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Node Web Modules

Yet Another MVC Framework for NodeJS with Domain Driven Design spirit.


  • Unstructured modular development
  • Command-based MVC pattern handler
  • Data binding
  • Smart routing
  • Filters
  • Multi-server: express and

Command-based MVC pattern handler

Design concerns

If you don't want to read about my experience in software development, please just jump to the next section.

After a while working with web applications I learnt that a ultra-super-flexible infrastructure that allows to design application flows ad-infinitum is a sign to stop and think about what we're addressing.

Though "freedom" may sound cool, it's usually misunderstood and it's transformed into a kind of trial by error pattern that may work fine for a project that is about to die in few months. However in long-term projects (i.e: products) it's essential to write code easy to refactor.

Some words about refactoring:


Refactoring is the action of change code as needed (a lot of books can tell you what and how) in order to reduce the time you need to implement new features.


Because design decisions have a not known expiration date, but believe me, they all expire. So refactoring will help you to make your code-

  • More maintainable
  • Easier to understand
  • Easier to modify
  • Easier to add new features


I like the so named "rule of three" introduced by Martin Fowler: The first time you do something, you just do it. The second time you do something similar, you wince at the duplication, but you do the duplicate thing anyway. The third time you do something similar, you refactor.

And the when recommendation also stolen to Martin Fowler:

  • Refactor When You Add Function
  • Refactor When You Need to Fix a Bug
  • Refactor As You Do a Code Review

When not?

When you think "it must scale up to the sky".

When it works without issues and you simply think "I can make it better".

When you think "it needs optimization" but no one is crying for speed.

When there's no related feature, bug or planned enhancement.

Unless you're playing yourself or resolving a challenge, changing code that just work without a conrete reason (a.k.a. new features or issues in production) is a bad idea.

Overall Architecture

Node Web Modules is inspired in DDD (Domain Driven Design) concepts. It defines ONLY the application layer. Here's the application layer in words of Eric Evans:

Defines the jobs the software is supposed to do and directs the expressive domain objects to work out problems. The tasks this layer is responsible for are meaningful to the business or necessary for interaction with the application layers of other systems. This layer is kept thin. It does not contain business rules or knowledge, but only coordinates tasks and delegates work to collaborations of domain objects in the next layer down. It does not have state reflecting the business situation, but it can have state that reflects the progress of a task for the user or the program.

Basically the application layer manages application flows and all operations over domain objects. With that in mind, the following graph shows the overall architecture:

                                           Application Layer
                 Resolve Route                 Open Transaction
/--------\    /-----------------\    /------------\        /---------\
| Client |--->|      Module     |--->| Controller |------->| Command |-->Domain
|        |    |                 |    |            |        \---------/
|        |    \-----------------/    \------------/             |
|        |        Write Response          | ^ Commit Transaction|
|        |<------------------------------/   \------------------|

How it works

Node Web Modules is a micro-infrastructure framework that allow to scope behaviour under a route. It supports to safely register several endpoints under the same route inside a Module. It supports to handle requests implementing the Command pattern to make code clear, easy to refactor and easy to test.

It's built on top of Express and, and supports transparent routing for both. It supports out-of-the-box configuration for Express.

Initializing the server

It works on top of Express, so general configuration is delegated to Express.

  var ModuleManager = require("node-web-modules").ModuleManager;
  var express = require("express");
  var app =;

  // Configure express.


Registering Modules

The basic usage is to register modules and map some endpoints to display views without processing in the application layer.

When there's no handler registered for a route, it's considered a simple view rendering. By convention it takes the last part of the request context path and it tries to map this piece to a view name. For instance,


will try to render the view foo using the default lookup strategy.

If there's not last part of the context path, it defaults to index. For instance:


will try to render the view index also using the default lookup strategy.


  var Module = require("node-web-modules").Module;

  // Creates a module registered under /module/webapp
  var module = new Module("/module/webapp/");

  // Routes all requests to views, without any processing.

  // Registers the module into the global context.

It's possible to register several modules under the same context path. If the composite route collides, it's handled by all modules in the order they're registered.

  // Creates a module registered under /module/webapp
  var echoModule = new Module("/module/webapp/");

  // This path takes precedence over the homeModule ones.
  echoModule.route("/echo", new CommandController(function () {
    return new EchoCommand();
  }, "echo"));

  // Registers the module into the global context.

  // Creates another module registered under an existing context path.
  var homeModule = new Module("/module/webapp/");

  // Routes all requests to views, without any processing.

  // Registers the module into the global context.

Writing Commands

Though you can write your own controller, Node Web Modules suggests the command pattern in order to handle requests and this flow is managed by CommandController.

This controller expects a simple interface: commands must implement an execute() method and it may return any object that will be passed to the view.


  EchoCommand = function (prefix) {

    return {
      /** Message to echo.
       * @type String
      message: null,

      /** Makes echo.
       * @return {String} Returns echo.
      execute: function () {
        return {
          message: prefix + this.message


  var Module = require("node-web-modules").Module;
  var CommandController = require("node-web-modules").CommandController;

  // Creates a module registered under /module/webapp
  var module = new Module("/module/webapp/");

  // Routes the root path under the module path /module/webapp and maps
  // the controller to handle this view.
  module.route("/", new CommandController(function () {
    return new EchoCommand();
  }, "index"));

  // Registers the module into the global context.

When server starts, the /module/webapp/ path will be handled by EchoCommand. Properties in EchoCommand will be bound to request parameters, request body or cookies, depending on the controller and Express configuration.

It's possible to defer the command execution by returning Model objects. These objects are kind of futures that allow unattended execution of long tasks.


  ProcessMessageCommand = function (prefix) {

    return {

      /** Message to process.
       * @type String
      message: null,

      /** Performs something over the message.
       * @return {String} Returns the processed message.
      execute: function () {
        var model = new WebModules.Model({
          message: prefix + this.message

        // Do some long long task.
        setTimeout(function () {
 += " (unattended!)";
        }, 2000);

        return model.defer();

It's also possible to force a redirect from commands. Sadly deferred redirects are not supported yet, but it will exist in newer versions.


  ProcessMessageCommand = function (prefix) {

    return {

      /** Message to process.
       * @type String
      message: null,

      /** Performs something over the message.
       * @return {String} Returns the processed message.
      execute: function () {
        var model;

        if (this.message === "bye") {
          return new WebModules.Redirect("/module/webapp/echo", 302);

        return new WebModules.Model({
          message: prefix + this.message

View resolvers

Suppose you want to have a single view path (or paths) per module. It's possible to map new view paths and they've got precedence over the default lookup.

  // Creates a module registered under /module/webapp
  var homeModule = new Module("/module/webapp/");

  // Routes all requests to views, without any processing

  // Maps a view path.
  homeModule.addViewPath(__dirname + "/home/views");

  // Registers the module into the global context.

It complements the ability to register several modules under the same context path. Specifying a custom view path provides a namespace for the module, which allows to create views with the same name in different modules.

  // Creates a module registered under /module/webapp
  var homeModule = new Module("/module/webapp/");

  // Routes the root path under the module path /module/webapp
  homeModule.addViewPath(__dirname + "/home/views");

  // Registers the module into the global context.

  // Creates another module registered under an existing context path.
  var echoModule = new Module("/module/webapp/");

  // Routes the root path under the module path /module/webapp/echo
  echoModule.addViewPath(__dirname + "/echo/views");

  // Registers the module into the global context.

Deployment Agent

One of the useful scenarios for node-web-modules is the ability of having a single node instance running on a server with several client modules. It makes easier the integration with another services like apache since it only needs to forward requests to a single port.

In order to provide this kind of integration there's a Deployment Agent that allows to dinamically load modules from a directory.


var DeploymentAgent = require("node-web-modules").DeploymentAgent;

var agent = new DeploymentAgent(__dirname);

This agent tries to load modules from the specified path, and if any fails, it maps the module root endpoint and sends the exception to the client.


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    • matias_mi