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Chat like questions and answers


Editable Example

  <p class="question">
      <span class="snippet"></span>
      <span class="snippet"></span>
    <form id="question-form" name="question">
            <input name="name" type="text" placeholder="Your Name">
  <p class="answer">
      <span class="answer-snippet"></span>
      <span class="answer-snippet"></span>
    <script src="dist/qna.min.js"></script> 
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var questionText = [
        {str: 'Hello, '},
      {str: 'What\'s your name?', pauseDelay: 50}
    var defaultAnswerText = [
     {str: 'It\'s, great to meet you'}
      var answerOpts   = { responder: answerResponder };
      var questionOpts = { form: '#question-form' };
      var answer   = new qna('.answer .snippet', defaultAnswerText, answerOpts);
        var question = new qna('.question .snippet', questionText, questionOpts);
        question.bindAnswer(answer) ;
        question.respond( );
        function answerResponder ( event, form ) {
            var input = form.querySelector('input');
            var name = input.value.trim();
            return [
                {str: 'Hello, '+name},
                {str: 'It\'s, great to meet you'}


In the browser, qna is a global variable. In Node, do:

var qna = require('qna');

var q = new qna(nodeSelection, snippets [, opts]);

This will initialize a qna instance on the documents nodeSelection and corresponding snippets with the given options.

  • nodeSelection — A DOM Node List or a query selector string (passed into document.querySelectorAll()).
  • snippets — An ordered Array of snippetObjects.
    • snippetObject — An Object literal with the following properties
      • str — A String (required)
      • pauseDelay — A Number representing the delay before typing in milliseconds (optional, default 750)
      • typeSpeed — A Number representing the typing speed in milliseconds (optional, default 50)
  • opts
Key Description Value
responder A function for generating responses to form submissions A function that returns a snippetObject Array
form The form element to listen for a submit event. A DOM Element or a selector String
answer The answer to the question An instance on qna

q.respond([callback, args])

Type the snippets to the corresponding nodeSelection list defined at initialization with an optional callback that will be called after all the snippets have been typed to the screen.

If a responder was specified at initialization the additional arguments will be passed through to the responder function. If the responder returns a snippetObject it will use those snippetObjects to type to the corresponding nodeSelection

q.bindAnswer(a, [callback])

a is a instance of qna.

callback is a function that will be called after the questions form has been submitted.

Assign an answer and optional callback to a question.

The answers a.respond method will be triggered when the questions form is submitted with that events parameters (formEvent, formEl).


Install via npm:

$ npm i --save qna

Install via bower:

$ bower i --save alex-ray/qna




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