
0.4.0 • Public • Published


Zhou's node.js module for parsing variable arguments of functions.

Function's variable arguments prototype refers to arguments prototype that mix mandatory arguments and optional arguments. The following is an example:

function func(arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp|string, ...);

Where, the arguments enclosed in the square brackets are optional and may not be passed when the func function is called; and, the modifier after ':' of each argument specifies the argument's type (class); and arg4 are specified with multi-types (i.e. RegExp and string) separated by '|'.

An example of such kind of function is that you have a function called traverse, which traverses a directory tree specified by dir and applies a callback function specified by callback to each of file node under that directory. And the user can also specify some options through an options object, which is optional and has default values. The traverse function's arguments prototype can thus be defined as follows:

function traverse(dir:string, [options:object], callback:function);

A parser can use a function's varible arguments prototype to parse and check out the exact arguments when the function is invoked..

##Installation $ npm install zvargs


var zvargs = require('zvargs');
##Class VArgs ###Methods
Method Brief
VArgs The constructor method.
VArgs.parse The parser function, which is a static method of class VArgs

Go back to Methods ####VArgs(args, proto) This constructor parses a function call's passed arguments, which is passed by args, according to the function's variable arguments prototype.

A function's variable arguments prototype can be specified by an array as the proto argument passed to this contructor. Each item of proto corresponds to one argument of the function's arguments prototype. To reduce typing effort, the proto can also be specified as a string.

This constructor starts parsing by picking up arguments[0] and checking if the type of it matches that of proto[0]. If the two match, it means the first argument of the function variable arguments prototype, which defined by proto[0], is specified as arguments[0], and arguments[0] will be stored as the value of a new property this[proto[0].name], and the constructor moves forward to check arguments[1] with proto[1], and so on. If the two don't match, and if proto[0] has the optional property and its value is true, which means proto[0] is optional and this function call doesn't specify it, then the constructor will move forward to check proto[1], and so on. The process will continue until the contructor finds a match or meets the end of proto.

After all checks complete, an VArgs object will store all matched arguments in its properties. However, there may be some passed arguments that aren't defined by proto and thus have never been checked, e.g. the [...] arguments would be optional and unlimited number of instances, and be undefined by proto. In such a case, a special Array property called __extra is used to store those remaining arguments.

All mandatory arguments defined in proto must be passed in the function call, otherwise, an error will be thrown out.


  • args : Object

    The arguments of the function to parse.

  • proto : Array | String

    If proto is an array, each item of it defines an argument's type and whether it is optional. The whole array defines all arguments of a function prototype in order.

    Each item of proto is an Object, which have the following properties:

    • name : String

      The name of the argument. If an argument matches the `proto` item, a new property named after the valule of `name` will be added to the `this` object, and its value will be the matched argument.
    • type : built-in type string | Function | Array of built-in type string's and Function's

      This `type` property is used to specify the javascript built-in type or `Object` class of the argument.
      If the argument is an `Object` (i.e., `typeof === 'object'`), specifying a `Function` object will allow to more precisely indicate what class it is.
      An `Array` of built-in type string's and `Function`'s can be used to specify the arguments can be any type in that `Array`. 
    • [optional=false] : Boolean

      This property specifies if the argument is optional. If this property isn't specified, the argument is mandatory by default.

      Example: for a function variable prototype as follows,

      function func(arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp|string, ...);

      The proto will be:

          {'name': 'arg0', 'type':    'number'},
          {'name': 'arg1', 'type':    Array,      'optional': true},
          {'name': 'arg2', 'type':    'string',   'optional': true},
          {'name': 'arg3', 'type':    'function'},
          {'name': 'arg4', 'type':    [RegExp, 'string']},

      If proto is a string, the above example can simply be:

      "arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp|string"
####parse(args, proto)

This method is a static function, which acts the similar way as the contructor but returns a new arguments. This new arguments has all arguments of a function's variable arguments prototype assinged with the corresponding values passed by a function call.

This method may give a simply way for a function definition to use the passed arguments. For instance, for the following function prototype:

function func(arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp, ...);

The function definition can simply be:

var zvargs = require('zvargs');
function func(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
    arguments = zvargs.Args.parse(arguments, "arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp|string");

    // Then `arg0`, `arg1`, `arg2`, `arg3`, `arg4` can be referenced normally.
    // And the arguments following `arg4` can be referenced by `argument[5]`, `arguments[6]`...


An Array object of arguments. The Array object has all arguments of a function's variable arguments prototype assigned with the corresponding values of passed by a function call. The optional arguments that were not passed with values will be set to null.


(function( /* arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp|string, ...*/ ) {
    var zvargs = require('zvargs');
    var args = new zvargs.VArgs(
        "arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp|string"

    ['hello', 'zvargs'],
    // args2 isn't specified.
    function() {
        if (arg1) console.log(arg1);

The above code snippet will print out:

    'arg0': 1,
    'arg1': ['hello', 'zvargs'],
    'arg2': null,
    'arg3': function() { if (arg1) console.log(arg1); }, 
    'arg4': /search/,
    '__extra': ['extra_arg0', 'extra_arg1']

Alternatively, another simple approach can be:

var zvargs = require('zvargs');
function func(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
    arguments = zvargs.Args.parse("arg0:number, [arg1:Array], [arg2:string], arg3:function, arg4:RegExp|string");

    // Then the new 'arguments' have been exactly what you need.

    ['hello', 'zvargs'],
    // args2 isn't specified.
    function() {
        if (arg1) console.log(arg1);

The above code snippet will print out:

    1,                                             // 'arg0'
    ['hello', 'zvargs'],                           // 'arg1' 
    null,                                          // 'arg2' 
    function() { if (arg1) console.log(arg1); },   // 'arg3'     
    /search/,                                      // 'arg4' 
    'extra_arg0',                                  //
    'extra_arg1'                                   //  

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  • zhouyu