
1.5.1 • Public • Published


Module for integration safeCharge as a payment service provider (PSP)

Constructor call

// create object and pass configuration detail
var SafeChargePayment = new SafeCharge({
    "merchantId": 'YOUR_MERCHANTID',
    "merchantSiteId": 'YOUR_MERCHANT_SITEID',
    "merchantSecretKey": 'YOUR_MERCHANT_SECRET_KEY',
    "merchantHostURL": ''

config option arguments

Argument Type Default Description
merchantSiteId String Required SafeCharge payment identifier MERCHANT_SITE_ID
merchantId String Required SafeCharge payment identifier MERCHANT_ID
merchantSecretKey String Required SafeCharge payment identifier SECRET_KEY
merchantHostURL String Required SafeCharge payment base url eg (

Exposed medthods defination


dynamic3d: dynamic 3D

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientUniqueId String Required Client Unique Id for request identification
sessionToken String Required Session Token recievied by safecharge
transaction Object Required Payment detail
amount String Required Amount which you want to process
currency String Required Currency in which you are sending amount
reference String Required About payment detail
deviceDetails Object Required Object with information about the client initiating the payment. Only the ip field is required.
deviceType String Required Client Device Type
deviceName String Required Client device Name
deviceOS String Required Client user agent
browser String Required browser of client
ipAddress String Required IP address of client
cardData Object Required Object with information about Card holder.
CVV String string Required
ccTempToken String Required ccTempToken generated by payment handler
userPaymentOption Object Required Object with information about Card holder.
userPaymentOptionId String Required UserPaymentOptionId is given by safecharge
CVV String Required Card CVV number
billingAddress Object Required Object with information about the client initiating the payment.
firstName String Required First name of card owner
lastName String Required Last name of card owner
email String Required Email address of card owner
country String Required ISO country code of Card owner's Billing Address
notificationUrl String Required URL where you get response of dynamic response detail

For payment with CCTEMPTOKEN then you will add cardData () object if UPO then userPaymentOptionId object

The async method returns a response object.


var response ={ paRequest: 'eJxVUuakrtBXWzVsM5L7085vzVBpr0+t2o98Pm/xHHrZ',
acsUrl: '',
threeDFlow: '1',
orderId: '224036843',
transactionStatus: 'APPROVED',
gwErrorCode: 0,
gwExtendedErrorCode: 0,
userPaymentOptionId: '',
externalTransactionId: '',
transactionId: '101509990458',
authCode: '',
merchantDetails: { customField1: '1', customField2: '2', customField3: '3' },
sessionToken: 'a5935660-df8c-48ce-b119-e861ec5cf990',
clientUniqueId: '100000000007',
internalRequestId: 40810103,
status: 'SUCCESS',
errCode: 0,
reason: '',
merchantId: '7583429810138495724',
merchantSiteId: '140263',
version: '1.0',
clientRequestId: '2017112034020202' };

Read dynamic 3D Response

Read dynamic3D response and get paRequest post the Pares to acsUrl with additional param of term URL

Post data to acsUrl with PaReq and TermUrl value for bank page

If there is no acsUrl in response thats mean card is not 3D secure enrolled and you need to make Payment3D request without it

payment3D: Payment 3D

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientUniqueId String Required client Unique Id Received by dynamic3D Response
clientRequestId String Required clientRequestId Received by dynamic3D Response
sessionToken String Required Session Token recievied by safecharge
transaction Object Required payment detail
orderId String Required order ID Received by dynamic3D Response
transactionType String Required it will be Auth or Sale
paResponse String Required it received on URL by ACSURL form submition response
amount String Required Amount which you want to process
currency String Required currency in which you are sending amount
reference String Required About payment detail
deviceDetails Object Required Object with information about the client initiating the payment. Only the ip field is required.
deviceType String Required Client Device Type
deviceName String Required Client device Name
deviceOS String Required Client user agent
browser String Required browser of client
ipAddress String Required IP address of client
cardData Object Required Object with information about Card holder.
cardHolderName String Required Card holder name of Card
CVV String string Required
ccTempToken String Required ccTempToken generated by payment handler
userPaymentOption Object Required Object with information about Card holder.
userPaymentOptionId String Required UserPaymentOptionId is given by safecharge
CVV String Required Card CVV number
billingAddress Object Required Object with information about the client initiating the payment.
firstName String Required First name of card owner
lastName String Required Last name of card owner
email String Required Email address of card owner
country String Required ISO country code of Card owner's Billing Address
notificationUrl String Required URL where you get response of dynamic response detail

For payment with CCTEMPTOKEN then you will add cardData () object if UPO then userPaymentOptionId object

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response= { eci: '5',
orderId: '224036843',
transactionStatus: 'APPROVED',
gwErrorCode: 0,
gwExtendedErrorCode: 0,
userPaymentOptionId: '',
externalTransactionId: '',
transactionId: '101509990493',
authCode: '111800',
merchantDetails: { customField1: '1', customField2: '2', customField3: '3' },
sessionToken: 'a5935660-df8c-48ce-b119-e861ec5cf990',
clientUniqueId: '100000000006',
internalRequestId: 40811553,
status: 'SUCCESS',
errCode: 0,
reason: '',
merchantId: '7583429810138495724',
merchantSiteId: '140263',
version: '1.0',
clientRequestId: '2017112034020202' };

refundTransaction: Refund Transaction

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientUniqueId String Required client Unique Id Received by payment3D Response
clientRequestId String Required client Request Id Received by payment3D Response
transaction Object Required transaction detail
relatedTransactionId String Required related Transaction Id by payment3D Response
authCode String Required authCode provided by payment3D Response
amount String Required Amount which you want to process
currency String Required currency in which you are sending amount
comment String Required detail about refund
notificationUrl String Required URL where you get response of refund detail

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={ transactionId: '101509994389',
externalTransactionId: '',
gwErrorCode: 0,
gwExtendedErrorCode: 0,
transactionStatus: 'APPROVED',
authCode: '111812',
clientUniqueId: '100000000006',
internalRequestId: 40968073,
status: 'SUCCESS',
errCode: 0,
reason: '',
merchantId: '7583429810138495724',
merchantSiteId: '140263',
version: '1.0',
clientRequestId: '2017112034020202' };

voidTransaction: Void Transaction

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
internalPaymentId String Required Internal Payment ID in merchant System
externalId String Required External ID of SafeCharge System
authCode String Required AuthCode for that particular transaction
amount Integer Required Subunit of amount which you want to process
currency String Required Currency in which you are sending amount

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": 8263015379487437770,
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": 45,
"clientRequestId": "100",
"transactionId": "8498764859",
"externalTransactionId": "",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"transactionStatus": "APPROVED",
"authCode": "8378749",
"errCode": "0",
"errReason": "",
"paymentMethodErrorCode": "0",
"paymentMethodErrorReason": "",
"gwErrorCode": "0",
"gwErrorReason": "",
"gwExtendedErrorCode": "0",
"version": "1"

createUser: Create User

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required client Request for requestion identification
userDetail Object Required Transaction detail
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.
firstName String Required The first name of the user being registered.
lastName String Required The last name of the user being registered.
address String Required The street address of the user being registered.
state String Required The two-letter ISO state code of the user being registered.
city String Required The city of the user being registered.
zip String Required The zip code of the user being registered.
countryCode Required Required The two-letter ISO country code of the user being registered.
locale String Required The user’s locale and default language, for example en_UK.
email String Required The email address of the user being registered.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "45",
"clientRequestId": "100",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1",
"userId": "259"

updateUser: Update User

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userDetail Object Required Transaction detail
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system
firstName String Required The first name of the user being registered
lastName String Required The last name of the user being registered
address String Required The street address of the user being registered
state String Required The two-letter ISO state code of the user being registered
city String Required The city of the user being registered
zip String Required The zip code of the user being registered
countryCode String Required The two-letter ISO country code of the user being registered
locale String Required The user’s locale and default language, for example en_UK
email String Required The email address of the user being registered.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "47",
"clientRequestId": "101",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1",
"userId": "259"

getUserDetails: get User Details

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userDetail Object Required Transaction detail
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "47",
"clientRequestId": "101",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1",
"userId": "259"

addUPOCreditCardByTempToken: add UPO CreditCard By TempToken

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.
sessionToken String Required Session identifier returned by the getSessionToken.
ccTempToken String Required A hashed value of the credit card number.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "69",
"clientRequestId": "110",
"userPaymentOptionId": "741",
"status": " SUCCESS ",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1"

editUPOCC: edit UPO CC

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.
userPaymentOptionId String Required userPaymentOptionId by merchant system.
ccExpMonth String Required Expiry Month of credit card.
ccExpYear String Required Expiry Year of credit card.
ccNameOnCard String Required Name of credit card holder.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "62",
"clientRequestId": "4556",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"version": "1"

deleteUPO: delete UPO

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.
userPaymentOptionId String Required userPaymentOptionId by merchant system.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "60",
"clientRequestId": "108",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason" : "",
"version": "1"

getUserUPOs: getUser UPOs

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "58",
"clientRequestId": "107",
"errCode": "0",
"reason" : "",
"version": "1",
"paymentMethods": [ {
"userPaymentOptionId": "741",
"upoName":"Credit Card",
"upoStatus": "enabled",
"expiryDate": "",
"firstName": "some first name",
"lastName": "some last name",
"phone": "972502457558",
"address": "some street",
"zip": "",
"city": "some city",
"countryCode": "GB",
"state": "",
"email": "",
"upoData": {
"cardType": "",
"ccCardNumber": "4****1111",
"ccExpMonth": "12",
"ccExpYear": "24",
"ccNameOnCard": "John Smith",
"ccToken" :"",
"brand": "visa",
"uniqueCC": "aL+zlvNa84dvxQlmWz3COgkwqrE=",
"bin": "411111",
"last4Digits": ""
"userPaymentOptionId": "742",
"upoName": "Paypal",
"upoStatus ": "suspended",
"expiryDate": "",
"firstName": "some first name",
"lastName": "some last name",
"address": "some street",
"phone": "972502457558",
"zip": "",
"city": "some city",
"country": "GB",
"state": "",
"email": "",
"upoData": {
"account_id": ""

suspendUPO: suspend UPO

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.
userPaymentOptionId String Required userPaymentOptionId by merchant system.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "67",
"clientRequestId": "109",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1"

enableUPO: enable UPO

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.
userPaymentOptionId String Required userPaymentOptionId by merchant system.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"internalRequestId": "67",
"clientRequestId": "109",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1"

cardTokenization: card Tokenization

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
clientRequestId String Required ID of the API request in the merchant system
userTokenId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system.
cardData Object Required Object with information about Card holder.
cardNumber String Required Card number of Card
cardHolderName String Required Card holder name of Card
expirationMonth String Required ExpirationMonth of Card
expirationYear String Required ExpirationYear of Card
CVV String string CVV of Card

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

var response ={
"sessionToken": "9610a8f6-44cf-4c4f-976a-005da69a2a3b",
"internalRequestId": "866",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1.0",
"ccTempToken": "65432",

getSessionToken: get Session Token

Response Example

var response ={
"sessionToken": "9610a8f6-44cf-4c4f-976a-005da69a2a3b",
"merchantId": "427583496191624621",
"merchantSiteId": "142033",
"clientRequestId": "1484759782197",
"internalRequestId": "866",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"version": "1.0"

getAPMs: get Alternate Payment Methods

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

"sessionToken": "",
"merchantId": "",
"merchantSiteId": "",
"clientRequestId": "",
"internalRequestId": "",
"paymentMethods": [{
"paymentMethod": "cc_card",
"paymentMethodDisplayName": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Credit Card"
"isDirect": "true",
"countries": ["US", "DE"],
"currencies": ["USD"],
"logoURL": "",
"fields": [{
"name": "ccCardNumber",
"regex": "",
"type": "text",
"validationmessage": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Invalid Card Number"
"caption": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Card Number"
"name": "ccExpMonth",
"regex": "",
"type": "text",
"validationmessage": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Invalid Expiration Month"
"caption": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Card Expiration Month"
"name": "ccExpYear",
"regex": "",
"type": "text",
"validationmessage": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Invalid Expiration Year"
"caption": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Card Expiration Year"
"name": "ccNameOnCard",
"regex": "",
"type": "text",
"validationmessage": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Invalid Name on Card"
"caption": [{
"language": "en",
"message": "Cardholder name as it appears on your credit card"
"status": "",
"errCode": "",
"reason": "",
"version": ""

payout: Payout to deposited & non-deposited cards

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
userTokenID String Required UserTokenID of user from UPO
amount String Required Amount that you want to payout
currency String Required The two-letter ISO language code of the user being registered.

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

"merchantId": "8263015379487437770",
"merchantSiteId": "39",
"userTokenId": "487106",
"clientUniqueId": "12345",
"clientRequestId": "1484759782197",
"internalRequestId": "866",
"transactionId": "8498764859",
"externalTransactionId": "",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"transactionStatus": "APPROVED",
"userPaymentOptionId": "12442",
"errCode": "0",
"reason": "",
"paymentMethodErrorCode": "0",
"paymentMethodErrorReason": "",
"gwErrorCode": "0",
"gwErrorReason": "",
"gwExtendedErrorCode": "0",
"version": "1"

getPaymentUrl: Get hosted page payment URL

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
internalPaymentId String Required Internal payment ID in merchant System
userId String Required ID of the user in the merchant’s system
amount integer Required Subunit of amount that user will pay
currency String Required The two-letter ISO language code of the user being registered.
reference String Required About payment detail
billingAddress Object Required Object with information about the client initiating the payment.
firstName String Optional First name of card owner
lastName String Optional Last name of card owner
email String Optional Email address of card owner
country String Required ISO country code of Card owner's Billing Address
urlDetails Object Optional Object with information of URLs
successUrl String Optional Redirect URL in success scenario
failureUrl String Optional Redirect URL in failure scenario
pendingUrl String Optional Redirect URL in pending scenario
notificationUrl String Optional DM Notifications call back URL
backUrl String Optional Redirect URL in back scenario

The async method returns a response object.

Response Example

"redirectUrl": "",
"raw": '{}'

validateDMNCallback: Validate Direct Merchant Notifications Callbacks(DMN)

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
body object Required Callback request body

This method returns a validation result.

parsePayment: Parse the DMN Callback response

options arguments

Argument Type Default Description
body object Required Callback request body

This method returns a parse payment object

  "internalPaymentId": '12344',
  "externalId": '1512574818',
  "amount": 15408,
  "currency": 'USD',
  "state": 'completed',
  "eci": '5',
  "authCode": '111519',
  "card": {
     "bin": '401200',
     "lastFour": '0014',
     "cardBrand": 'VISA',
     "expiryDate": '1128'
  "raw: {}"

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