
202405.2.0 • Public • Published


Getting Started


The SDK version used must match the version of the JSON published from your OneTrust instance. For example, if you've published version 6.10.0 of the JSON in your OneTrust environment, you must use npm package version 6.10.0 as well. It is recommended to specify a version to avoid automatic updates, as a OneTrust publish is required when you update your SDK version.

Installation - Example with specified version

$ npm install react-native-onetrust-cmp@6.16.0

iOS Run Pod Install

$ cd ios && pod install

Android Prerequesites

Ensure that the application supports RTL. Simply add android:supportsRtl="true" to the <application> element in your Android Manifest.

Resolving Dependency Clashes in Android

The underling OneTrust Native SDK relies on a number of transitive dependencies to operate. If your app does not include these already, they'll be added by the OneTrust package. If they do already exist in your application, there may be a clash between the versions OneTrust requires and the versions your application is using. Add the below to the dependencies section of your :app Build.gradle file. Uncomment any transitive dependency that you would like to exclude, or uncomment the last line to exclude all transitive dependencies.

If your application excludes a dependency it must be added elsewhere in your application.

//Uncomment any group that you'd like to exclude
//        exclude group: 'androidx.appcompat'
//        exclude group: 'androidx.constraintlayout'
//        exclude group: ''
//        exclude group: ''
//        exclude group: 'androidx.browser'
//        exclude group: 'com.github.bumptech.glide'
//        exclude group: 'com.squareup.retrofit2'

//Uncomment the next line to exclude all dependencies
//        transitive = false


Import OTPublishersNativeSDK

import OTPublishersNativeSDK from 'react-native-onetrust-cmp';

Initialize SDK

Initialize the OneTrust SDK to download the data to populate your consent experience.

  {countryCode: 'us', regionCode:'ca'},
  .then((responseObject) => {'Download status is ' + responseObject.status);
    // get full JSON object from responseObject.responseString
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error(`OneTrust download failed with error ${error}`);


Argument Type Description
storageLocation String The CDN location for OneTrust to pull
domainIdentifier String The App ID to load
languageCode String The ISO language code to load the data
params Dictionary Dictionary of parameters to override initialization settings. Parameters are optional, but you must have an non-null object defined, even if it is blank. (See below)
autoShowBanner Boolean Automatically display the banner when download has completed successfully. This follows the shouldShowBanner() logic to ensure the user should be presented with a banner. autoShowBanner defaults to false.

If autoShowBanner is set to true and shouldShowBanner() logic returns true, the method for showBannerUI() will be called automatically and the user will see the Banner UI. You will not need to separately call showBannerUI() as this is taken care of by the autoShowBanner logic.


All of the values are optional and are expected to be Strings.

Key Value Description
countryCode ISO country code Overrides the geolocation of the user
regionCode ISO region code Overrides the geolocation of the user, used in conjunction with countryCode
androidUXParams JSON String Sets UI/UX overrides for Android (see Custom Styling section below)
profileSyncParams Object Allows for cross-device syncing of consent preferences. See Cross-Device Consent below.

Profile Sync Params

Cross-Device Consent is an optional feature. The parameters below are not required for initializing the SDK. Each of the parameters are required to sync the user's consent.

Key Description
identifier String The identifier associated with the user for setting or retrieving consent
setSyncProfileAuth String A pre-signed JWT auth token required to perform cross-device consent. More information about JWT requirements can be found here.
  const syncParams = {
    identifier: '',
    syncProfileAuth: 'eyJhbGci...',

  const startSDKParams = {profileSyncParams:syncParams}

Display the OneTrust UI

Method Result
OTPublishersNativeSDK.showBannerUI() Banner UI is shown
OTPublishersNativeSDK.showPreferenceCenterUI() Preference Center is Shown

If there is a need to determine whether or not the banner should be shown, use the OTPublishersNativeSDK.shouldShowBanner() method, which returns a Boolean

OTPublishersNativeSDK.shouldShowBanner().then((result) =>
  console.log('Should the banner be shown? ', result),

Android - Custom styling with UXParams JSON

OneTrust allows you to add custom styling to your preference center by passing in style JSON in a certain format. Build out your JSON by following the guide in the OneTrust Developer Portal.

Simply pass in the JSON as a string as a parameter in the initialization.

const uxParamsJSON = JSON.stringify(require('./assets/AndroidUXParams.json'));

  {androidUXParams: uxParamsJSON},

iOS - Custom Styling with UXParams Plist

Custom styling can be added to your iOS React Native application by using a .plist file in the iOS platform code. In addition to adding the .plist file (which can be obtained from the OneTrust Demo Application) to your bundle, there are a few changes that need to be made in the platform code, outlined below. Review the guide in the OneTrust Developer Portal.

In appDelegate.h, import OTPublishersHeadlessSDK and make sure that AppDelegate conforms to the OTUIConfigurator protocol.

#import <React/RCTBridgeDelegate.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <OTPublishersHeadlessSDK/OTPublishersHeadlessSDK.h>

@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, RCTBridgeDelegate, OTUIConfigurator>


In appDelegate.m, set the UIConfigurator to self. Then conform to the shouldUseCustomUIConfig and customUIConfigFilePath protocol methods.

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "MainViewController.h"

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
    [OTPublishersHeadlessSDK.shared setUiConfigurator:self]; //set UIConfigurator to Self
    return ...

- (BOOL)shouldUseCustomUIConfig { //conform to shouldUseCustomUIConfig
    return true;

- (NSString *)customUIConfigFilePath{ //conform to filepath protocol method
    NSString * configFile = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"OTSDK-UIConfig-iOS" ofType:@"plist"]; //find path for config file
    return configFile;


When Consent Changes

OneTrust universally uses the following values for consent status:

Status Explanation
1 Consent Given
0 Consent Not Given
-1 Consent not yet gathered, or SDK not initialized

Querying for Consent

To obtain the current consent status for a category, use the getConsentStatusForCategory() method, which returns an Int:

OTPublishersNativeSDK.getConsentStatusForCategory('C0002').then((result) =>
  console.log('Consent Status for C0002 = ' + result),

For the current status of a specific SDK, use the getConsentStatusForSDKID() method, which returns an Int:

OTPublishersNativeSDK.getConsentStatusForCategory('06a13b51-81a1-42a6-9121-80b4fc52d859').then((result) =>
  console.log('Consent Status for 06a13b51-81a1-42a6-9121-80b4fc52d859 = ' + result),

Listening for Consent Changes

The OneTrust SDK emits events as consent statuses change.

On iOS, you must tell the bridge which consent categories and SDK IDs are eligible for broadcast. The code sample below shows an application allowing broadcasts for two categories (CXXXX) and an SDK ID (as a GUID).

  OTPublishersNativeSDK.setBroadcastAllowedValues(['C0002','C0003', '4dfa896d-101e-4f0d-8620-a8546aaef187']);

The parameters passed are what events the iOS platform will be allowed to emit. This method has a conditional built in so that it will not execute on Android devices.

To start listening for consent changes, call the listenForConsentChanges method, which accepts a Category ID or an SDK ID as a string, and a callback function.

OTPublishersNativeSDK.listenForConsentChanges('C0002', (id, status) =>
  console.log('Consent status for ', id, ' has been updated to ', status),

The callback will be executed every time the consent status is updated.

To stop listening for changes (for example, when your component is unmounted,) simply call


This will cancel all listeners.

Special Configurations

Passing consent to WebViews

If your application uses WebViews to present content and the pages rendered are running the OneTrust Cookies CMP, you can inject a JavaScript variable, provided by OneTrust, to pass consent from the native application to your WebView.

The JavaScript must be evaluated before the Cookies CMP loads in the webview, therefore, it is recommended to evaluate the JS early on in the WebView load cycle.

var jsToPass = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getOTConsentJSForWebView()
//WebView JS Evaluation logic here

If your application is using react-native-webview, any injected JavaScript is wrapped in a self-invoking function, meaning that any variables set are not in the global scope. For the OneTrust Cookie Compliance module to pick up the required changes, the variable must be at a global scope. To accomplish this, a substring can be used to place the payload in the window scope.

var jsToPass = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getOTConsentJSForWebview()
jsToPass = `window.OTExternalConsent${jsToPass.substring(21)}`
//WebView JS Evaluation logic here

App Tracking Transparency

If enabled in your template, OneTrust can render a pre-prompt and then show the App Tracking Transparency prompt immediately after. OneTrust also exposes a method to access the status of the user's App Tracking Transparency selection.

To surface the pre-prompt:

//be sure to import {OTDevicePermission} from 'react-native-onetrust-cmp'

  console.log("ATT Prompt Complete")

To get the status of the user's ATT selection:

var status = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getATTStatus()
console.log(`ATT Status is ${status}`)

Status will return 'authorized', 'denied', 'notDetermined', or 'restricted'. The definitions of each are consistent with Apple's definitions.

Retrieve Data Subject Identifier

The currently active Data Subject Identifier can be displayed in the UI or retrieved programatically by calling

var id = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getCurrentActiveProfile()

Universal Consent

Universal consent allows your application to collect consent for off-device processing. For example, your application might need to request permission to send a user promotional SMS messages. In OneTrust, after a Universal Consent transaction is committed, integration workflows can be triggered in the OneTrust tool.

Universal Consent requires a user identifier to work properly. In order to set a data subject and keep their consent in sync with other collection methods, utilize the guidance for cross-device consent above.

Display Universal Consent Preference Center

To load the Universal Consent preference center over the current screen, simply call


Query for Universal Consent Values

This plugin exposes async methods to retrieve the current state of the users' consent.

Status Explanation
1 Consent Given
0 Consent Not Given
-1 Consent not yet gathered, or SDK not initialized

To query for the top-level purpose's consent:

var consent = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getUCPurposeConsent('purposeId')
Argument Type Description
purposeId String The GUID of the purpose to retrieve.

To query for a custom preference nested under a purpose:

var consent = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getUCCustomPreferenceConsent('customPreferenceOptionId',
Argument Type Description
customPreferenceOptionId String The GUID of the custom preference option
customPreferenceId String The GUID of the custom preference group
purposeId String The GUID of the purpose under which the custom preference is nested.

To query for a topic nested under a purpose:

var consent = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getUCTopicConsent('topicOptionId', 'purposeId')
Argument Type Description
topicOptionId String The GUID of the topic option
purposeId String The GUID of the purpose under which the custom preference is nested.

Programatically Set Universal Consent Values

The package exposes methods to programatically set the users' consent values. A common use case is when a sign-up form has a checkbox at the bottom to allow the user to opt into emails. In this case, the application would set the value of the associated purpose, and the user could change his or her decision later in the preference center.

After making consent updates, the application must call the saveUCConsent() function to commit the changes.

To update the top-level purpose's consent:

var consent = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.updateUCPurposeConsent('purposeId', true)
Argument Type Description
purposeId String The GUID of the purpose to update
consent Boolean Whether or not consent has been granted for the specified item

To update a custom preference nested under a purpose:

var consent = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.updateUCCustomPreferenceConsent('customPreferenceOptionId',
 'customPreferenceId','purposeId', true)
Argument Type Description
customPreferenceOptionId String The GUID of the custom preference option
customPreferenceId String The GUID of the custom preference group
purposeId String The GUID of the purpose under which the custom preference is nested.
consent Boolean Whether or not consent has been granted for the specified item

To update a topic nested under a purpose:

var consent = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.updateUCTopicConsent('topicOptionId', 'purposeId', true)
Argument Type Description
topicOptionId String The GUID of the topic option
purposeId String The GUID of the purpose under which the custom preference is nested.
consent Boolean Whether or not consent has been granted for the specified item

Save UC Consent

After making updates to the consent values, the application must call the following method to commit the changes:


Get DomainInfo

To get OT Domain info, application must call the following method.

  var domainInfo = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getDomainInfo();

Programmatically Update Consent

Update Purpose Consent

You can programmatically update a consent value for a category, like C0002, by calling the following method.

The first parameter is the category, and the second is a boolean representing the state of the consent.

Note: These values are not committed to storage and no receipt is sent until the saveOTConsent method is called.

  OTPublishersNativeSDK.updatePurposeConsent("C0002",false) //revoke consent for C0002

Reset Updated Consent

In a case where a user makes a selection in an interface and then abandons the session (eg. backs out of a preference screen,) you can abandon any local changes that have been made to that user's consent.


Save OT Consent

After making updates to the consent values of categories/purposes, the application must call the following method to save and log the consent:

// be sure to import {OTConsentInteraction} from 'react-native-onetrust-cmp'
 var result = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.saveOTConsent(OTConsentInteraction.bannerAllowAll);
// Check OTConsentInteraction for all the supported interaction types.

Clear OT SDK Consent and Data

Method to clear OT SDK data and user consents.


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