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Why another command line argument processor?

There are three reasons I created opt.js

  • I wanted to simplify the boilerplate I used with JSON based configuration files including handling a set of search paths (e.g. look sequentially in a list of paths for a configuration file)
  • I wanted a very simple command line option parser that included automatically generate a help page (I'm forgetful about updating docs outside of my code)
  • I wanted a simple http route library that generate docs like I used for the command line

That was my itch. There are many fine existing options parsing libraries in Node but they didn't quite scratch the itch I had.


opt is a toolkit for building command line programs and RESTful web services. It uses a common idiom for setting up and processing JSON based configuration files, command line options parsing and defining a RESTful API calls.

Use the module by invoking opt's constructor Opt() or opt.create() method..

    var options = require("opt"),
        opt = new options.Opt();
    var options = require("opt"),
        opt = options.create();

It is available from github at https://github.com/rsdoiel/opt and can be installed using npm

    npm install opt

Examples Code

The following examples build by topics

  • configuration processing
  • command line option processing
  • a RESTful Hello World API

Config Example

This is the synchronous version.

    /*jslint node: true */
    "use strict";
    var path = require("path"),
        opt = require("opt").create();
        var config = { name: "fred", email: "fred@example.com" },
         search_paths = [ "config-example-1.conf",
            path.join(process.env.HOME, ".config-examplerc"),
            "/etc/config-example.conf" ];
    console.log("Unprocessed config:", config);
    opt.config(config, search_paths);
    opt.on("ready", function (config) {
        // config should now hold the merge configuration
        // from default_config and the first configuration file 
        // found in the search path list.
        console.log("Processed config: ", config);

Adding Option processing

Display a help message with -h and --help on the command line.

    /*jslint node: true */
    "use strict";
    var path = require("path"),
        opt = require("opt").create();
    var config = { name: "fred", email: "fred@example.com" },
        search_paths = [ "config-example-1.conf",
                path.join(process.env.HOME, ".config-examplerc"),
                "/etc/config-example.conf" ];
    console.log("Unprocessed config:", config);
    opt.config(config, search_paths);
    opt.optionHelp("USAGE node " + path.basename(process.argv[1]),
        "SYNOPSIS: Demonstrate how opt works to parse command line options.\n\n\t\t node " + path.basename(process.argv[1]) + " --help",
        " copyright (c) 2012 all rights reserved\n" +
        " Released under New the BSD License.\n" +
        " See: http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\n");
    opt.on("ready", function (config) {
        opt.option(["-n", "--name"], function (param) {
            if (param.trim()) {
                config.name = param.trim();
        }, "Set the name parameter");
        opt.option(["-e", "--email"], function (param) {
            if (param.trim()) {
                config.email = param.trim();
        }, "Set the email parameter");
        opt.option(["-g", "--generate"], function (param) {
            if (param.trim()) {
                fs.writeFile(param.trim(), JSON.stringify(config));
            } else {
        }, "Generate a configuration file");
        opt.option(["-h", "--help"], function () {
        }, "This help document.");
        // config should now hold the merge configuration
        // from default_config and the first configuration file 
        // found in the search path list.
        console.log("Processed config: ", config);

A simple web server API

    // Importing some modules
    var util = require("util"),
        http = require("http"),
        path = require("path"),
        // import and create the opt object
        opt = require("opt").create();
    // Define your configuration defaults and load your local configuration
    // file or it.
    opt.config({ host: "localhost", port: 8080, name: "John Doe"},
        [ "/etc/helloworld.json", path.join(process.env.HOME, "etc/helloworld.json") ]);
    // When your configuration is "ready" parse the command lines
    // and setup your RESTful hello world web service
    opt.on("ready", function (config) {
        // Setup how your help page will look
        opt.optionHelp("USAGE node " + path.basename(process.argv[1]),
            "SYNOPSIS:\n\tThis is a simple hello world web service.",
            "this is an opt demo");
        // Define your command line options
        opt.option(["-H", "--host"], function (hostname) {
            config.host = hostname.trim();
        opt.option(["-p", "--port"], function (portname) {
            config.port = Number(portname.trim());
        opt.option(["-n", "--name"], function (name) {
            config.name = name.trim();
        opt.option(["-h", "--help"], function () {
        // Define you restful service
        var helloworld = function (req, res, matching, rule_no) {
            res.writeHead(200, {"content-type": "text/plain"});
            res.end("Hello " + config.name + ".\nThis is what I found: " + util.inspect(matching) + "\nRule No.:" + rule_no);
        opt.rest("get", new RegExp("^$|^/$|^/index.html|^/helloworld.html"), helloworld);
        var status404 = function (req, res) {
            res.writeHead(404, {"content-type": "text/plain"});
            res.end("File not found. " + req.url);
        opt.rest("get", new RegExp("^/*"), status404);
        // Process your command line args.
        // Process your restful requets
        console.log("Configuration:", config);
        http.createServer(function (req, res) {
            console.log("request:", req.url);
            opt.restWith(req, res);
        }).listen(config.port, config.host);
        console.log("Web server listening on " + config.host + ":" + config.port);

Simple webserve example

This example sets up a simple hello web server.

    var fs = require("fs"),
        path = require("path"),
        http = require("http"),
        url = require("url"),
        opt = require("opt").create(),
        TBone = require("tbone"),
        H = new TBone.HTML(),
        config_filename = false,
        config = {
            port: 8123,
            host: "localhost"
        "USAGE node " + path.basename(process.argv[1]),
        "SYNOPSIS: Demonstrate how opt works to parse command line options.\n" +
        "\n\t\t node " + path.basename(process.argv[1]) + " --help",
        "ACME Gelatin Company"
    opt.option(["-p", "--port"], function (arg) {
        try {
            config.port = Number(arg);
        } catch (err0) {
    }, "Set the port to listen on.");
    opt.option(["-c", "--config"], function (arg) {
        config_filename = arg;
    }, "Set the configuration file to use.");
    opt.option(["-h", "--help"], function (arg) {
    }, "This help page.");
    if (config_filename) {
        config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config_filename).toString());
    http.createServer(function (request, response) {
        console.log("request:", request.url);
        response.writeHead(200, "text/html");
                H.title("Hello World")
                H.h1("Hello World")
        ).attr({lang: "en"}));

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  • rsdoiel