
0.16.0 • Public • Published


Currently, only assembly.modes.BUILD and assembly.modes.BUILD_AND_WATCH are the available modes.

React Router Assembly (RRA) configures React and React Router on top of Express for easy server- and client-side rendering. It assumes mostly separate server- and client-side logic for gathering data required for rendering views but helps sharing some of it if needed. It relies on convention, not configuration.

How to setup

React Router Assembly will add a route to Express, so make sure its function is run before error handling. For details, see the example inside the repo.

The most basic setup is:

Minify source files for the front-end{
    clientPropsPath: './routing/clientProps',
    routesElementPath: routesElementPath,
    isomorphicLogicPath: isomorphicLogicPath,
    extraCompress: process.env.NODE_ENV,
    mode: assembly.modes.BUILD_AND_WATCH,
    onChange: function(){
        console.log('scripts changed');
    onUpdate: function(attach){
        console.log('scripts updated');

Attach RRA to Express

    app: app,
    routesElementPath: routesElementPath,
    serverPropsGeneratorPath: './routing/serverPropsGeneratornerator',
    isomorphicLogicPath: isomorphicLogicPath,
    onComplete: setupRest

For convenience, I've created a small library called server-creator that can fork a Node file. RRA and server-creator combined have the capabilities of restarting a server when source files have changed. They're not intelligent enough to process SASS, sprites etc. but for React logic they're enough.

All configuration options:

All paths are relative to run path, not the library path.


  • When run, RRA uses Browserify to generate a single JavaScript file for use on the client-side. This file is attached to the default template used for rendering React pages.
  • Why do serverPropsGenerator and clientProps need to return arrays? This is a personal preference. Props on the whole path can change and if a more general component needs to change based on subpaths, this pattern allows it. An alternative would be to attach logic to specific components (using static and react to different React Router states there) - an approach shown in the documentation for React Router.
  • IMPORTANT: Watchify is used to regenerate the browserify bundle. It will not find new files added to the project's directory and generate the Browserify bundle because of this. Most of the time this is not a big issue but if you need this kind of functionality (for example you dinamically load all modules inside a directory) then you have to implement the bundling process on your own (the attachment part can still be used though).
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/main.css">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var serverProps = {{{serverProps}}};
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/main.generated.js"></script> 
    <div id="base">{{{content}}}</div>

The following

    <div id="base">{{{content}}}</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var serverProps = {{{serverProps}}};

are required for the library to work correctly. To be specific, there has to be an element with "base" id with {{{content}}} rendered inside and a global serverProps variable receiving {{{serverProps}}} object.

This module cannot be used with npm link when react is used in parent also.

If extraCompress is set to true, JavaScript will be compressed with uglify and "dead" paths removed from code. This is especially effective with React, as it contains a lot of extra debugging code.




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  • senfino