TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.3.0 • Public • Published

Tabito (library)

Suppose you are making an app to help Japanese language learners, and you want users to learn a sentence like,


Specifically, suppose you want to show them the English translation, something like "In Kyoto, (I) took a lot of photos", and you want them to type in the above sentence, or something like it.

  • "たくさん" ("lots") can function as an adverb so you want to allow: きょうしゃしんをたくさんりました
  • Of course you want to allow the informal conjugation of りました, so: った
  • Oh, sometimes IME will convert たくさん to kanji: たくさん
  • And in fact you want to allow any combination of kanji and kana.
  • By the way, you'll want to treat hiragana and katakana as equivalent (again, IME).

In summary, your simple sentence is actually this directed acyclic graph (DAG):

Graph (with nodes and edges) of the words of a Japanese sentence with forks for kanji-vs-kana and synonymous alternatives

Tabito (tabito, "travel person") is a dependency-free public-domain JavaScript/TypeScript library that helps with this. It exports a few functions which are used to

  1. construct the graph above from a simpler editor-friendly representation (sentenceToGraph, see below),
  2. break up user input into walks along that graph (chunkInput, see below), and finally,
  3. a couple of small utilities that consumer applications might find useful.

Demo app To get a feeling for how the library works, play with the demo app at



Before we start, this is the shape of the data to represent your sentence (from interfaces.ts):

type Furigana = string | { ruby: string; rt: string };

interface Sentence {
  furigana: Furigana[];

  // tuple's first element must be in `furigana` (string or `ruby`) along element boundaries.
  // Entries of the 2nd (array) may be empty string
  synonyms?: [string, Furigana[]][];

The furigana array represents the raw text of the sentence, with optional readings (using the <ruby> and <rt> HTML tags for Ruby characters, which are easy to hand-write as well as obtain from dictionaries like JmdictFurigana; however it is expected that this array represents morphemes coming out of an NLP (natural language processing) system like MeCab or Kuromoji or Ichiran).

The synonyms array lets you encode all the different grammatical variability discussed above—

  • "たくさん" → たくさん
    • (of course we could have avoided needing this synonym by making the original sentence have the kanji and providing the furigana reading for it, but this just demonstrates the point)
  • "撮りました" → った
  • "たくさん写真を" → しゃしんをたくさん

Therefore, each element of the synonyms array must be a 2-tuple:

  1. the string must be found inside top-level sentence's furigana (considering raw strings or ruby strings) along element boundaries. In more words,
    1. => typeof f === 'string' ? f : f.ruby).join('').includes(synonym) must be true, and
    2. more specifically, the synonym text must start and end on the boundaries of the top-level sentence's furigana array.
  2. The second element of each synonym tuple is another array of furigana (strings or ruby/rt objects).

In demo.ts you can see the exact form of this:

  synonyms: [
        { ruby: "沢", rt: "たく" },
        { ruby: "山", rt: "さん" },
    ["撮りました", [{ ruby: "撮", rt: "と" }, "っ", "た"]],
        { ruby: "写", rt: "しゃ" },
        { ruby: "真", rt: "しん" },

function sentenceToGraph(sentence: Sentence): Graph

Given an object in the shape of Sentence above, sentenceToGraph simply converts it to a graph object. This graph object is a plain old JavaScript object (POJO) but its exact contents are an implementation detail so they may change in future version.

function chunkInput(input: string, graph: Graph): Chunk[]

Finally, this function takes

  1. a string (raw input from a user) and
  2. a graph object (output by sentenceToGraph)

and outputs its best guess at what nodes of the graph the text represents. It performs hiragana/katakana normalization, considers all synonyms, and looks at both kanji and furigana (the rt field) to find the longest walks through the graph present in the input.

The returned array has elements shaped like this:

export interface Chunk {
  text: string;
  status: "unknown" | "ok";
  start: boolean;
  full: boolean;

and each Chunk is guaranteed to contain consecutive substrings of the original input—that is, => c.text).join('') === input is guaranteed to be true.

Therefore, the status field of each Chunk tells you whether this chunk's text is somewhere in the graph (ok) or not (unknown).

A given chunk's text will be the longest walk in the graph that can possibly be constructed. As two useful bonuses:

  • the start flag indicates whether this Chunk started at the ancestor node of the graph, while
  • the full flag indicates whether this chunk represents input which walks the graph from an ancestor node to a leaf node, i.e., if it's a full sentence—quiz apps may use this to know when the student has finished typing.

Consider the following examples to illustrate the above points:

console.log(chunkInput("京都で撮った", graph));
  { text: '京都で', status: 'ok', start: true },
  { text: '撮った', status: 'ok', start: false }

console.log(chunkInput("撮った、京都で", graph));
  { text: '撮った', status: 'ok', start: false },
  { text: '、', status: 'unknown', start: false },
  { text: '京都で', status: 'ok', start: true }

console.log(chunkInput("京都でしゃしん撮った", graph));
  { text: '京都でしゃしん', status: 'ok', start: true },
  { text: '撮った', status: 'ok', start: false }

function addSynonym(original: Sentence, syn: Furigana[]): Sentence

It can be error-prone to hand-construct an entry for the synonyms array described above under Sentence. Instead, you might want to simply type an entire equivalent sentence and have the library figure out the entry in synonyms. This utility function does this.

Given an existing Sentence object (with its array of Furigana, i.e., strings or ruby/rt pairs) and a synonymous sentence also broken up into an array of Furigana, this function carefully chips away at the start and endings of both original and synonymous sentence till it finds the bit that's differnt, and then appends a new entry to the input Sentence object.

This function is pure, i.e., it doesn't modify the original input Sentence but returns a copy (though, if it didn't find any differences or if the difference was already in the synonyms array, it'll return the original input).

function enumerateAcceptable(sentence: Sentence): Furigana[][]

The second utility function generates a list of acceptable sentences, intended for human consumption—an app might use the output to show users what sentences it'll accept. Because it's intended for humans, the returned list doesn't reflect hiragana/katanana equivalence or kanji-versus-reading.

function validateSynonyms(sentence: Sentence): boolean

This is a small third utility function that can be used to verify that the synonyms in the input are valid, i.e., they lie on furigana boundaries.

Install and usage

npm install tabito-lib

ESM (i.e., EcmaScript modules, for TypeScript, Node.js, and browser imports)

import { sentenceToGraph, chunkInput } from "tabito-lib";

CommonJS (Node require)

const { sentenceToGraph, chunkInput } = require("tabito-lib");

IIFE (<script> tag in browsers)

Grab tabito.min.js and, put them somewhere your HTML can see, then the usual <script src="path/to/tabito.min.js">. Other scripts in your page can find the exported functions under tabito.


To develop this repo, make sure you have Git and Node.js (any recent version). Then, in the command line (Terminal app in macOS, Command Prompt in Windows, xterm in Linux, etc.),

  1. check out this repo: git clone
  2. enter the directory: cd tabito-lib
  3. install a few dev dependencies: npx pnpm install (npx comes with Node.js)
    1. Of course plain npm will also work: npm install
  4. run tests: npm t (npm comes with Node.js too, this runs the script named "test" in package.json)
  5. run the demo: npm run demo (if you have Graphviz installed, (via Homebrew, Conda, etc.), i.e., if you have the dot command available, this will make a couple of pretty images)



Export validateSynonyms because this can be useful too, and isn't quite trivial to implement yourself.


Add new enumerateAcceptable function.


Remove the english and citation fields in our Sentence type since they're out-of-scope. Recommended! But out of scope of this library.


Basic working library.


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