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React Record Webcam is a promise-based, zero-dependency webcam library for React, enabling the selection of video and audio inputs for single or multiple concurrent recordings with any mix of video and audio sources.


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Quick Start

To start recording, create a recording instance using createRecording and manage the recording process with the hook's methods:

import { useRecordWebcam } from 'react-record-webcam'

const App = () => {
  const { createRecording, openCamera, startRecording, stopRecording, downloadRecording } = useRecordWebcam()

  const recordVideo = async () => {
    const recording = await createRecording();
    await openCamera(;
    await startRecording(;
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // Record for 3 seconds
    await stopRecording(;
    await downloadRecording(; // Download the recording

  return <button onClick={recordVideo}>Record Video</button>;

Usage and Examples

Each method in the hook always returns an updated instance of a recording. Pass the id of the recording instance to any of the methods from the hook to open camera, start, pause or stop a recording:

Heres an example of uploading the recorded blob to a back-end service:

const { createRecording, openCamera, startRecording, stopRecording } = useRecordWebcam()

async function record() {
    const recording = await createRecording();

    await openCamera(;
    await startRecording(;
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // Record for 3 seconds
    const recorded = await stopRecording(;

    // Upload the blob to a back-end
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('file', recorded.blob, 'recorded.webm');

    const response = await fetch('', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: formData,

All recording instances are available in activeRecordings. You can for example access refs for webcam feed and recording preview in your component:

const { activeRecordings } = useRecordWebcam()


  { => (
    <div key={}>
      <video ref={recording.webcamRef} autoPlay />
      <video ref={recording.previewRef} autoPlay loop />

Recording instance

Property Type Description
id string The ID of the recording.
audioId string The ID of the audio device.
audioLabel string The label of the audio device.
blob Blob The blob of the recording.
blobChunks Blob[] Single blob or chunks per timeslice of the recording.
fileName string The name of the file.
fileType string The type of the file.
isMuted boolean Whether the recording is muted.
mimeType string The MIME type of the recording.
objectURL string | null The object URL of the recording.
previewRef React.RefObject<HTMLVideoElement> React Ref for the preview element.
recorder MediaRecorder The MediaRecorder instance of the recording.
status 'INITIAL' | 'CLOSED' | 'OPEN' | 'RECORDING' | 'STOPPED' | 'ERROR' | 'PAUSED' The status of the recording.
videoId string The ID of the video device.
videoLabel string The label of the video device.
webcamRef React.RefObject<HTMLVideoElement> React Ref for the webcam element.

Configuring options

Pass options either when initializing the hook or at any point in your application logic using applyOptions.

// At initialization
const { applyOptions, applyConstraints } = useRecordWebcam({
  options: { fileName: 'custom-name', fileType: 'webm', timeSlice: 1000 },
  mediaRecorderOptions: { mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp8' },
  mediaTrackConstraints: { video: true, audio: true }

// Dynamically applying options
applyOptions(, { fileName: 'updated-name' }); // Update file name
applyConstraints(, { aspectRatio: 0.56 }) // Change aspect ratio to portrait

List of options

Option property default value
fileName File name
fileType File type for download (will override inferred type from mimeType) 'webm'
timeSlice Recording interval undefined

Both mediaRecorderOptions and mediatrackConstraints mirror the official API. Please see on MDN for available options:

MDN: mediaRecorderOptions

MDN: mediatrackConstraints

Codec Support

A codec supported by the current browser will be detected and used for recordings.

To see all video and audio codecs supported by the browser:

const { supportedAudioCodecs, supportedVideoCodecs } = useRecordWebcam();

console.log({ supportedAudioCodecs, supportedVideoCodecs })

To check the support of a specific codec:

const { checkCodecRecordingSupport, checkVideoCodecPlaybackSupport } = useRecordWebcam()

const codec = 'video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1'
const isRecordingSupported = checkCodecRecordingSupport(codec)
const isPlayBackSupported = checkVideoCodecPlaybackSupport(codec)

To use a specific codec, pass this in the mediaRecorderOptions. Note that MediaRecorder uses a mimeType format for the codec: <container>;codec=<videoCodec>,<audioCodec>

const codec = 'video/webm;codecs=h264'
const mediaRecorderOptions = { mimetype: codec }
const recordWebcam = useRecordWebcam({ mediaRecorderOptions })

For more info see the codec guide on MDN.

Error handling

Error messages are available in the hook. You can import the constant of all messages for error handling from the package.

import { useRecordWebcam, ERROR_MESSAGES } from 'react-record-webcam';

const { errorMessage } = useRecordWebcam();

  // Handle specific error scenario

API Reference

Method/Property Arguments Returns Description
activeRecordings Recording[] Array of active recordings.
applyConstraints recordingId: string, constraints: MediaTrackConstraints Promise<Recording | void> Applies given constraints to the camera for a specific recording.
applyRecordingOptions recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Applies recording options to a specific recording.
cancelRecording recordingId: string Promise<void> Cancels the current recording session.
clearAllRecordings Promise<void> Clears all active recordings.
clearError void Function to clear the current error message.
clearPreview recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Clears the preview of a specific recording.
closeCamera recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Closes the camera for a specific recording.
createRecording videoId?: string, audioId?: string Promise<Recording | void> Creates a new recording session with specified video and audio sources.
devicesById ById Object containing devices by their ID, where ById is a record of string to { label: string; type: 'videoinput' | 'audioinput'; }.
devicesByType ByType Object categorizing devices by their type, where ByType has video and audio arrays of { label: string; deviceId: string; }.
download recordingId: string Promise<void> Downloads a specific recording.
errorMessage string | null The current error message, if any, related to recording.
muteRecording recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Mutes or unmutes the recording audio.
openCamera recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Opens the camera for a specific recording with optional constraints.
pauseRecording recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Pauses the current recording.
resumeRecording recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Resumes a paused recording.
startRecording recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Starts a new recording session.
stopRecording recordingId: string Promise<Recording | void> Stops the current recording session.





webcam by iconfield from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


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  • samuelweckstrom