
1.0.0 • Public • Published

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Esformatter plugin to rename variables, parameters, and labels

This was built to make comprehending deobfuscated scripts easier (e.g. rename a to jQuery). It is based off its sister project esformatter-phonetic which renames variables to pronouncable equivalents (also good for deobfuscating scripts).


  • Supports ES6 arrow functions (e.g. (a) => a + 1)
  • Supports let (e.g. let a = 1;)
  • Supports destructured variables (e.g. var {a, b} = obj;)

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install esformatter-rename

Then, register it as a plugin and format your JS:

// Load and register our plugin
var esformatter = require('esformatter');
var esformatterRename = require('esformatter-rename');
// Format our code
  'function myFn() {',
    'var a = \'hello\';',
].join('\n'), {
  rename: {
    variables: {
      a: 'hello'
function myFn() {
  var hello = 'hello';

Alternatively, load it via format or .esformatter:

  plugins: [


esformatter-rename exposes exports.transform for consumption by esformatter.


We provide the following options to configure esformatter-rename during transformation. These should be stored under rename in your esformatter options.

  • variables Object - Key value pairing of original variable name to new name
    • For example variables: {hello: 'world'} will rename all hello variables to world variables
      • function hello() { console.log('hai'); } -> function world() { console.log('hai'); }
    • If you are potentially doing something dangerous (e.g. renaming an undeclared variable), we will warn you/skip it since it can have global reprecussions)
      • These warnings can be ignored and actions can be taken via the related option
  • labels Object - Key value pairing of origin label name to new name
    • For example labels: {loop1: 'myLoop'} will rename all loop1 labels to myLoop
      • loop1: while (true) { break loop1; } -> myLoop: while (true) { break myLoop; }
  • renameTopLevel Boolean - Allow for renaming of top level variables (i.e. anything declared with a var in the global scope)
    • If true, renaming is allowed. If false, it is not and a warning is logged.
    • By default, this is false.
  • renameUndeclared Boolean - Allow for renaming of undeclared variables (e.g. variable referenced without a var)
    • If true, renaming is allowed. If false, it is not and a warning is logged.
    • By default, this is false.
  • ignoreWith Boolean - Allow for renaming of variables that were referenced at least once in a with
    • For example var obj = {}; var hello; with (obj) { hello(); } will not allow renaming of hello
    • If true, renaming is allowed. If false, it is not and a warning is logged.
    • By default, this is false.


Renaming jQuery

In this example, we will rest jQuery from its normal convention of $ to the full name jQuery.

Script before renaming:


Formatter options:

  rename: {
    variables: {
      '$': 'jQuery'
    renameUndeclared: true

Script after renaming:



In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via grunt and test via npm test.


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As of Nov 13 2014, Todd Wolfson has released this repository and its contents to the public domain.

It has been released under the UNLICENSE.


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  • 1.0.0

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  • twolfson