
2.5.2 • Public • Published


A blazing fast dynamic route level groups/permissions api gateway.




Minimum New Setup

  1. Download the latest release or run git clone

  2. Inside the root Travelling folder run: npm install

  3. Set the TRAVELLING_DATABASE_URL environment variable which needs to be pointing to a new PostgreSQL database to start. Do this by creating a .env file inside the root Travelling folder. For example:

  4. Set the salts and secrets for the following:

    ## Cookie Session Settings
    ## Cookie Token Settings
    ## Postgres Crypto Settings

    These are example secrets and salts DO NOT USE THESE VALUES generate your own. You can use the included script via ./scripts/ to generate a 128 character random string to use for salts and secrets. See Security for more details on keeping Travelling secure.

See Configuration for all other configurable options.


It is recommended to follow this security tips to help keep Travelling as secure as possible.

  • Use HTTPS
  • Use a key and cert signed by a known third party ssl vender. (Make sure chrome supports them)
  • Don't use Cors unless you really have to.
  • Request logs are helpful for tracking down malicious requests
  • Run Travelling behind DDOS protection. For example Cloudflare.
  • Rotate cookie session/token secrets and salts often. (Once a month is a good recommendation)
  • Set username passwords and username's to OWSAP current recommendations.
  • Keep OAuth2 Code Tokens short lived for maximum security.
  • Use strong secret's and salts for Postgres encryption. KEEP THESE SAFE.
  • Email authentication helps prevent invalid users and makes it harder for bots to generate accounts.


Configuration is done through environment variables. All variables have a default values except for what is stated in Minimum New Setup



Travelling's serving port.

Default: 443


Travelling's serving IP.



The path to the SSL key that is used for https

Default: travelling/localhost.key


The path to the SSL cert that is used for https

Default: travelling/localhost.csr


Enables https serving.

Default: travelling/localhost.csr


Changes the service's urls and other functionality around it's name.

Default: travelling



If cloudflare sits infront of Travelling set this to true, so users have their real IP assigned to them.

Default: false


Recommended to keep this disabled due to security reasons. Only enable this if you really need it and know the risks.


Allows external services to make api calls to Travelling.

Default: false


_Full host path or wildstar _ host pathed subdomains to allow. This is returned back with all requests.*

Default: Rewrites the origin to whatever external host is making the call. This allows all external calls allowed and is not recommended. > Example: *


access-control-allow-methods header that is returned back with all requests.

Default: Rewrites it's self to the access-control-request-method header request or sets to * if there is no request. > Example: GET,DELETE


access-control-allow-credentials header that is returned back with all routes under /travelling/api/v1/auth/

Default: true


access-control-max-age header that is returned back with all CORS options request.

Default: 3600


For maximum performance it is recommended to disable TRAVELLING_LOG_FASTIFY_LOGGER_REQUEST and TRAVELLING_LOG_FASTIFY_LOGGER



Default: true


An absolute file path to a custom node.js logger. This must not be set for the settings TRAVELLING_LOG_LEVEL & TRAVELLING_LOG_COLORS to function. It also needs to support the same interface as Node's built in console logger.

Default: travelling/include/utils/logger.js


Enables console colors to be used with TRAVELLING_LOG_LOGGER.

Default: true


Sets the log level for TRAVELLING_LOG_LOGGER. The options are trace,debug,info,warn,error,fatal.

Default: info


Enables logging of every request of all requests with TRAVELLING_LOG_LOGGER.

Default: true


Enables logging of every unauthorized access requests made with TRAVELLING_LOG_LOGGER.

Default: true

Fastify Logger


Enables logging for fastify's built-in pino logger. This can be set to a true/false value or a absolute path of a javascript file to set pino's settings / implement a custom logger from the pino interface.

Default: false > Example: js file setting pino settings.

module.exports = {
  level: 'info'

Enables logging of every request and response in pino's format. Recommended not to have this and TRAVELLING_LOG_LOGGER enabled at once

Default: true


The name of the header that gets set by pino's correlation id system.

Default: travelling-req-id


The name of the property that gets set by pino's correlation id system.

Default: travellingReqID



Enables the portal which has the client for login/logout/register/forgotPassword/oauth2Code functionality. This should always be enabled.

Default: true


The route that travelling will serve the client at.

Default: /travelling/portal/


This is used once on the first startup of Travelling during group initialization. This sets the remote host of a custom client to be served under the TRAVELLING_PORTAL_HOST path.

Default: travelling/localhost.key


The absolute filepath to the root directory of the client files. Recommended not to be changed unless unless there is a need for a fully custom rewrite of Travelling's client pages.

Default: travelling/client/dist


The absolute filepath to the logo to be displayed on the client side.

Default: travelling/client/assets/logo.svg


The absolute filepath to the css file to be displayed on the client side.

Default: travelling/client/assets/styles.css


The absolute filepath to the faveicon to be displayed on the client side.

Default: travelling/client/assets/favicon.ico



How long in seconds the proxy should wait on a request to finish. 0 is Infinity

Default: 0


Allows Travelling to send permission/user/group based headers along with the proxy route

Default: false

Header Description
un User's Username.
uid User's Id.
gn User's Group's name that allowed the request.
gt User's Group's type that allowed the request.
perm Permission's name that allowed the request.



Enables redis to be used when multiple instances of travelling are running and being load balanced against.

Default: false Uses in memory store which could be problematic depending on how many groups and routes there are.


The URL to a redis instance to be used by travelling as a data store.

Default: redis://


The URL to a redis instance to be used by travelling as a pub/sub event system.

Default: redis://


Travelling uses a dual cookie system. One is a persistent token cookie for longterm login and the other is a short lived session cookie made to put less load on the system and speed things up making it not need to decrypt the token cookie every request.


The session secret used to generate the session cookie with. This needs to stay a secret and should be changed ever so often for security reasons

Default: This needs to be set!


How long the session cookie will last for in seconds. Recommended to set it to the average number of seconds a user tends to use your service for.

Default: 300


The token secret used to generate the persistent token cookie with. This needs to stay a secret and should be changed ever so often for security reasons

Default: null This needs to be set!


The token salt used to generate the persistent token cookie with. This needs to stay a secret and should be changed ever so often for security reasons

Default: null This needs to be set!


How long the persistent token cookie will last for in days.

Default: 30


How long the persistent token cookie will last for in days.

Default: null


Enables cookie linked to remote ip's. Disabling this removes one more layer of protection against CRSF attacks, but might be needed depending on your Cors settings.

Default: true



This allows users that have same username/email to register and be isolated by the domain property. This is useful if you have multiple websites and you want to keep your users isolated from each other.

Default: false


The minimum amount of characters a username has to have.

Default: 4


Require users to have usernames

Default: true


Require users to have usernames

Default: Failed login attempts exceeded the limit. Contact your admin to get your account unlocked.



Disables user's passwords from having any consecutive characters.

Default: false


The minimum amount of characters a user's password has to have

Default: 8


The maximum amount of characters a user's password is allowed to have. Leaving this unset makes it unlimited



The minimum amount of special characters a user's password has to have.

Default: 30


The minimum amount of numbers characters a user's password has to have.

Default: 1


The minimum amount of lowercase characters a user's password has to have.

Default: 1


The minimum amount of uppercase characters a user's password has to have.

Default: 1


The maximum amount of failed login attempts until a user is locked.

Default: 10



How long a OAUTH2 Access token will last for in minutes.

Default: 1440


How long a OAUTH2 Code token will last for in minutes.

Default: 5


Enforces the user to click a authorize button to allow a client to login for the user.

Default: true



The Postgres connection url for Travelling to connect to.

Default: null


The Postgres user.

Default: null


The Postgres password.

Default: null


The Postgres port.

Default: null


The Postgres databases name.

Default: null


The Postgres host.

Default: null


The absolute path to the encryption interface that is used for Travelling's database encryption fields. If a custom implementation is wanted please check out travelling/include/utils/cryptointerface.js for methods needed to be functional.

Default: travelling/include/utils/cryptointerface.js


The secret used inside TRAVELLING_PG_CRYPTO_IMPLEMENTATION. This needs to stay a secret and should be changed ever so often for security reasons.

Default: null This needs to be set!


The salt used inside TRAVELLING_PG_CRYPTO_IMPLEMENTATION. This needs to stay a secret and should be changed ever so often for security reasons.

Default: null This needs to be set!


Enables the user_data field inside the user object to be encrypted. If sensitive data is stored in within that field it is recommended to enable this.

Default: false



Enable external email endpoint for email validation

Default: false


Full url for endpoint for email validation

Default: null


Appends the users email to the end of the supplied endpoint. EX:

Default: true


Sends the users email as text as a body to the supplied endpoint

Default: false


Supplied endpoint's HTTP Method to use

Default: GET


The email that will be used as the from address. Recommended to set it to a no-reply email address

Default: null


The number of seconds for the email recovery link to last for. Recommended to keep this somewhat short-lived for security reasons.

Default: 900


The number of seconds for the email activation link to last for.

Default: 86400


Enables the use of a test email service that will display the login credentials inside the log at start. This is used by our integration test. However, it is helpful to enable this if custom Templates are written. Only one type of email support should be used Test, SMTP or AWS.

Default: false


Enables the use of a SMTP email service. Only one type of email support should be used Test, SMTP or AWS.

Default: false


The host of the SMTP service.



The port of the SMTP service.

Default: 465


Enables TLS for SMTP.

Default: true


Username for SMTP service.

Default: null


Password for SMTP service.

Default: null


Enables rejection of TLS certs that are self served or invalid. Recommended to keep it enabled for security reasons.

Default: true


Enables the use of the AWS SES email service. Only one type of email support should be used Test, SMTP or AWS.

Default: false


The absolute path to the AWS json credentials config to use for accessing the SES service. See AWS's configuration documentation on the format of this file.

Default: null // This needs to be set to use AWS SES email service.


Templates all use html/handlebars. Check out the example default templates inside the travelling/templates/ folder for examples.

Reset Template Variables:

Variable Description
{{user}} This is the user object for the reset email. Use dot notation to access any of its properties for example: {{user.username}}.
{{config}} This is the config object for Travelling. Use dot notation to access any of its properties for example {{config.port}}.
{{token}} The reset token that Travelling needs to reset the password. Recommended to just copy and paste the full a href from the TRAVELLING_EMAIL_RESET_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE_BODY.
{{ip}} This is the IP object from the user requesting the reset password. The following properties are valid. query,city, regionName, country.

Activation Template Variables:

Variable Description
{{user}} This is the user object for the activation email. Use dot notation to access any of its properties for example: {{user.username}}.
{{config}} This is the config object for Travelling. Use dot notation to access any of its properties for example {{config.port}}.
{{token}} The reset token that Travelling needs to activate the user's account. Recommended to just copy and paste the full a href from the TRAVELLING_EMAIL_ACTIVATION_TEMPLATE_BODY.

The absolute path to the email reset password template body. This is used as the body inside all reset password emails.

Default: travelling/templates/email-reset-password-body.html


The absolute path to the email reset password template subject. This is used as the subject line inside all reset password emails.

Default: templates/email-reset-password-subject.html


The absolute path to the email activation template body. This is used as the body inside all activation emails.

Default: templates/email-activation-body.html


The absolute path to the email activation template subject.This is used as the subject line inside all activation emails.

Default: templates/email-activation-subject.html



Enables the requirement of each newly registered user to activate their account through the email link.

Default: false


Enables the requirement of each newly registered user to have a active user with permissions to unlock their account for them.

Default: false





Both requests are disabled. Dont use.


Auth endpoints



SDK(host, opts)

SDK - importing the SDK for use


Kind: global class


healthCheck - server's health check

Path: health

Kind: static method of Travelling

Param Type Description
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


metrics - servers metrics

Path: metrics

Kind: static method of Travelling

Param Type Description
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class

Config.getProperty(property, authorization_bearer)

getProperty - Gets a property from travellings config.

Path: api/v1/config/:property

Kind: static method of Config

Param Type Description
property any (example: password)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class


export - Exports all groups in the proper format to be imported.

Path: api/v1/groups/export

Kind: static method of Groups

Param Type Description
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Groups.import(body, authorization_bearer)

import - Imports all groups from the exported format.

Path: api/v1/groups/import

Kind: static method of Groups

Param Type Description
body Object
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


    "group": {
        "anonymous": {
            "type": "group",
            "allowed": [
                    "route": "/travelling/portal/*",
                    "host": null,
                    "name": "*-travelling-portal-*"
                    "route": "/travelling/api/v1/auth/*",
                    "host": null,
                    "name": "*-travelling-api-v1-auth-*"
                    "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed",
                    "host": null,
                    "method": "GET",
                    "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-route-allowed"
                    "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*",
                    "host": null,
                    "method": "GET",
                    "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-permission-allowed-*"
                    "route": "/travelling/assets/*",
                    "host": null,
                    "removeFromPath": "/travelling/assets/",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "name": "get-travelling-assets-*"
                    "route": "/travelling/api/v1/config/password",
                    "host": null,
                    "method": "GET",
                    "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-config-password"
                    "route": "/favicon.ico",
                    "host": null,
                    "method": "GET",
                    "name": "get-favicon.ico"
            "inherited": null,
            "is_default": false
        "group3": {
            "type": "group",
            "allowed": null,
            "inherited": [
            "is_default": false
        "superadmin": {
            "type": "group",
            "allowed": [
                    "host": null,
                    "route": "/travelling/*",
                    "name": "*-travelling-*"
                    "name": "test-one-*-three"
            "inherited": [
            "is_default": false
        "group4": {
            "type": "group",
            "allowed": null,
            "inherited": [],
            "is_default": false
        "group2": {
            "type": "group",
            "allowed": [
                    "route": "/test/get",
                    "host": "",
                    "removeFromPath": "/test/get",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "name": "get-test-get"
                    "route": "/test/post",
                    "host": "",
                    "removeFromPath": "/test/post",
                    "method": "POST",
                    "name": "post-test-post"
            "inherited": [
            "is_default": false
        "group5": {
            "type": "group",
            "allowed": [
                    "route": "/test/delete/:grouptype",
                    "host": "",
                    "removeFromPath": "/test/delete",
                    "method": "DELETE",
                    "name": "delete-test-delete-:grouptype"
            "inherited": [
            "is_default": true
        "group1": {
            "type": "group",
            "allowed": null,
            "inherited": null,
            "is_default": false
    "testgroup": {
        "group1": {
            "type": "testgroup",
            "allowed": null,
            "inherited": [
            "is_default": false
        "superadmin": {
            "type": "testgroup",
            "allowed": null,
            "inherited": null,
            "is_default": false


get - Get all the groups

Path: api/v1/groups

Kind: static method of Groups

Param Type Description
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class

GroupsType.all(type, authorization_bearer)

all - Gets all groups of a particular type

Path: api/v1/groups/type/:type

Kind: static method of GroupsType

Param Type Description
type any The type of the group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


getTypesList - Gets all the types of groups currently made.

Path: api/v1/groups/types

Kind: static method of GroupsType

Param Type Description
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class

Group.addPermission(id, permission, authorization_bearer)

addPermission - Adds a permission to a group.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/insert/permission/:permission

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: anonymous)
permission any Permission (example: test-one-two-*)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.deletePermission(id, permission, authorization_bearer)

deletePermission - Removes a permission/route from a group.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/permission/:permission

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: anonymous)
permission any Name or Route (example: test-one-two-*)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.addRoute(body, id, authorization_bearer)

addRoute - Adds a route to a group.

    "route": "test/permissions/*", // optional
    "host": null, // optional, defaults to travelling host
    "method": "*", // optional, defaults to '*'
    "remove_from_path": 'test/', // optional 
    "name": "test-permissions-*"  // Required and needs to be unqiue, defaults to method + route seperated by '-' instead of `/`

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/insert/route

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
body Object
id any
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"route": "test/permissions/*",
    "host": null, 
    "method": "*", 
    "name": "test-permissions-*"  

Group.removeInheritance(id, inherited, grouptype, authorization_bearer)

removeInheritance - Removes an inheritance from a group.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/remove/inheritance/:inherited/type/:grouptype

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: test1234)
inherited any Name of the group to inherit from (example: group4)
grouptype any The type of the inherited group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.inheritFrom(id, inherited, grouptype, authorization_bearer)

inheritFrom - Adds an inheritance to a group.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/inherit/from/:inherited/type/:grouptype

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: test1234)
inherited any Name of the group to inherit from (example: group4)
grouptype any The type of the inherited group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.setDefault(id, authorization_bearer)

setDefault - Sets the group to be the default group for new users.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/set/default

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any id or name (example: group6)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.delete(id, authorization_bearer)

delete - delete group by its id or name

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any id or name
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.edit(body, id, authorization_bearer)

edit - Edits a group

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
body Object
id any (example: ab31efc8-40a5-4d38-a347-adb4e38d0075)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


    "allowed": [
            "route": "/travelling/portal/*",
            "host": null,
            "remove_from_path": "/travelling/portal",
            "method": "*",
            "name": "*-travelling-portal-*"
            "route": "/travelling/api/v1/auth/*",
            "host": null,
            "method": "*",
            "name": "*-travelling-api-v1-auth-*"
            "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed",
            "host": null,
            "method": "GET",
            "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-route-allowed"
            "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*",
            "host": null,
            "method": "GET",
            "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-permission-allowed-*"
            "route": "/travelling/assets/*",
            "host": null,
            "remove_from_path": "/travelling/assets/",
            "method": "*",
            "name": "*-travelling-assets-*"
            "route": "travelling/api/v1/config/password",
            "host": null,
            "method": "get"

Group.get(id, authorization_bearer)

get - Get a group by it's id or name.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any id or name (example: group1)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.createByName(id, authorization_bearer)

createByName - Add a new blank group with the set name.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
id any Name of the new group (example: test123)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Group.create(body, authorization_bearer)

create - Add a new group

Path: api/v1/group

Kind: static method of Group

Param Type Description
body Object
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


    "name": "group1",
    "type": "accounts",
    "allowed": [
            "route": "/test",
            "host": "",
            "remove_from_path": "test",
            "method": "*",
            "name": "all-test"
    "is_default": false


Kind: global class


inherited - Gets all the users that belong to the group and all of its inherited groups.

Optional Query Params
Param Description
id optional (example: 26c6aeff-ab95-4bdd-8260-534cf92d1c23)
username optional (example: user7)
locked optional (example: true)
locked_reason optional (example: Activation Required email your admin to get your account activated)
group_request optional (example: superadmin)
failed_login_attempts optional (example: 0)
change_username optional (example: false)
change_password optional (example: false)
reset_password optional (example: false)
email_verify optional (example: false)
group_id optional (example: 7320292c-627e-4e5a-b059-583eabdd6264)
email optional (example:
created_on optional (example: 1568419646794)
last_login optional (example: null)

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/users/inherited

Kind: static method of GroupUsers

Param Type Description
id any id or name (example: superadmin)


get - Gets all the users that belong to the group.

Optional Query Params
Param Description
id optional (example: 26c6aeff-ab95-4bdd-8260-534cf92d1c23)
username optional (example: user7)
locked optional (example: true)
locked_reason optional (example: Activation Required email your admin to get your account activated)
group_request optional (example: superadmin)
failed_login_attempts optional (example: 0)
change_username optional (example: false)
change_password optional (example: false)
reset_password optional (example: false)
email_verify optional (example: false)
group_id optional (example: 7320292c-627e-4e5a-b059-583eabdd6264)
email optional (example:
created_on optional (example: 1568419646794)
last_login optional (example: null)

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/users

Kind: static method of GroupUsers

Param Type Description
id any id or name (example: superadmin)


Kind: global class

GroupUser.delete(group, type, id, authorization_bearer)

delete - Delete a user by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
group any id or name of the group
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user7)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupUser.removeGroupInheritance(group, type, id, inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

removeGroupInheritance - Remove a user to a group of a particular type of group.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
group any id or name of the group (example: group1)
type any type of group (example: group)
id any id or name of the user (example: user5)
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupUser.addGroupInheritance(group, type, id, inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

addGroupInheritance - Add a group for the current user from a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
group any id or name of the group (example: group1)
type any type of group (example: group)
id any id or name of the user (example: user5)
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupUser.editPropertyValue(group, type, id, property, value, authorization_bearer)

editPropertyValue - Edit a current user's property data as a path param from a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id/property/:property/:value

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
group any id or name of the group
type any The type of the group (example: group)
id any id or name (example: user5)
property any (example: email)
value any (example:
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupUser.editProperty(body, group, type, id, property, authorization_bearer)

editProperty - Edit a user's property by it's id or username from a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id/property/:property

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
body Object
group any id or name of the group
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
property any (example: email)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"locked": false

GroupUser.edit(body, group, type, id, authorization_bearer)

edit - Edit a user by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
body Object
group any id or name of the group
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"locked": false

GroupUser.getProperty(group, type, id, property, authorization_bearer)

getProperty - Get a user's property by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id/property/:property

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
group any id or name of the group
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
property any (example: email)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupUser.get(group, type, id, authorization_bearer)

get - Get a user by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:group/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupUser

Param Type Description
group any id or name of the group
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class

GroupType.deletePermission(id, type, permission, authorization_bearer)

deletePermission - Removes a permission/route from a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/permission/:permission

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: anonymous)
type any Type of the group (example: group)
permission any Name or Route (example: test-one-three-*)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupType.addPermission(id, type, permission, authorization_bearer)

addPermission - Adds a permission to a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/insert/permission/:permission

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: anonymous)
type any Type of the group (example: group)
permission any Permission (example: test-one-three-*)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupType.addRoute(body, id, type, authorization_bearer)

addRoute - Adds a route to a group of a particular type.

    "route": "test/permissions/*", // optional
    "host": null, // optional, defaults to travelling host
    "method": "*", // optional, defaults to '*'
    "remove_from_path": 'test/', // optional 
    "name": "test-permissions-*"  // Required and needs to be unqiue, defaults to method + route seperated by '-' instead of `/`

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/insert/route

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
body Object
id any Name of the group
type any
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"route": "test/permissions/*",
    "host": null, 
    "method": "*", 
    "name": "test-permissions-*"  

GroupType.removeInheritance(id, type, inherited, grouptype, authorization_bearer)

removeInheritance - Removes an inheritance from a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/remove/inheritance/:inherited/type/:grouptype

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: test1234)
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
inherited any Name of the group to inherit from (example: superadmin)
grouptype any The type of the inherited group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupType.inheritFrom(id, type, inherited, grouptype, authorization_bearer)

inheritFrom - Adds an inheritance to a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/inherit/from/:inherited/type/:grouptype

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any Name of the group (example: group1)
type any The type of the group (example: testgroup)
inherited any Name of the group to inherit from (example: test123)
grouptype any The type of the inherited group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupType.setDefault(id, type)

setDefault - Sets the group of a particular type to be the default group for new users.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/set/default

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any id or name (example: group1)
type any The type of the group (example: account)

GroupType.delete(id, type, authorization_bearer)

delete - delete group of a particular type by its name or id

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any id or name
type any The type of the group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupType.get(id, type, authorization_bearer)

get - Get a group by it's id or name of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any id or name (example: group1)
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupType.edit(body, id, type, authorization_bearer)

edit - Edits a group of a particular type

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
body Object
id any id or name
type any The type of the group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.



GroupType.createByName(id, type, authorization_bearer)

createByName - Add a new blank group with the set name and type

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
id any Name of the new group (example: test1234)
type any Type of the new group (example: accounts)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupType.create(body, type, authorization_bearer)

create - Add a new group of a particular type

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type

Kind: static method of GroupType

Param Type Description
body Object
type any The type of the group
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


    "name": "group1",
    "type": "accounts",
    "allowed": [
            "route": "/test",
            "host": "",
            "remove_from_path": "test",
            "method": "*",
            "name": "all-test"
    "is_default": false


Both requests are disabled. Dont use.

Kind: global class

GroupTypeUsers.get(id, type)

get - Gets all the users that belong to the group of a particular type by its name or id.

Optional Query Params
Param Description
id optional (example: 26c6aeff-ab95-4bdd-8260-534cf92d1c23)
username optional (example: user7)
locked optional (example: true)
locked_reason optional (example: Activation Required email your admin to get your account activated)
group_request optional (example: superadmin)
failed_login_attempts optional (example: 0)
change_username optional (example: false)
change_password optional (example: false)
reset_password optional (example: false)
email_verify optional (example: false)
group_id optional (example: 7320292c-627e-4e5a-b059-583eabdd6264)
email optional (example:
created_on optional (example: 1568419646794)
last_login optional (example: null)

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/users

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUsers

Param Type
id any
type any

GroupTypeUsers.inherited(id, type)

inherited - Gets all the users that belong to the group of a particular type by its name or id and all of its inherited groups.

Optional Query Params
Param Description
id optional (example: 26c6aeff-ab95-4bdd-8260-534cf92d1c23)
username optional (example: user7)
locked optional (example: true)
locked_reason optional (example: Activation Required email your admin to get your account activated)
group_request optional (example: superadmin)
failed_login_attempts optional (example: 0)
change_username optional (example: false)
change_password optional (example: false)
reset_password optional (example: false)
email_verify optional (example: false)
group_id optional (example: 7320292c-627e-4e5a-b059-583eabdd6264)
email optional (example:
created_on optional (example: 1568419646794)
last_login optional (example: null)

Path: api/v1/group/id/:id/type/:type/users/inherited

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUsers

Param Type Description
id any (example: group4)
type any The type of the group (example: groups)


Kind: global class

GroupTypeUser.delete(type, id, authorization_bearer)

delete - Delete a user by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user7)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupTypeUser.removeGroupInheritance(type, id, inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

removeGroupInheritance - Remove a user to a group of a particular type of group.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
type any type of group (example: group)
id any id or name of the user (example: user5)
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupTypeUser.addGroupInheritance(type, id, inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

addGroupInheritance - Add a user to a group of a particular type of group.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
type any type of group (example: group)
id any id or name of the user (example: user5)
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupTypeUser.editPropertyValue(type, id, property, value, authorization_bearer)

editPropertyValue - Edit a current user's property data as a path param from a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id/property/:property/:value

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
type any The type of the group (example: group)
id any id or name (example: user5)
property any (example: email)
value any (example:
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupTypeUser.editProperty(body, type, id, property, authorization_bearer)

editProperty - Edit a user's property by it's id or username from a group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id/property/:property

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
body Object
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
property any (example: email)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"locked": false

GroupTypeUser.edit(body, type, id, authorization_bearer)

edit - Edit a user by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
body Object
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"locked": false

GroupTypeUser.getProperty(type, id, property, authorization_bearer)

getProperty - Get a user's property by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id/property/:property

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
property any (example: email)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupTypeUser.get(type, id, authorization_bearer)

get - Get a user by it's id or username from group of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupTypeUser

Param Type Description
type any The type of the group (example: accounts)
id any id or name (example: user6)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class


Kind: global class

GroupRequestUser.delete(body, type, id, authorization_bearer)

delete - Delete a user by it's id or username from the user's group_request of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/request/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupRequestUser

Param Type Description
body Object
type any (example: testgroup)
id any (example: user69)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"locked": false

GroupRequestUser.addGroupInheritance(type, id, inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

addGroupInheritance - Add a user to a group from the user's group_request of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/request/type/:type/user/:id/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of GroupRequestUser

Param Type Description
type any type of group (example: group)
id any id or name of the user (example: user5)
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

GroupRequestUser.editProperty(body, type, id, property, authorization_bearer)

editProperty - Edit a user's property by it's id or username from the user's group_request of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/request/type/:type/user/:id/property/:property

Kind: static method of GroupRequestUser

Param Type Description
body Object
type any (example: accounts)
id any (example: user6)
property any (example: email)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.



GroupRequestUser.edit(body, type, id, authorization_bearer)

edit - Edit a user by it's id or username from the user's group_request of a particular type.

Path: api/v1/group/request/type/:type/user/:id

Kind: static method of GroupRequestUser

Param Type Description
body Object
type any (example: accounts)
id any (example: user6)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"locked": false


Kind: global class

Users.byGroupRequest(group_request, authorization_bearer)

byGroupRequest - Gets all the users that have the specified group request

Optional Query Params
Param Description
id optional (example: 26c6aeff-ab95-4bdd-8260-534cf92d1c23)
username optional (example: user7)
locked optional (example: true)
locked_reason optional (example: Activation Required email your admin to get your account activated)
group_request optional (example: superadmin)
failed_login_attempts optional (example: 0)
change_username optional (example: false)
change_password optional (example: false)
reset_password optional (example: false)
email_verify optional (example: false)
group_id optional (example: 7320292c-627e-4e5a-b059-583eabdd6264)
email optional (example:
created_on optional (example: 1568419646794)
last_login optional (example: null)

Path: api/v1/users/group/request/:group_request

Kind: static method of Users

Param Type Description
group_request any name of the group (example: superadmin)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

Users.get(sort, limit, filter, sortdir, authorization_bearer)

get - Gets all the users

Optional Query Params
Param Description
id optional (example: 26c6aeff-ab95-4bdd-8260-534cf92d1c23)
username optional (example: user7)
locked optional (example: true)
locked_reason optional (example: Activation Required email your admin to get your account activated)
group_request optional (example: superadmin)
failed_login_attempts optional (example: 0)
change_username optional (example: false)
change_password optional (example: false)
reset_password optional (example: false)
email_verify optional (example: false)
group_id optional (example: 7320292c-627e-4e5a-b059-583eabdd6264)
email optional (example:
created_on optional (example: 1568419646794)
last_login optional (example: null)

Path: api/v1/users

Kind: static method of Users

Param Type Description
sort any (example: created_on)
limit any (example: 200)
filter any (example: locked=false)
sortdir any (example: ASC)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class

UsersDomain.get(domain, sort, limit, filter, sortdir, authorization_bearer)

get - Gets all the users

Optional Query Params
Param Description
id optional (example: 26c6aeff-ab95-4bdd-8260-534cf92d1c23)
username optional (example: user7)
locked optional (example: true)
locked_reason optional (example: Activation Required email your admin to get your account activated)
group_request optional (example: superadmin)
failed_login_attempts optional (example: 0)
change_username optional (example: false)
change_password optional (example: false)
reset_password optional (example: false)
email_verify optional (example: false)
group_id optional (example: 7320292c-627e-4e5a-b059-583eabdd6264)
email optional (example:
created_on optional (example: 1568419646794)
last_login optional (example: null)

Path: api/v1/users/domain/:domain

Kind: static method of UsersDomain

Param Type Description
domain any (example:
sort any (example: created_on)
limit any (example: 200)
filter any (example: locked=false)
sortdir any (example: ASC)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class

User.delete(id, authorization_bearer)

delete - Delete a user by it's Id.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
id any Id or Username (example: 39A2BC37-61AE-434C-B245-A731A27CF8DA)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

User.removeGroupInheritance(id, inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

removeGroupInheritance - Remove a user from a group.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
id any id or name of the user (example: user5)
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

User.addGroupInheritance(id, inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

addGroupInheritance - Add a user to a group.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
id any id or name of the user (example: user5)
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

User.editPropertyValue(id, property, value, authorization_bearer)

editPropertyValue - Edit a current user's property data as a path param.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id/property/:property/:value

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
id any Id or Username
property any (example: group_id)
value any (example: 595d3f9a-5383-4da9-a465-b975d8a5e28e)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

User.editProperty(body, id, property, authorization_bearer)

editProperty - Edit a user's property by id.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id/property/:property

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
body Object
id any Id or Username (example: 39A2BC37-61AE-434C-B245-A731A27CF8DA)
property any
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.



User.edit(body, id, authorization_bearer)

edit - Edit a user's by id.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
body Object
id any Id or Username (example: 39A2BC37-61AE-434C-B245-A731A27CF8DA)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"username" : "user6",
	"password" : "Awickednewawesomepasword4242!@"

User.getProperty(id, property, authorization_bearer)

getProperty - Get a user's property by it's id.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id/property/:property

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
id any Id or Username (example: 39A2BC37-61AE-434C-B245-A731A27CF8DA)
property any
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

User.get(id, authorization_bearer)

get - Get a user by it's id.

Path: api/v1/user/id/:id

Kind: static method of User

Param Type Description
id any (example: 39A2BC37-61AE-434C-B245-A731A27CF8DA)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Kind: global class

UserCurrent.registerToken(body, authorization_bearer)

registerToken - Registers a new credentials service for client_credentials based access token auth.

Path: api/v1/user/me/token

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
body Object
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"name": "conversate"

UserCurrent.removeGroupInheritance(inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

removeGroupInheritance - Remove a user from a group.

Path: api/v1/user/me/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

UserCurrent.addGroupInheritance(inheritgroupid, inheritgrouptype, authorization_bearer)

addGroupInheritance - Add a user to a group.

Path: api/v1/user/me/inheritance/group/:inheritgroupid/type/:inheritgrouptype

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
inheritgroupid any id or name of the group to inherit (example: group2)
inheritgrouptype any type of the group to inherit (example: group)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

UserCurrent.editPropertyValue(property, value, authorization_bearer)

editPropertyValue - Edit a current user's property data as a path param.

Path: api/v1/user/me/property/:property/:value

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
property any (example: group_id)
value any (example: 595d3f9a-5383-4da9-a465-b975d8a5e28e)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

UserCurrent.editProperty(body, property, authorization_bearer)

editProperty - Edit a current user's property data.

Path: api/v1/user/me/property/:property

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
body Object
property any (example: user_data)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


	"test": 123

UserCurrent.deleteToken(id, authorization_bearer)

deleteToken - Deletes a client_credentials based access token auth.

Path: api/v1/user/me/token/:id

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
id any id or name of the token
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

UserCurrent.edit(body, authorization_bearer)

edit - Updates the current logged in user.

Path: api/v1/user/me

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
body Object
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


    "username": "user6",
    "password": "Awickednewawesomepasword4242!@"

UserCurrent.getProperty(property, authorization_bearer)

getProperty - Gets the currently logged in user's single property

Path: api/v1/user/me/property/:property

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
property any (example: username)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

UserCurrent.routeCheck(method, route, authorization_bearer)

routeCheck - Checks if current logged in user can access the route with method.

Path: api/v1/user/me/route/allowed

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
method any (example: get)
route any (example: /travelling/api/v1/group/request/type/anonymous/user/)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.

UserCurrent.permissionCheck(permission, authorization_bearer)

permissionCheck - Checks to see if the current user can access content based on permission.

Path: api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/:permission

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
permission any name of the route/permission (example: get-travelling)
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


get - Gets the currently logged in user

Path: api/v1/user/me

Kind: static method of UserCurrent

Param Type Description
authorization_bearer string The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.


Auth endpoints

Kind: global class


accessToken - Oauth2 client_credentials access token flow. Body must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded and must contain the grant_type. client_id & client_secret will be sent in a Basic Authorization header as base64(client_id:client_secret)

Path: api/v1/auth/token

Kind: static method of Auth

Auth.authorize(client_id, response_type, state, redirect_uri, group_request)

authorize - Authorization Code Grant

Path: api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize

Kind: static method of Auth

Param Type
client_id any
response_type any
state any
redirect_uri any
group_request any


activate - Activates and unlocks user

Path: api/v1/auth/activate

Kind: static method of Auth

Param Type Description
token any (example: activation_token)

Auth.resetPasswordAutoLogin(body, token)

resetPasswordAutoLogin - Resets the password if the recovery token is valid of the user, then authenticates the user and returns cookies.

Path: api/v1/auth/password/reset/login

Kind: static method of Auth

Param Type Description
body Object
token any (example: [thegeneratedtoken])



Auth.resetPassword(body, token)

resetPassword - Resets the password if the recovery token is valid of the user.

Path: api/v1/auth/password/reset

Kind: static method of Auth

Param Type Description
body Object
token any (example: [thegeneratedtoken])




forgotPassword - Generates a recovery token and sends a email to the attached user (if they exist)

Path: api/v1/auth/password/forgot

Kind: static method of Auth

Param Type
body Object


	"email": ""


logout -

Path: api/v1/auth/logout

Kind: static method of Auth


login - Register a user

Path: api/v1/auth/login

Kind: static method of Auth

Param Type
body Object


	"username": "test",
	"password": "Pas5w0r!d",
    "domain": "default"


register - Register a user

group_request is optional.

Path: api/v1/auth/register

Kind: static method of Auth

Param Type
body Object


	"email": "",
    "domain": "default"


Kind: global class


forgotPassword - Generates a recovery token and returns the token to the attached user (if they exist) instead of sending an email. CAUTION SECURITY RISK: Would not expose this URL publicly or have it be allowed by anyone who is not a superadmin type level*

Path: api/v1/auth/password/forgot

Kind: static method of AuthToken

Param Type
body Object


	"email": ""


Kind: global class

AuthDomain.forgotPassword(body, domain)

forgotPassword - Generates a recovery token and sends a email to the attached user (if they exist)

Path: api/v1/auth/password/forgot/domain/:domain

Kind: static method of AuthDomain

Param Type Description
body Object
domain any (example:


	"email": ""

AuthDomain.login(body, domain)

login - Register a user

Path: api/v1/auth/login/domain/:domain

Kind: static method of AuthDomain

Param Type Description
body Object
domain any (example:


	"username": "test",
	"password": "Pas5w0r!d",
    "domain": "default"

AuthDomain.register(body, domain)

register - Register a user

group_request is optional.

Path: api/v1/auth/register/domain/:domain

Kind: static method of AuthDomain

Param Type Description
body Object
domain any (example:


	"email": ""


Kind: global class


forgotPassword - Generates a recovery token and returns the token to the attached user (if they exist) instead of sending an email. CAUTION SECURITY RISK: Would not expose this URL publicly or have it be allowed by anyone who is not a superadmin type level*

Path: api/v1/auth/password/forgot

Kind: static method of AuthDomainToken

Param Type
body Object


	"email": ""

SDK(host, opts)

SDK - importing the SDK for use

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
host string the hostname to the service (example:
opts object options that will be appened to every request. Fasquest Lib Options (example: {headers: {'API-KEY':'34098hodf'}})


const { Travelling } = require('./sdk.js')('');



  • Updated to ignore /health and /metrics logs outs e530288
  • Updated SDK d52feec
  • Update Travelling.postman_collection.json 1435319


3 May 2021


3 May 2021

  • Update Travelling.postman_collection.json 40e95d2
  • Started work on add traces throughout code dfe93dd


13 April 2021

  • Added fix for when there is no default group it defaults to anonymous bd1abda


7 April 2021

  • Fixed some bugs, removed /metrics and /health from logs 7b98a92


7 April 2021

  • added more unique req headers coming from travelling. a77da6e


31 March 2021

  • Fixed a bug for cookie session expiration length ae6dd7c


31 March 2021


31 March 2021

  • Update SDK and added Resetpassword with autologin endpoint and forgot password token endpoints. 9cb2d8e


19 March 2021

  • Added options to handle using external email validation service and updated docs b3279da


19 March 2021

  • Added a bunch of user related data to schemas, preparing for webauthn support, clean ups and some fixes c595104


2 March 2021

  • possible cloudflare headers fix 3aaeab2


2 March 2021

  • Fixed bug of proxying urls that start with the serviceName and have a host c6b70b4


2 March 2021


25 February 2021

  • Added REST email provider as an option, option to change locked message, users will now be unlocked when they reset their password and their locked reason was from password fails and fixed a few bugs 958be20
  • Added login by domain in postman / sdk 04ab374


17 February 2021

  • Fixed bug with auth when usernames disabled 00fe0bb


17 February 2021


17 February 2021


17 February 2021


17 February 2021


17 February 2021

  • Fixed some auto doc stuff 7bac291
  • General cleanup, added posgres config settings, and doc reorg d84a3f8
  • Update user-get.js 5e9ec0e


12 February 2021

  • Bump minimist from 1.2.0 to 1.2.5 in /client #4
  • Bump acorn from 7.0.0 to 7.1.1 in /client #5
  • Eng 1037 #3
  • Merg #2
  • a #1
  • Updated to latest fastify, fixed some bugs and added domain field to users 74f9001
  • Fixed npm package vulnerabilities 2ded3c7
  • Removed node-utils depends and fixed tests e8c8f60
  • [ENG-1037] - removed logging and fixed an error message 2717223
  • [ENG-1037] - added redirect after logout 324dc9d
  • [ENG-1037] - some email reg and reset fixes/cleanup 050f6af
  • [ENG-1037] - fixed some tests and added wider ranges. 5a9e64c
  • [ENG-1037] - Removed passwords from responses, added configs for web and misc fixes 775ed7f
  • [ENG-1037] - misc fixes. fa9d8f4
  • [ENG-1037] - regen 4e08024
  • [ENG-1037] - added new function to sdk d705b97
  • [ENG-1037] - console logs removed 84cc11e
  • [ENG-1037] - Lots of cleanup on routes and bug fixes 474b788
  • [ENG-1037] - Users can have multi groups, more test & misc fixes cec0448
  • [ENG-1037] - Added edit property value for path params d4ce2d8
  • [ENG-1037] - Added logs in catches, fixes for node-utils crypto and misc 2ff033c
  • [ENG-1037] - Added in recho as our test server 87cccf8
  • [ENG-1037] - cleanup 486d2ad
  • [ENG-1037] - changed removeFromPath to remove_from_path for consistency 1f71307
  • [ENG-1037] - more clean up on exports c53401f
  • [ENG-1037] - added a few more routes, type scoped names, tests & clean ups 20c1673
  • [ENG-1037] - Added * urls for tokens 191e709
  • [ENG-1037] - added /group/type/:type/user/:id/:property f4ba5fe
  • [ENG-1037] - cleanup d36cef2
  • [ENG-1037] - Added more tests, fixed bugs test found and added 2 more routes. 681dbcd
  • [ENG-1037] - Updated travelling sdk 195f971
  • [ENG-1037] - Fixed bug with groups and other stuff 7ab46f9
  • [ENG-1037] - Added import and export of groups. f6e18bc
  • [ENG-1037] - More docs a5dbbc6
  • [ENG-1037] - More docs 7a73d5c
  • [ENG-1037] - fixes 468851a
  • [ENG-1037] - More docs eb4806a
  • [ENG-1037] - More docs 19d02a8
  • [ENG-1037] - More docs 8489fad
  • [ENG-1037] - style changes 83c2214
  • [ENG-1037] - Start of readme docs cf5b28c
  • [ENG-1037] - Secured oauth code token flow rfc6749#section-10.6 and some cleanup 8f96cec
  • [ENG-1037] - Changed styling on the toasts 0e41b3a
  • [ENG-1037] - Fixed auth code flow 567ac30
  • [ENG-1037] - fixed memory token store ab100f0
  • [ENG-1037] - added faicon in default anon group. efa3e13
  • [ENG-1037] - Misc bug fixes and onboarding page is done. 47b7f2a
  • [ENG-1037] - Massive cleanup and new login/reg page f1f0383
  • [ENG-1037] - Improved Authorization Code Grant to be true SSO one-click ba84e61
  • [ENG-1037] - Added crappy login/reg page for Authorization Code Grant f6cf3a3
  • [ENG-1037] - Added redis support for multi service running. 899609d
  • [ENG-1037] - Circular Group Inheritance protection and tests bcf6be0
  • [ENG-1037] - Updated log in email 3e0a09d
  • [ENG-1037] - fastify logging settings e68ed82
  • [ENG-1037] - Fixed tests 75baa97
  • [ENG-1037] - Added user methods by group type and name & cleaned up route paths da4ddd6
  • [ENG-1037] - added get all users by group request endpoint b02b9d8
  • [ENG-1037] - Added user query filtering to all routes dealing with users ec2e9a4
  • [ENG-1037] - Added grouptype to dynamic route props c25b8a2
  • [ENG-1037] - Added more group endpoints and cleaned up a bit 761d12b
  • [ENG-1037] - Added group_request to registration and 'users' now has query search 8c229d0
  • [ENG-1037] - removed console log 4e91cba
  • [ENG-1037] - ip hijacking option cd26e30
  • [ENG-1037] - Docs push for real this time a2b2306
  • [ENG-1037] - Token tests added, sdk docs and misc 037e7ec
  • [ENG-1037] - Token fixes and client_id with custom name 3188130
  • [ENG-1037] - Added OAuth2 client_credentials flow & Other misc things 91a1e6b
  • [ENG-1037] - misc things c93330d
  • [ENG-1037] - Added more test and fixed bugs found with them. 415d2db
  • [ENG-1037] - Start of tests, logging and misc bug crushing bc3363a
  • [ENG-1037] - Email activation, user updates routes, and lots of misc fixes 1161b57
  • [ENG-1037] - Forgot password emailing working with smtp, SES and test eef0724
  • [ENG-1037] - Fixed bugs with reset and forget password 969aa85
  • [ENG-1037] - Added forgot password logic f09403f
  • [ENG-1037] - Added more user & group API endpoints 5cfc766
  • [ENG-1037] - Got routing and auth up to being ready and added some user routes 83de3fd
  • [ENG-1037] - added portal static file hosting 565eb2d
  • [ENG-1037] - Added routing for reverse proxy, still WIP but seems to work. 47a254f
  • Auth sessions and tokens login, logout and register are done 05eea6e
  • Token work done b3592c6
  • Start of code base 2e1b949
  • Initial commit e2f3b07


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Jt Whissel

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



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