
Kris Hatcher

  • A set of styles that are applied to Bootcamp Spot as a base for any custom work. Created & maintained by the Trilogy UX Team.

    published 2.5.2 2 years ago
  • 2U Bootcamp TechDev UX Kit. A library of reusable, responsive, accessible front end components written in React.

    published 1.1.8 2 years ago
  • Bootcamp form renderer which includes reusable, responsive, accessible front end components written in React.

    published 1.10.1 a year ago
  • <div align="center"> <h1 align="center">Xpert Chatbot Frontend (XCF) 🤖</h1> <strong align="center"> Increase engagement and revenue with our AI chatbot component. </strong> <p> This project allows teams to ship a chatbot to production

    published 1.12.0 12 days ago