
1.0.4 • Public • Published

sigfox-gcloud-ubidots is a sigfox-gcloud adapter for integrating Sigfox devices with Ubidots. With sigfox-gcloud-ubidots you may process and render sensor data from your Sigfox devices in real time, through the Ubidots and Google Cloud platforms. You may also configure Ubidots alerts to notify you via email and SMS based on the sensor data received.

sigfox-gcloud is an open-source software framework for building a Sigfox server with Google Cloud Functions and Google Cloud PubSub message queues. Check out sigfox-gcloud


  • Version 1.0.0 (11 Oct 2017): Supports Google Cloud Trace for tracing the Sigfox Callback processing time across Cloud Functions. Supports Google Cloud Debug for capturing Node.js memory snapshots. Supports Ubidots map visualisation of Sigfox Geolocation and other geolocated sensor data points.

Getting Started

For development we support Linux, MacOS and Ubuntu on Windows 10. Open a command prompt and enter these commands to download the sigfox-cloud-ubidots source folder to your computer.

git clone
cd sigfox-gcloud-ubidots

If you're using Ubuntu on Windows 10, we recommend that you launch "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" and enter the following commands to download the source files into the folder /mnt/c/sigfox-gcloud-ubidots:

cd /mnt/c
git clone
cd sigfox-gcloud-ubidots

That's because /mnt/c/sigfox-gcloud-ubidots under bash is a shortcut to c:\sigfox-gcloud-ubidots under Windows.
So you could use Windows Explorer and other Windows tools to browse and edit files in the folder. Remember to use a text editor like Visual Studio Code that can save files using the Linux line-ending convention (linefeed only: \n), instead of the Windows convention (carriage return + linefeed: \r \n).

Create a file named config.json in the sigfox-gcloud-ubidots folder with the contents below (replace YOUR_UBIDOTS_API_KEY by your Ubidots API Key)

  "comment": "Configuration file for Ubidots adapter for sigfox-gcloud",
  "ubidots-api-key": "YOUR_UBIDOTS_API_KEY"

To use multiple Ubidots accounts, combine the API keys from each account with a comma:


Setting up Google Cloud

  1. Install sigfox-gcloud with the base modules (exclude optional modules):

  2. Open a bash command prompt. For Windows, open "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows."
    Create a file named .env in the sigfox-gcloud-ubidots folder
    and populate the GCLOUD_PROJECT variable with your project ID. To do that, you may use this command (change myproject to your project ID):

    cd sigfox-gcloud-ubidots
    echo GCLOUD_PROJECT=myproject >.env
  3. Add the following sigfox-route setting to the Google Cloud Project Metadata store. This route says that all received Sigfox messages will be processed by the two steps decodeStructuredMessage and sendToUbidots.

    gcloud compute project-info add-metadata --metadata=^:^sigfox-route=decodeStructuredMessage,sendToUbidots
  4. Create the Google PubSub message queue that we will use to route the Sigfox messages between the Cloud Functions:

    gcloud beta pubsub topics create sigfox.types.sendToUbidots

    sigfox.devices.sendToUbidots is the queue that will receive decoded Sigfox messages to be sent to Ubidots via the Ubidots API

  5. Deploy all the included Cloud Functions (including the demo functions) with the script:

    chmod +x */*.sh

How it works

  1. Sigfox messages are pushed by the Sigfox Cloud to the Google Cloud Function sigfoxCallback

  2. Cloud Function sigfoxCallback delivers the message to PubSub message queue sigfox.devices.all, as well as to the device ID and device type queues

  3. Cloud Function routeMessage listens to PubSub message queue sigfox.devices.all and picks up the new message

  4. Cloud Function routeMessage assigns a route to the Sigfox message by reading the sigfox-route from the Google Compute Metadata Store. The route looks like this:

decodeStructuredMessage, sendToUbidots
  1. This route first sends the message to function decodeStructuredMessage via the queue sigfox.types.decodeStructuredMessage

  2. decodeStructuredMessage contains the logic to decode a compressed message format that we call Structured Message Format. Within a 12-byte Sigfox message, the Structured Message Format can encode efficiently 3 sensor field values and their sensor field names.

    For example, the encoded 12-byte message
    contains 3 sensor values (temperature, humidity, altitude) and their field names:
    tmp = 31.2, hmd = 49.6, alt = 16.5

  3. According to sigfox-route above, the resulting decoded message is sent next to function sendToUbidots via the queue sigfox.types.sendToUbidots

  4. sendToUbidots sends the decoded message to Ubidots by calling the Ubidots API.
    It assumes that you have created a device in Ubidots that's named like Sigfox Device 2C30EB, where the last 6 letters/digits is the Sigfox device ID.

  5. sendToUbidots also assumes that you have created variables with the same name as the decoded message fields. For example if you're using this Arduino sketch to send structured sensor data to Sigfox:

    Message msg(transceiver);  //  Will contain the structured sensor data.
    msg.addField("tmp", scaledTemp);  //  4 bytes for the temperature (1 decimal place).
    msg.addField("hmd", scaledHumidity);  //  4 bytes for the humidity (1 decimal place).
    msg.addField("alt", scaledAltitude);  //  4 bytes for the altitude (1 decimal place).
    msg.send();  //  Send the structured sensor data.

    sendToUbidots assumes that you have created the variables named tmp, hmd and alt in your Ubidots device, e.g. Sigfox Device 2C30EB. sendToUbidots can then populate the tmp, hmd and alt variables through the Ubidots API.

  6. See this doc for the definition of Structured Messages:

    For instructions on creating the Ubidots devices and variables, check the UnaShield Tutorial for Ubidots:

Viewing sigfox-gcloud-ubidots server logs

You may view the logs through the Google Cloud Logging Console
Select "Cloud Function" as the "Resource"

From the screen above you can see the logs generated as each Sigfox message is processed in stages by sigfox-gcloud:

  • Sigfox Device IDs are shown in square brackets e.g. [ 2C30EB ]

  • Completed Steps are denoted by _<<_

  • sigfoxCallback is the Google Cloud Function that listens for incoming HTTPS messages delivered by Sigfox

  • routeMessage passes the Sigfox message to various Google Cloud Functions to decode and process the message

  • decodeStructuredMessage decodes a compressed Sigfox message that contains multiple field names and field values

  • sendToUbidots is a Google Cloud Function that sends the decoded sensor data to Ubidots via the Ubidots API.

Tracing sigfox-gcloud-ubidots server performance

The Google Cloud Trace Console shows you the time taken by each step of the Sigfox message processing pipeline, tracing the message through every Google Cloud Function.

Each message delivered by Sigfox appears as a separate trace timeline. Messages are shown like 2C30EB seq:1913 where 2C30EB is the Sigfox Device ID and 1913 is the Sigfox Message Sequence Number (seqNumber)

The Google Stackdriver Trace API needs to be enabled manually.

Custom reports may be created in Google Cloud Trace Control to benchmark the performance of each processing step over time.

Understanding and troubleshooting the sigfox-gcloud-ubidots server

To understand each processing step in the sigfox-gcloud-ubidots server, you may use the Google Cloud Debug Console to set breakpoints and capture in-memory variable values for each Google Cloud Function, without stopping or reconfiguring the server.

In the example below, we have set a breakpoint in the sigfoxCallback Google Cloud Function. The captured in-memory values are displayed at right - you can see the Sigfox message that was received by the callback. The Callback Stack appears at the lower right.

Google Cloud Debug is also useful for troubleshooting your custom message processing code without having to insert the debugging code yourself.

Testing the sigfox-gcloud-ubidots server

  1. Send some Sigfox messages from the Sigfox devices. Monitor the progress of the processing through the Google Cloud Logging Console.
    Select "Cloud Function" as the "Resource"

  2. Processing errors will be reported to the Google Cloud Error Reporting Console.

  3. We may configure Google Cloud Stackdriver Monitoring to create incident reports upon detecting any errors. Stackdriver may also be used to generate dashboards for monitoring the PubSub message processing queues.


  1. To send messages from a Sigfox device into Ubidots, you may use this Arduino sketch:

    The sketch sends 3 field names and field values, packed into a Structured Message:

    ctr - message counter
    lig - light level, based on the Grove analog light sensor
    tmp - module temperature, based on the Sigfox module's embedded temperature sensor        
  2. In Ubidots, create the Devices / Datasources for each Sigfox device to be integrated with Ubidots. Name the device / datasource using this format: (change 2C30EB to your Sigfox device ID)

    Sigfox Device 2C30EB

  3. For each Ubidots device / datasource, create the Variables that will be used to transmit sensor values from the Sigfox device to Ubidots. For the above example, you may create 3 variables ctr, lig, tmp for the Ubidots device Sigfox Device 2C30EB.

    Run the above Arduino-Sigfox sketch and the sensor values will be automatically recorded by Ubidots under Sigfox Device 2C30EB.

  4. Alternatively, you may test by sending a Sigfox message from your Sigfox device with the data field set to:


    We may also use a URL testing tool like Postman to send a POST request to the sigfoxCallback URL e.g. (change myproject to your Google Cloud Project ID)

    Set the Content-Type header to application/json. If you're using Postman, click Body -> Raw -> JSON (application/json) Set the body to:


    where device is your Sigfox device ID.

    Here's the request in Postman:

    We may use the curl command as well. Remember to change myproject and 1A2345 to your project ID and device ID.

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \
      --data '{"device":"1A2345", "data":"920e82002731b01db0512201", "time":"1476980426", "duplicate":"false", "snr":"18.86", "station":"0000", "avgSnr":"15.54", "lat":"1", "lng":"104", "rssi":"-123.00", "seqNumber":"1492", "ack":"false", "longPolling":"false"}'
  5. The response from the callback function should look like this:

      "1A2345": {
        "noData": true
  6. The test message sent above will be decoded and sent to Ubidots as

    ctr (counter): 13
    lig (light level): 760
    tmp (temperature): 29        
  7. For instructions on creating the Ubidots devices and variables, check the UnaShield Tutorial for Ubidots:

Sending latitude-longitude values to Ubidots

Some Sigfox devices transmit location data in the form of latitude-longitude values, such as GPS trackers. Ubidots is capable of rendering such data points into a map, but under these conditions:

  1. The field names must be lat and lng
  2. The fields must appear in the Context Field of the variable to be rendered.

Suppose your GPS tracker transmits latitude, longitude as well as temperature. Then Ubidots expects the lat and lng fields to be present in the context whenever the temperature value is transmitted to Ubidots.

The sendToUbidots step can be configured to send any latitude-longitude fields as lat and lng. In the config.json file that you have created above, insert 2 lines for lat and lng like this: (note the comma after the API key)

  "comment": "Configuration file for Ubidots adapter for sigfox-gcloud",
  "ubidots-api-key": "YOUR_UBIDOTS_API_KEY",
  "lat": "deviceLat,geolocLat",
  "lng": "deviceLng,geolocLng"

Then deploy the configuration using the command:


This configures sendToUbidots to look for any data fields named deviceLat and deviceLng, and if found, duplicate the fields as lat and lng

Create variables named lat and lng for your Sigfox Device in Ubidots. If your GPS tracker sends the fields deviceLat and deviceLng, they will be rendered correctly in a Ubidots map, like below.

Multiple latitude-longitude field names may be specified in config.json. In the example above, sendToUbidots searches for the fields deviceLat and deviceLng first. If the fields are not found, then it searches for geolocLat and geolocLng.

Sending Sigfox Geolocation data to Ubidots

Sigfox Geolocation is an optional service provided by your Sigfox Operator that locates your Sigfox device by using the Sigfox network signal data. The latitude-longitude data provided through this service may be rendered in Ubidots by setting the GEOLOC Callback as follows:

Log on to the Sigfox Backend

Click "Device Type" at the top menu.
Click on your device type.

Click "Callbacks" in the left menu.
Click "New" at top right.

Enter the callback details as follows:

  • Type:

  • Channel:

  • URL Pattern:
    Change myproject to your Google Cloud Project ID

  • Use HTTP Method:

  • Send SNI:
    Checked (Yes)

  • Headers:

  • Content Type:

  • Set the Body as:

      "time": {time},
      "action": "geoloc",
      "device" : "{device}",       
      "geolocLat": {lat},              
      "geolocLng": {lng},              
      "geolocLocationAccuracy": {radius},
      "seqNumber": {seqNumber},
      "duplicate": "{duplicate}",  
      "snr": "{snr}",              
      "station": "{station}",      
      "avgSnr": "{avgSnr}",     
      "rssi": "{rssi}"               

    Note that the Sigfox Geolocation latitude and longitude fields will be transmitted as geolocLat and geolocLng with the above settings

Note that this is a different callback from the Data Callback that we use for normal Sigfox messages.

After saving the callback you should see the Sigfox Geolocation callback appear under the SERVICE Callbacks section, not DATA Callbacks.

Follow the instructions in the previous section to set config.json as

  "comment": "Configuration file for Ubidots adapter for sigfox-gcloud",
  "ubidots-api-key": "YOUR_UBIDOTS_API_KEY",
  "lat": "deviceLat,geolocLat",
  "lng": "deviceLng,geolocLng"

Then deploy the configuration using the command:


Create variables named lat, lng, geolocLat and geolocLng for your Sigfox Device in Ubidots.

To verify that the Sigfox Geolocation data is transmitted correctly, click on the variable geolocLat for your Sigfox Device.

You'll see that the lat field in the Context column shows the same value as the geolocLat field in the left column. Which means that sendToUbidots has correctly copied the geolocLat field into lat.

Check the same for geolocLng and lng fields.

Now that the lat and lng fields are properly populated, we will see the Sigfox Geolocation points on the Ubidots map.


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