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A simple static site generator

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sfftfth is a small static site generator written in JavaScript. It provides a simple command line interface to transform Markdown files into static HTML pages. It is driven by a configuration and a theming file. sfftfth is free and Open Source (Apache-2.0) software.

It aims to be a small utility making static page generation easy while still providing a lot of flexibility. Take 10 Minutes and a ☕️  to read this short manual. It does not only provide you with everything to get started but also the complete documentation.


Install the cli with

npm install -g sfftfth


You can bootstrap a small example with sfftfth -b dirname. An example configuration, a theme as well as a few markdown files will then be created in the dirname folder.

Change to that folder and run sfftfth (or sfftfth -c config.json, both are equivalent) to render the markdown files. sfftfth does not come with a web server (yet), so if you want to serve the generated files, either drop the output directory onto a web server or change to the directory and create a handy Python web server there python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8411 (Python has to be installed).


The configuration file is used when rendering Markdown files into HTML. It is a JSON file and might look as follows:

    "output": "output",
    "contents": "contents",
    "theme": "theme.js",
    "baseUrl": "/",
    "title": "Pages",
    "renderDrafts": false,
    "outputMode": "directory"

Mandatory keys

  • output is the name of the output directory of the rendered files, either relative to the path of the configuration file or an absolute path.
  • The contents key references the directory with files. This can be either relative or absolute again.
  • The theme to use is referenced with the theme key.

Optional keys

  • baseUrl is an optional key and provides the base URL of the pages allowing to serve them from a subdirectory. It defaults to /.
  • renderDrafts indicates whether to render files that have a draft: true flag in their Frontmatter. Defaults to false.
  • The outputMode flag determines the way files are created:
    • directory (the default) indicates that directories are created for every file.
      a/b/c/ will then be rendered to a/b/c/d/index.html.
    • file indicates that files are created for every file.
      a/b/c/ will then be rendered to a/b/c/d.html.

Other keys

  • Any other key (e.g. title) is not used by sfftfth but is provided to the theme functions.


The theme referenced by the configuration is supposed to be a JavaScript file exporting an object with three functions:

module.exports = {

    index(files, config) {},

    post(content, meta, config, file, files) {},

    page(content, meta, config, file, files) {}
  • index creates the index.html file and is invoked with the list of files and the configuration. See below for the accessible information of the file list.
  • post will be invoked for every file that is not static (not static: true in its Frontmatter). It gets the rendered markdown, its frontmatter info, the configuration, the corresponding file record and the list of all files.
  • page will be invoked for every file that is static (static: true in its Frontmatter). It gets the rendered markdown, its frontmatter info, the configuration, the corresponding file record and the list of all files.

All functions are supposed to return complete HTML files as strings. That allows to use either native features like string interpolation or even add a full-featured templating engine like Handlebars or Jade.

File record

Files (both in the list and as a separate argument) are represented using a file record. It consists of the following fields:

    // Relative path of the file
    relativePath: void 0,

    // Absolute path of the file
    absolutePath: void 0,

    // Output file (dir + file name)
    outputPath: void 0,

    // Directory for the output
    outputDirectory: void 0,

    // Frontmatter metadata
    meta: {
        // A date, set automatically to today in `YYYY-MM-DD` if not given
        date: void 0

    // The parsed markdown
    contents: void 0,

    // Relative URI to the post/page
    uri: void 0

File structure

sfftfth collects all Markdown files in the given contents directory recursively. The file and folder structure represents a file's URI when rendered. Depending on the configuration, files are either stored in separate directories as index.html or as rendered HTML file with the original name.

  • outputMode = 'directory'
    • about.mdabout/index.html
    • pages/blog.mdpages/blog/index.html
    • projects/1998/parade.mdprojects/1998/parade/index.html
  • outputMode = 'file'
    • about.mdabout.html
    • pages/blog.mdpages/blog.html
    • projects/1998/parade.mdprojects/1998/parade.html


Rendering is started with the sfftfth cli. If the configuration file is named config.json it can be invoked without any arguments from the same directory. If the config has a different name it has to be named explicitly.

# Same as:
sfftfth -c config.js


To provide a starting point, sfftfth can generate a sample configuration, sample theme and a few markdown files. The CLI uses the -b flag for that:

sfftfth -b example-directory

CLI help

usage: sfftfth [-h] [-v] [-c config file] [-b directory name]

A very simple static site generator

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version      Show program's version number and exit.
  -c config file     Path to the sfftfth config file, default: config.json
  -b directory name  Bootstrap a new setup in the given existing directory


Found a bug or missing a feature?
Feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.

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