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2.6.0 • Public • Published


A Google Maps plugin for Aurelia.


Webpack/Aurelia CLI

npm install aurelia-plugins-google-maps --save

When using Aurelia CLI add the following dependency to aurelia.json as described in the documentation:

  "name": "aurelia-plugins-google-maps",
  "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-plugins-google-maps/dist/amd",
  "main": "aurelia-plugins-google-maps"

Add node_modules/babel-polyfill/dist/polyfill.min.js to the prepend list in aurelia.json. Do not forgot to add babel-polyfill to the dependencies in package.json.

For projects using Webpack, please add babel-polyfill to your webpack.config.js as documented by


jspm install aurelia-plugins-google-maps


bower install aurelia-plugins-google-maps


Inside of your main.js or main.ts file simply load the plugin inside of the configure method using .plugin().

import {PLATFORM} from 'aurelia-framework';

export async function configure(aurelia) {

    .plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName('aurelia-plugins-google-maps'), config => {
        apiScriptLoadedEvent: 'aurelia-plugins:google-places-autocomplete:api-script-loaded', // if loadApiScript is false, the event that is subscribed to, to know when the Google Maps API is loaded by another plugin
        key: '', // your Google API key retrieved from the Google Developer Console
        language: 'en', // see
        libraries: 'geometry', // see
        loadApiScript: true|false, // whether or not the <script> tag of the Google Maps API should be loaded
        options: { panControl: true, panControlOptions: { position: 9 } }, // see
        region: 'US' // see

  await aurelia.start();


Once Google Maps is configured, to use it simply add the custom element <aup-google-maps></aup-google-maps> in your view. Do not forgot to have some minimal css for the <aup-google-maps>.

aup-google-maps { display: block; height: 100vh; width: 100%; }

Google Maps API loaded

The aurelia-plugins:google-maps:api-script-loaded event is published when the Google Maps API Script is completely loaded. A Promise is returned as payload. This event is used together with other Aurelia Plugins in combination with the option loadApiScript=false to make sure the Google Maps API Script is loaded only once.

Google Maps needs at least the library geometry. Perhaps the other Aurelia Plugin that loads the Google Maps API Script doesn't include the library geometry by default. If so, add it to the libraries option of the other Aurelia Plugin.


Provide standard latitude and longitude coordinates to center the map.

<aup-google-maps latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528"></aup-google-maps>


Provide a string as an address which gets geocoded to center the map on this particular address.

<aup-google-maps address="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway. Mountain View, CA 94043"></aup-google-maps>


Add a zoom attribute and supply a value to choose an appropriate zoom level. By default the zoom level is 8.

<aup-google-maps latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528" zoom="15"></aup-google-maps>

Map Type ID

Set to one of the following Google Basic Map Type. See the Google Maps documentation.

  • HYBRID - This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
  • ROADMAP - This map type displays a normal street map. (This is the default map type.)
  • SATELLITE - This map type displays satellite images.
  • TERRAIN - This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.
<aup-google-maps latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528" map-type-id="HYBRID"></aup-google-maps>


When you add options to the config, these options are used on all instances of <aup-google-maps>. You can set specific options on each <aup-google-maps> instance via the optional bindable attribute options.

<aup-google-maps latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528" options.bind="options1"></aup-google-maps>
<aup-google-maps latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528" options.bind="options2"></aup-google-maps>
export class App {
  constructor() {}

  options1 = { panControl: true, panControlOptions: { position: 9 } };
  options2 = { styles: [/* add your styles here */] };


Markers can be bound to <aup-google-maps> with the markers attribute. The markers attribute should be an array of objects with at minimum the latitude and longitude key/value pairs.

<aup-google-maps latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528" markers.bind="myMarkers"></aup-google-maps>
export class App {
  constructor() {}

  myMarkers = [
      animation: google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,
      custom: { id: 1234, ... },
      icon: '/img/myMarkerIcon.png',
      infoWindow: {
        content: '<strong>insert some HTML content here</strong>',
        pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(-13, 0),
        position: new google.maps.LatLng(51.037861, 4.240528),
        maxWidth: 300
      label: 'My Marker Label',
      latitude: 51.037861,
      longitude: 4.240528,
      title: 'My Marker Title',
      zIndex: 1000
    { ... }

Supported properties

  • latitude (required) - float
  • longitude (required) - float
  • icon (optional) - string|Icon|Symbol - see Google Maps documentation
  • label (optional) - string|MarkerLabel - see Google Maps documentation
  • title (optional) - string - see Google Maps documentation
  • custom (optional) - object - store arbitrary data (e.g. an id field) in this object, retrieve it from the aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-click event payload
  • animation (optional) - google.maps.Animation constant - see Google Maps documentation
  • infoWindow (optional) - object - if set, the aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-click event will not be called, instead an infoWindow containing the given content will be shown - see Google Maps documentation
    • content (required) - string|Node - content to display in the InfoWindow. This can be an HTML element, a plain-text string, or a string containing HTML.
    • pixelOffset (optional) - google.maps.Size - the offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info window from the point on the map at whose geographical coordinates the info window is anchored.
    • position (optional) - google.maps.LatLng - the LatLng at which to display this InfoWindow.
    • maxWidth (optional) - number - maximum width of the infowindow, regardless of content's width.

Map Click Event

It is possible to catch the map click event as specified by the Google Maps documentation. The map-click event is added as a CustomEvent to the <aup-google-maps> DOM element with the event data added to the detail key.

<aup-google-maps latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528" map-click.delegate="myEventHandler($event)"></aup-google-maps>
export class App {
  constructor() {}

  myEventHandler(event) {
    const latLng = event.detail.latLng;
    const lat =;
    const lng = latLng.lng();

When the map-click event is triggered, the aurelia-plugins:google-maps:map-click event is also published via the Aurelia Event Aggregator framework. The payload is the event object.

Automatically Close infoWindows

Automatically close the previous opened infoWindow when opening a new one, or when clicking somewhere on the map (assuming the map-click event is not set up).

<aup-google-maps auto-close-info-windows="true" latitude="51.037861" longitude="4.240528"  markers.bind="myMarkers"></aup-google-maps>


Published by aurelia-plugins-google-maps

In addition to the map-click event mentioned above, there are several events propagated via the Aurelia Event Aggregator framework:

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:address-geocoded - published when an address was geocoded, payload is the result from the Google Maps Geocoder

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:api-script-loaded - published when the Google Maps API is completely loaded, a promise is returned as payload.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:map-bounds-changed - published when the map is dragged or zoomed, payload is the new map bounds as a LatLngBounds object.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:map-click - published when the map is clicked, payload is the event object.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:map-created - published when the map is created, payload is the Map object.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:infowindow-closeclick - published when the infoWindow is closed by clicking the close button, payload is the InfoWindow object for the related marker.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:infowindow-domready - published when the infoWindow is fully loaded, payload is the InfoWindow object for the related marker.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:infowindow-content-changed - published when the content of the infoWindow has changed, payload is the InfoWindow object for the related marker.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-click - published when a map marker is clicked (and no InfoWindow is defined for it), payload is the Marker object for the clicked marker.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-mouseout - published when the mouse exits the marker, payload is the Marker object for the exited marker.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-mouseover - published when the mouse enters the marker, payload is the Marker object for the entered marker.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:markers-changed - published when the array of markers is added of changed, the payload are the array of markers.

Subscribed to by aurelia-plugins-google-maps

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-highlight - in your viewModel publish to this event with the id of the marker in the markers array to highlight the marker. Highlighting is done by changing the icon property of the marker to the value in the property custom.highlightIcon.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-icon - in your viewModel publish to this event with { custom: object, icon: object, id: string } to change the icon (and its highlighted version) of the marker.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-pan - in your viewModel publish to this event with { id: string, open: true|false, zoom: int } to pan and zoom to the marker on the map, and if specified open the infoWindow.

  • aurelia-plugins:google-maps:marker-unhighlight - in your viewModel publish to this event with the id of the marker in the markers array to remove the highligh of the marker. The icon property of the marker is changed to the value in the property custom.defaultIcon.

Dependencies (6)

Dev Dependencies (14)

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npm i aurelia-plugins-google-maps

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