
1.1.0 • Public • Published

Lazy Load

JavaScript library to lazy load images, background images and videos.


Add the class of pos-no-js to the <html> tag and add the following script and style to the beginning of the <head> tag: <script>document.documentElement.classList.remove("pos-no-js");</script> <style>.pos-no-js img[data-pos-src],.pos-no-js video[data-pos-lzy]{display:none;}</style>

Include the library

There are two options, you can either require the library within your JavaScript or link using a script tag.


Add the following line in your JavaScript: import PositiveLazyLoad from 'positive-lazy-load';

Script tag

Add the following script tag to the end of the body: <script src="[path-to-library]/dist/positive-lazy-load.js" defer></script>


Once the library has been included in the page, it will automatically lazy load elements with matching attributes.

<img> tag

To lazy load an image tag, specify the data-pos-src attribute on any <img> tag with the value being the URL of the image to display. You can leave the src attribute blank, however this is not valid HTML. Using a base64 data URL will prevent a network request, we recommend setting the src attribute to  as this is the smallest invisible image that can be generated.

Background images

To lazy load a background image, specify the data-pos-bg-src on any element you want to apply the image to. The value of this attribute can either be a URL of the image to display or a JSON string containing multiple images with breakpoints. The format of the JSON string should be: [ { "bp": 0, "url": "[mobile-image-url-here]" }, { "bp": 768, "url": "[tablet-image-url-here]" }, { "bp": 991, "url": "[desktop-image-url-here]" } ] Each item in the array has a bp and url property. The bp value is the minimum screen width to display the image, it should be an integer. The url value is the URL of the image, it should be a string. You can add as many items as you want to the array. When encoding the JSON string, replace " with &quot;.


To lazy load a video you need to add the data-pos-lzy attribute and the preload="none" attribute to the <video> element. For each <source> element replace the src attribute with the data-pos-src attribute. If you have a fallback <img> element in the video too, replace the src attribute with data-pos-src.


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  • joshcronin