
0.1.8 • Public • Published


The current project is representing the implementation of Monitis custom monitor approach that evaluates the health state of Node.js servers. It is composed of two part - javascript plugin for Node.js server and bash script that periodically connects to Node.js server Monitor plugin, receives, process and sends measured parameters of server and evaluation of server health status into Monitis via the Monitis open API. Since Node.js itself doesn't exist the embeded stats module we had to create the plugin part that accumulates some pure statistics and sends it by HTTP channel by request. The script part provides the main processing, packing and sending information to the Monitis main server. Because the plugin is implemented by using events-driven technology and only just collects information, it adds in fact very insignificant additional load to the existing server and practically don't affect on server performance - the main processing is done in remote script part. The main purpose of current project is to show the possible way of using Monitis Open API for monitoring Node.js servers. Naturally, a different variations of the presented code can be made in accordance user needs. The current project presents only one from many possible solutions.

The current version can contains some specific custom part for collect which exist in the request header. For instance, the following POST request contains custom part ('mon-platform' and 'mon-version') that can be processed
 mon-platform: linux32
 mon-version: 3.010
 Content-Type: text/x-log
 Filename: /home/monitis/log/queue.log

Generally, this monitor architecture can be depicted as the following

The momitor plug-in collects the following parameters

Whole set of measured parameters divided on two parts

  • fixed that can be defined beforehand

    1. Uptime - measure of time from a last server restarting without any downtime.
    2. The monitoring time (mon_time) - the time between points of sending accumulated data.
    3. The listen ports of servers (list) - the ports on Node server that are under monitoring.
    4. The Requests count (reqs) - the quantity of requsts which are receiving server during monitoring time.
    5. The count of POST requests (post) - the percentage of POST request quantity with respect to the total number of requests during monitoring time.
    6. The responce time of server for requests during monitoring time
      • the average responce time
      • the maximum responce time
    7. The throughput of server (kbps) during monitoring time
      • the input throughput (in_kbps)
      • the output throughput (out_kbps)
    8. The count of successfully processed requests (2xx) - the percentage of request quantity responded by 2xx status code with respect to the total number of requests during monitoring time.
    9. The server processing time (active) - the percentage of busy time of server (real processing time) during monitoring time
    10. The server load (load) - the evaluation of number of requests per second during monitoring time.
  • flexible that mostly isn't fixed and can be changing time by time

    1. The status codes (codes) - the collecting status codes shown in form {1xx: value, 2xx: value, 3xx: value, 4xx: value, 5xx: value}
    2. The application specific parameters (e.g. client platform, client application version and so on).

Customizing and Usage

The activation of monitor pluging can be done very easily

You need to add the following two lines in your code

    var monitor = require('monitor');// insert monitor module-plugin
    monitor.Monitor(server);//add server to monitor

Beginning this time the monitor will be collecting the measuring data and sending them by HTTP request that should correspond to the following pattern.

    10010 - the listen port of monitor plugin  
    'node_monitor' - the pathname keyword  
    'action-getdata' - command for getting collected data  
    'access_code' - the specially generated access code that is changing for every session  

Please notice that monitor plugin for security reason currently listen localhost only

You should start monitor shell script firstly

It will periodically ask node server plugin for measured data. If Node server doesn't start yed or down script will send corresponding information to the monitis. As Node server will be available the measure will be grabbing and sending to the monitis.

To use existing scripts you will need to do some changes that will correspond your account and data

    - replace ApiKey and SecretKey by your keys values (can be obtained from your Monitis account)
    - replace MONITOR_NAME, MONITOR_TAG and MONITOR_TYPE by your desired names
    - replace RESULT_PARAMS and ADDITIONAL_PARAMS strings by data formats definition of your monitor
    - replace MON_SERVER string by your server IP address (it is necessary for title only)
    - you may do also definition of DURATION between sending results (currently it is declared as 5 mins)
    - optionally you can also change the node server monitor access url - NODE_MONITOR and other constats (strongly no recommended) 

That's all. Now you can run and monitoring process will be started.

You can also getting monitoring data from monitis

To do so you should use script by following pattern -d <number of days to get data for> -p <directory path to storing data-files> -f <file name prefix> -m <monitor id> 

        -d parameter specifies how many days data do you want to get (default value is 1 day)
           NOTE: each day's data will be stored in the separate files
        -p parameter specifies the directory which will keep the data-files to (by default it is current directory)
        -f parameter specifies the prefix for file name which will contain data (by default it is monitor name defined in
        -m monitor registration ID 

Notice that all parameters are optional.
The monitor registration ID should be specified in extreme situation only, e.g. if you have several monitors with same name or some monitor was deleted by accidentally but its data is very important.

After finishing you will see few files named like "NServer_Monitor_10.137.25.15_2012-03-11.log"


There are some dependencies for monitor plugin

  • log4js that is used for write information about every request into log file
  • node_hash that is used to generation access code

The shell script use curl package to provide HTTP access to the Monitis server and monitor plugin.


To check the correctness of monitor workability, some Node test-servers are included in the package.
So, you can start Node server by command

    node ./test/test.js

It is listening on two ports - HTTPS (8443) and HTTP (8080) which both are under monitor.

Double-clicking on any line can be switching fixed (tabular view) to the flexible one.

You can also see the grafical view for any numerical values.

It can be noticed that the testing Node server is alive and have quite good state.

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    • shunanya