
0.0.4 • Public • Published


library for evolving source code


Evolve is a library designed to explore parameters, algorithms and solutions automatically, by introducing random changes in a program.

It works by mutating specific (or whole) parts of your code JavaScript ASTs.

Theses mutations are probabilistic (you can adjust the mutation factor, and in the future, the mutation rules), and may modify the AST structure, statements, assignements, function calls, values and operations.

Node-evolve use a constraint system for early detection of impossible mutations, so it should produce interesting results (?) most of the time.

Since there is absolutely no guarantee that your program will still work, or even "evaluate" after mutation, you should use a higher-level library to manage individuals, population, fitness and selection.


Self-replicating program

$ coffee examples/demos/bacteria/bacteria.coffee

Will run a minimalist demo program which can replicates itself (it just print a modified version of its own source code to the standard output). To keep the demo simple, it is constrained to mutate only one thing - its own mutation rate:

evolve = require('evolve')
mutation_rate = 0.001
foo = .20
do evolve.mutable ->
  foo = foo * 0.10
  mutation_rate = Math.cos(0.001) + Math.sin(0.5)
  mutation_rate = mutation_rate / foo
  ratio: mutation_rate
  file: process.argv[1]
  debug: false
  onComplete: (src) ->
    console.log src

"Machine" code generation

This is still experimental (and not fully working), but thanks to template engines like node-cello it should be reasonably easy to generate genetically-modified C code, and binary programs (and also OpenCL kernels, for genetic GPGPU programming).

See the dedicated examples folder.

More examples

Please browse the examples for a comprehensive tour of features and possible use cases.


node-evolve is still in development and won't solve all problems for you: no matter how powerful it might looks like, you still have to design your program - and model your problem - carefully.


To install it as a dependency of your program, just type:

$ npm install evolve

To install it globally, and benefit from the evolve commandline script, do:

$ npm install -g evolve

Introduction / Overview / features

Built-in mutation rules

Various mutations are already available in node-evolve: random insert, replace, delete of AST nodes, numbers, strings..

Constrained syntax and semantics

node-evolve will try hard to avoid useless or bad mutations - your code will already have a hard time surviving its first eval() anyway!

It works thanks to AST constraints. These constraints prevent mutating this:

var x = 4 + 2 / y;

To this:

var 3 = * 4 + 2 + y /;

Because it would violates three constraints (assign to a number, lone '/' and '*' operators..)

But for instance, this mutation would be allowed:

var y = 2 / x / y + 4 ;

In the end, all these constraints make mutation more efficient, by avoiding running a "compilation" step or evaluation on obviously bad code. It saves time.

Customizable rules

You can input your own rules, if they can be applied to an AST node (or the root node of the whole tree).

Mutation of external libraries (inlining)

TODO add doc

Simple type checking

node-evolve check that incompatible references are not mixed.

For instance, if you define this context:

context = -> [ Math.PI, Math.cos ]

then this mutation can't happen with node-evolve:

var x = Math.PI * Math.cos;

But this one can:

var x = Math.PI * Math.cos(Math.PI);

On the other hand, this one is prohibited:

Math.PI = x * Math.cos(x);

Since variables and functions passed in context are read-only


Best practices

You can combine markers (annotation functions) with mutation of genetic rules, to mutate the mutation process itself. The idea is, if you wrap your functions f and g with "do-nothing" functions like a and b:


The mutation may use this information (that there is a a and a b) to change mutations rules accordingly. Actually, a and b may do things - it's just that it is also convenient if they does nothing, to simply wrap and "mark" parts of the code.

With this technique, evolution can optimize it's own fork/mutation process, and converge faster to a result.

See a work-in-progress example here.

List of supported mutations

Numerical values

Numerical values are subject to mutation, like random multiplication or addition.

Binary operator substitution

Operator of binary operations may be substituted by any operator of this list: + - * /

Binary operator switching

This mutation simply switch two terms of an operation, eg. 10.0 / 5.0 becomes 5.0 / 10.0.

EXPERIMENTAL - String mutation, levenshtyle.

String mutation is supported, and done using atomic operators like add, delete, move and substitution. However it is still experimental, and doesn't offer much control over which ASCII characters are allowed, forbidden, constants strings, collections of strings.. you have to implement this yourself for the moment (using Rules)

EXPERIMENTAL - Block copying, cutting & pasting

This mutation copy or cut a node of the AST tree to another place. It may replace a node or insert between two.

EXPERIMENTAL - Variable substitution

Any variable is subject to change and remplacement by another variable.

EXPERIMENTAL - Support for multiples iterations

It can apply more than one layer of mutation: For instance, one iteration might copy AST nodes to a buffer, and another may paste the content to overwrite or insert data.

Use this feature to create complex, combined mutations.


Use it in command line

$ evolve src [ratio=0.42] [debug]

Example :

$ evolve examples/basic/with_mutable.js ratio=0.10
mutable(function() {
    a = x * 1;
    b = y * 1;
    z = "hello";
    return c = 1.4881885522045195 * z;

Using the API

Defining a mutable value

{mutable} = require 'evolve'
# x is now a mutable: it's definition may by readable and evolvable
# using node-evolve parser
x = mutable Math.round Math.sqrt Math.PI * Math.PI / 2
{mutable} = require 'evolve'
class Foo
  constructor: ->
  foo: (x,y,z) =>
    [a,b,c] = [0,0,0]
    # define a block of evolvable code, algorithm, neural network..
    do mutable ->
      # the evolved code can only mess with foo()'s variables
      # if evolution goes wrong
      a = x * 1
      b = y * 1
      c = z * 1
      # you can add an "hidden" level of memory
      f = 5
      g = 42 
      # and maths!
      b = Math.cos(f) + Math.cos(g * a)
      c = a + 3
    # outside the block, you can call your stuff as usual
    @bar a, b, c

Defining a mutable function

evolve = require 'evolve'
class Foo
  constructor: ->
  foo: (x,y,z) =>
    [a,b,c] = [0,0,0]
    # define a block of evolvable code, algorithm, neural network..
    func = evolve.mutable ->
      # the evolved code can only mess with foo()'s variables
      # if evolution goes wrong
      a = x * 1
      b = y * 1
      c = z * 1
      # you can add an "hidden" level of memory
      f = 5
      g = 42 
      # and maths!
      b = Math.cos(f) + Math.cos(g * a)
      c = a + 3
    # outside the block, you can call your stuff as usual
    @bar a, b, c

Dynamic mutation of the currently running program (CoffeeScript example)

{mutate} = require 'evolve'
  obj: Foo.prototype
  func: 'foo'
  onComplete: ->
    console.log "mutation of foo() completed."
    f = new Foo()

Static mutation of a source string (JavaScript Example)

var evolve = require("evolve");
var old_src = "x1 = 0; x2 = 42; f1 = function() { return x2 * 10; }; x1 = f1();";
// clone a source, with some "dna" copy errors
  // input source code (string)
  "src" : old_src,
  "tentatives": 1,
  // on complete always return a source; In case of failure, the original is returned
  "onComplete": function(src) { return console.log("finished: " + src); }

Static mutation of a source file (JavaScript example)

The input file can be in .js or in .coffee

// read a file, with some "dna" copy errors
    "file" : "examples/evolvable.js",
    "onComplete": function(src) { return console.log(src); }

Customization of globals

Just pass a bunch of variables to be used in mutations. these variables must be returned by a function, for symbol name introspection to work

context = -> [
# then call it
evolve.mutate context: context, .....

Customize the mutation rules

For the moment, please refer to the sources to see how rules work

rules =
  # decorators are applied on each node, and expected to return either
  # the current, new or modified node, or an undefined value (then it is ignored)
    multiply: (t, value) -> 
      if t is 'num' and Math.random() < 0.5 then [t, Math.random() * value]

Change log


  • simplified mutable, which basically do nothing now


  • more examples
  • more doc


  • revert back to just the 'mutable' keyword
  • various bigfixes
  • more examples
  • still slow as hell - maybe use another parsing library?


  • ?


  • initial commit

License (BSD)

Copyright (c) 2012, Julian Bilcke <julian.bilcke@daizoru.com>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
   and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 
The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those
of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, 
either expressed or implied, of Julian Bilcke.

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