
1.0.16 • Public • Published

React Native Streak Styling Library


Install this library with npm

  npm install streak-library

Install this library with yarn

  yarn add streak-library

Styling Components For Streak

Components Name Description Props
GeneralText For writing normal text headingText:String,fontSize:Number, fontFamily:String, textColor:String
ButtonWithLeftIcon It fixes the icon in left side of button onPress: () => void, buttonText: string, iconSrc: string, textStyle?: TextStyle, imageStyle?: ImageStyle, containerStyle?: ViewStyle
GeneralButton It normal button with gradient shades containerStyle?: ViewStyle[], onPress: Function, buttonText: string, rightToTextComponent?: Function, colors?: string[], labelStyle?: TextStyle, buttonStyle?: ViewStyle[], disabled?: boolean, borderColor?: string
GeneralButtonWithNormalBg Button with normal background
GeneralRoundButtonWithImage Round button with image
LinearGradientButton Button with gradient shades
GeneralButtonWithLoading Button with simple loading added button with gradient containerStyle?: ViewStyle[], onPress: Function, onPressCancel: Function, onPressConfirm: Function, buttonText: string, buttonText2:string, rightToTextComponent?: Function, colors?: string[], labelStyle?: TextStyle, buttonStyle?: ViewStyle[], disabled?: boolean, borderColor?: string, backgroundColor?:string, loading?: boolean, type?: stringonPress:Function, onPressConfirm:Function,onPressCancel:Function , type:String ('Primary','Secondary','primary','secondary','couple','couple2')
RoundButton Button with round shape
GeneralCheckBox Normal Checkbox checked: boolean, setCheck: Function, title: string,subText?: string
GeneralLine Simple Line marginTop?: string
CheckBoxWithDefaultBoxAndText Checkbox with default box and text checkBoxText: string, onPress: Function , checked: boolean , textColor: string , error?: string
GeneralDropDown It is dropdown component value: string , setValue: Function , itemStyle: StyleProp , containerStyle: StyleProp , style: StyleProp , labelStyle: any , placeholder: string , defaultValue?: string
HeadingAndSubHeading For writing heading and subheading headingColor?: string , subHeadingColor?: string , heading: string , subHeading: string , headingStyle?: TextStyle , subHeadingStyle?: TextStyle , fontFamilyHeading?: font_family_type , fontFamilySubHeading?: font_family_type , containerStyle?: ViewStyle
HightlightCard Card with highlighting text: string , showArrow?: boolean , fontSize?: number
GeneralLoader Lottie loader for streak containerStyle?: ViewStyle
Step Steps number: number , content: string , backgroundColor?: string , textStyle?: TextStyle , leftComponent:Function , containerStyle?: ViewStyle
Loader Simple loader color:String , size:String('small','large')
GeneralTextInput Normal textinput errorText?: string , value: string , defaultValue?: string
TextInputWOH Textinput with WOH errorText?: string , value: string ,defaultValue?: string
ScrollViewWithScrollIndicator it is simple scrollview with indicator scrollViewProps: ScrollViewProps ,containerStyle?: ViewStyle[]
CardWithTextAndBottomButton Card with text and can apply button in bottom imageSource?: any , text: string , onPress: Function ,containerStyle?: ViewStyle
GeneralCarousel It is general carousel items: any, renderItem: Function , carouselContainerStyle?: ViewStyle[] , itemWidth: number , dotColor: string , dotColorFade: string , dotContainerStyle?: ViewStyle[] , dotStyle?: ViewStyle[] , onLayout?: () => void
ChallengeNotification Notification for sending challenge isVisible: boolean, setVisible:Function, notificationTitle : string, notificationBody : string
HeaderWithMiddleTitleLeftBackButtonRightAnyComponent Header with back button and component on right onPressBack?: Function , title?: string , rightComponent?: Function , titleColor?: string , backColor?: string , buttonColor?: string , containerStyle?: ViewStyle
ImageComponentWithGeneralHeightDefined Image with general height buttonSource: ImageSourcePropType , imageStyle?: ImageStyle , portionOfGeneralHeight?: number
SavingsButton Settings button or Savings button buttonContainerStyle: ViewStyle
SuccessRive For animated robot name:string
MasonryList Direct list of elements innerRef?: MutableRefObject<ScrollView
FAQPopup Popup of FAQ imgSrc: ImageSourcePropType , title: string , hideViedo?: boolean , subtitle: string
PopupWithNoBackButtonAndTwoBottomButton Popup with no back button isVisible: boolean , setPopup: Function , statusBarTranslucent: boolean , heading: string , secondaryButtonText: string , primaryButtonText: string , subHeading?: string , onPressSecondaryButton?: Function , onPressPrimaryButton: Function , centerImage?: ImageSourcePropType , containerStyle: ViewStyle
PopupWithBackButtonAndHeader Popup with back button handler isVisible: boolean ,setPopup: Function , children: React.ReactChild , statusBarTranslucent: boolean , title: string , headerNotNeeded?: boolean
PopupWithHeaderBackLineAndBottomTwoButton Popup with header back line and bottom two button isVisible: boolean , setPopup: Function , statusBarTranslucent: boolean , title: string , leftButtonText: string , subTitle?: string , rightButtonText: string , onPressLeftButton: Function , onPressRightButton: Function , removeHeaderLine?: boolean , removeButtonLine?: boolean , headerNotNeeded?: boolean , containerStyle: ViewStyle , childrenStyle: ViewStyle
PopupWithNobackButtonAndSingleBottomButton Popup with no back button and single bottom button ,isVisible: boolean , setPopup: Function , children?: React.ReactChild , statusBarTranslucent: boolean , title: string , subTitle?: string , buttonText: string , containerStyle?: ViewStyle
PopupWithSingleButton Popup with single button isVisible: boolean , setPopup: Function , children: React.ReactChild , statusBarTranslucent: boolean , title: string , buttonText: string , containerStyle?: ViewStyle , onPressButton: Function , buttonStyle: ViewStyle[]
RoboPopup It is popup for robo isVisible: boolean , setPopup: Function , children?: React.ReactChild , statusBarTranslucent: boolean , title: string , subTitle?: string , buttonText: string , containerStyle?: ViewStyle
SuccessBottomNew It is an success bottom new popup isVisible: boolean , onDone: Function , image?: any , children?: any , color?: string , heading: string , subHeading: string , buttonText: string , childrenContainerStyle?: ViewStyle , textStyleHeading1?: TextStyle , textStyleHeading2?: TextStyle , imageBackgroundStyle?: ViewStyle , imageStyle?: ImageStyle , orderPlaced?: boolean , buttonColor?: string , body: stringt is an warning popup


import {GeneralText} from 'streak-library'

function App() {
  return (
  headingText={'Hello there'}

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  • garvitjain