
0.1.2 • Public • Published

React Overlay Controller

React singleton component that manages presentation of overlays. An overlay is a customizable lightbox with any react component. The component might be a loading indicator, a modal dialog, an error popup, etc. The Overlay Controller can present several overlays on top of each other as a stack. Then, stacked overlays can be dismissed in the reverse order of their presentation.

Setting Up

The OverlayController should be placed close to the top of your component hierarchy. Most important, it should not have any ancestor elements with css transform applied. Otherwise, it will not cover the entire screen.

import React from 'react';
import OverlayController from 'react-overlay-controller';
class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <div>... app content ...</div>

Presenting an Overlay

import React from 'react';
import OverlayController from 'react-overlay-controller';
import MyModal from './somewhere/MyModal';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    showModal() {
            component: <MyModal/>

Dismissing an Overlay

import React from 'react';
import OverlayController from 'react-overlay-controller';
class MyModal extends React.Component {
    onClose = () => {
    render() {
        return (
                <div>... modal content ...</div>
                <button onClick={this.onClose}>Close</button>



Shows an overlay. If another overlay is already presented, then it shows the new overlay on top of the old one.

Returns overlayId which can be used to update overlay content.

Available options:

  • component (React component) - The component that should be rendered as the overlay content, on top of the curtain. Required.
  • hideOnCurtainClick (boolean) - A flag indicating if the overlay should be closed when user clicks on the curtain. Optional, default: true.
  • hideOnEscape (boolean) - A flag indicating if the overlay should be closed when user presses escape. Optional, default: true.
  • animate (boolean) - A flag indicating if the overlay should be shown and hidden with fade-in and fade-out animation. Optional, default: true.
  • onDidHide (function) - A callback that is called when the overlay was hidden by clicking on curtain or pressing escape. This callback is not called when overlay was hidden by calling OverlayController.hideOverlay() method. Optional, default: null.
  • className (string) - The class name that will be added to the div.overlayComponentContent. See overlay hierarchy for more info. Optional, default: null.
  • curtainOpacity (string|number) - Inline opacity of the div.overlayComponentCurtain. See overlay hierarchy for more info. Optional, default: null.
  • curtainColor (string) - Inline background-color (e.g.: "#000000" or "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)") of the div.overlayComponentCurtain. See overlay hierarchy for more info. Optional, default: null (default background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) is set through CSS style).


Hides an overlay. If multiple overlays presented, the topmost overlay is dismissed. If no overlays presented, this method does nothing.

OverlayController.updateComponent(overlayId, component)

Updates the component of a shown overlay.

Overlay Hierarchy

The div#overlayContainer element is the root element of the <OverlayController/> component. Each presented overlay will be appended to the root element and rendered inside div.overlayComponentContainer element:

<div id="overlayContainer">
    <div class="overlayCurtain"></div>
    <div class="overlayComponentContainer">
        <div class="overlayComponentCurtain" style={{opacity: options.curtainOpacity, backgroundColor: options.curtainColor}}/>
        <div class={"overlayComponentContent " + options.className}>{options.component}</div>
    <div class="overlayComponentContainer">
        <div class="overlayComponentCurtain"/>
        <div class="overlayComponentContent">...</div>

When overlays are hidden, they are removed from the hierarchy. When no overlays presented, the root element is removed as well.

The div.overlayComponentContainer uses CSS flex box to center the div.overlayComponentContent.


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  • 0.1.0

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