users
        this.get('/:id', (req, res, next) => {
            // find user
'/', (req, res, next) => {
            // create user
        this.put('/:id', (req, res, next) => {
            // update user
        this.delete('/:id', (req, res, next) => {
            // delete user
    // Mounts a `posts` Router from `api/posts/index.js` file
    // to the `api` router with `/api/posts/` mount path
    // this router would use this error handler
    this.use((error, req, res, next) => {
        return res.json(error);


module.exports = function() {
    this.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
        // list posts
    this.get('/:id', (req, res, next) => {
        // find post
    });'/', (req, res, next) => {
        // create post
    this.put('/:id', (req, res, next) => {
        // update post
    this.delete('/:id', (req, res, next) => {
        // delete post


You can directly configure your express server by setting the following options in your project configuration:

  • server.port - Set the express server port
  • server.options.proxy - Sets the express trust proxy option, defaults to false
  • server.options.etag - Sets the express etag option, defaults to weak
  • server.options.jsonp-callback - Sets the express jsonp callback name option, defaults to callback
  • server.options.query-parser - Sets the express query parser option, defaults to extended
  • server.options.strict-routing - Sets the express strict routing option, defaults to false

This plugin also comes with standard express midlewares that could be configured in your projects configuration files. Here is the list of middlewares that are configured, represented in the order how they are applied.


Uses Express compression middleware to enable compression of the Response Stream. This middleware is enabled by default.

  • server.compression.enabled - Enable or disable compression middleware, defaults to true
  • server.compression.level - Sets the zlib compression level, defaults to 6
  • server.compression.chunkSize - Zlib buffer chunk size, defaults to zlib.Z_DEFAULT_CHUNK


Configures the serve-favicon middleware. To enable favicon, set the server.favicon configuration key to the file location where the icon is located on the File System.


Configuration of the Express view engine is done using the consolidate library by default. If you wish to use consolidate, you can configure it by using these properties:

  • server.views.engine - Engine that should be used for Views, defaults to handlebars
  • server.views.location - Set the folder where your views are located, defaults to false

You can also configure the view engine by registering a view or express:view module to the Node Registry container. Registry would preform a lookup if this module is present in the container and it would invoke the configure method passign the Express instance and the Environment object.

Here is an example view module that uses express-handlebars view engine.

"use strict";
const Registry = require('node-registry');
const exphbs = require('express-handlebars');
Registry.registerModule('express:view', {
    configure(app, env) {
        const hbs = exphbs.create({
            defaultLayout: 'main',
            extname: '.hbs'
        Registry.logger.debug('Setting Handlebars view engine');
        app.engine('hbs', hbs.engine);
        app.set('view engine', 'hbs');

You can also disable view middleware by setting the configuration property server.views.enabled to false.


This plugin also offers you a possibilty to configure your Cross-Origin policies by using the cors Express middleware.

By default this middleware is disabled, if you wish to enable it and configure it use the following options:

  • server.cors.enabled - Enables or disables the CORS middleware, defaults to false
  • server.cors.origin - Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header, defaults to *
  • server.cors.methods - Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods CORS header, defaults to *
  • server.cors.allowedHeaders - Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS header, defaults to *
  • server.cors.exposedHeaders - Configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers CORS header, defaults to *
  • server.cors.credentials - Enable or disable the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials CORS header, defaults to false
  • server.cors.maxAge - Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Max-Age CORS header, defaults to *

To use this middleware you need to install cors dependency.

Request logger (Morgan)

Configure morgan express request logger. This middleware is disabled by default but you can enabled it by setting the server.morgan.enabled to true. To set the request log pattern use this property server.morgan.pattern, defaults to dev.

To use this middleware you need to install morgan dependency.

Access Logs

You can also create an access log file for your application using morgan and file-stream-rotator plugins. To enable this feature set server.accesslog.enabled to true. To configure the file-stream-rotator you can use the following options:

  • server.accesslog.filename - Name of file where to write the logs, defaults to access-log-%DATE%.log
  • - Directory where the files are located, defaults to logs folder in your project directory
  • server.accesslog.date_format - How to format the date for the access log file name, defaults to YYYY-MM-DD
  • server.accesslog.pattern - Morgan pattern for the access logs, default to common
  • server.accesslog.frequency - Define the file log rotation frequency, defaults to daily

To use this middleware you need to install both morgan and file-stream-rotator dependecies.

Body parser

Configures the Express body-parser middleware. This middleware is enabled by default, and requires you to have body-parser dependency installed.

You can configure it using these options:

JSON Parser
  • server.parser.json.inflate - Deflates to compressed bodies, defaults to true
  • server.parser.json.limit - Set the limit of the request body, defaults to 100kb
  • server.parser.json.strict - Accept only arrays and objects, defaults to true
  • server.parser.json.type - Determines what media type the middleware will parse, defaults to application/json
URL Encoded Parser
  • server.parser.urlencoded.extended - Which library to use when parsing the URL-encoded data, defaults to false
  • server.parser.urlencoded.inflate - Deflates to compressed bodies, defaults to true
  • server.parser.urlencoded.limit - Set the limit of the request body, defaults to 100kb
  • server.parser.urlencoded.parameterLimit - Parameter limit, defaults to library default
  • server.parser.urlencoded.type - Determines what media type the middleware will parse, defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

To disable this middleware set server.parser.enabled to false.


Configure the cookie-parser Express middleware for handling Cookies. This middleware is disabled by default, and requires you to have cookie-parser dependency installed if enabled.

You can configure your parser using the following options:

  • server.cookies.enabled - Enable or disable cookie parser, defaults to false
  • server.cookies.secret - Secret phrase used to encrypt Cookies, defaults to a random generated string
  • server.cookies.path - Path for the Cookie, defaults to cookie default
  • server.cookies.domain - Domain for the Cookie, defaults to cookie default
  • server.cookies.expires - Expiration date for the Cookie, defaults to cookie default
  • server.cookies.maxAge - Max age for the Cookie when it should expire in seconds, defaults to cookie default
  • - Secure Cookies, defaults to cookie default
  • server.cookies.httpOnly - Accept only HTTP cookie, defaults to cookie default
  • server.cookies.firstPartyOnly - Enable "First-Party-Only" Cookie, defaults to cookie default


Setup and configure the express-session middleware. This middleware is disabled by default, and requires you to have express-session dependency installed if enabled.

You can configure your session middleware using the following options:

  • server.session.enabled - Enable or disable Sessions, defaults to false
  • - Name of the Session cookie
  • server.session.proxy - Should the app trust a Proxy
  • server.session.resave - Save the Session for each request to the store, defaults to false
  • server.session.rolling - Force a session identifier cookie to be set on every response, defaults to false
  • server.session.saveUninitialized - Should a session that is "uninitialized" be saved to the store, defaults to false
Store configuration

Currently this library natively supports connect-mongo and connect-redis Session Stores. You can configure which store you wish to use by setting the property to mongo or redis. By default in Memory Store is used.

Mongo Store
  • - Connection URL
  • - Mongo Collection name
  • - Set the TTL for session documents
Redis Store
  • - Connection URL
  • - Password for the Redis user
  • - Collection name prefix
  • - Set the TTL for session documents
Custom Stores

You can also create your custom stores, but you would have to configure them by your self. To create a custom you need to register a Module with name session:my-session-store or session-store:my-session-store which exposes the store instance.

To use your custom store implementation, set the environment property to my-session-store.

Express static

You can configure static middleware using these properties:

  • server.static.locations - String or an Array of folders where static files are located, defaults to public
  • server.static.etag - Should the Etag header be sent, defaults to true
  • server.static.lastModified - Should the Last-Modified header be sent, defaults to true
  • server.static.maxAge - Max age when caching expires, defaults to 1d
  • server.static.extensions - Which extensions should be served, defaults to false (all extensions)


Apache Licence 2.0


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