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node.js oauth login wizard with leveldb session storage


gandalf gif


$ npm install gandalf


var http = require('http')
var Router = require('routes-router')
var mount = require('routes-router-mount')
var level    = require('level-test')()
var Gandalf = require('gandalf')
var ecstatic = require('ecstatic')
var db = level('gandalf-examples--simple', {encoding: 'json'})
var gandalf = Gandalf(db, {
var router = mount(Router())
// mount the OAuth login handlers
router.mount('/auth', gandalf.handler())
// get the current session data
router.addRoute('/status', {
    // add session handler to this method
    'GET':gandalf.session(function(req, res){
        req.session.get('userid', function(err, id){
            // load the user from the userid in the session
            gandalf.loadUser(id, function(err, user){
// only logged in people can see this route
router.addRoute('/private', gandalf.protect())
// these are served without hitting the session
router.addRoute('/*', ecstatic(__dirname + '/www'))
var server = http.createServer(router)
server.listen(80, function(){
  console.log('server listening');


var gandalf = Gandalf(db, options)

create a new authentication handler by passing in an existing leveldb - this can also be a sub-level

Pass a providers config to activate external OAUTH providers:

var gandalf = Gandalf(db, {

The supported types are:

  • google
  • facebook
  • github
  • dropbox
  • twitter

Password mode (/register and /login) are activated automatically.

One user can connect multiple external providers and link them to the same user id.


Return a function that will create a session property of the request:

var session = gandalf.session()
router.addRoute('/api', function(req, res){
    session(req, res, function(){
        // we now have a session for the request
        req.session.get('userid', function(err, userid){

You can also pass a function to gandalf.session and it will be wrapped:

router.addRoute('/api', gandalf.session(function(req, res){
    //req.session is populated


Mount the authentication handler onto an endpoint of your application (for example on /auth).

You can then link to /auth/github to perform a github login or POST to /auth/register to register new accounts.

router.addRoute('/api', gandalf.handler())

The following are the routes that are mounted:


e.g. /google - this triggers the OAuth login loop for a provider

POST /register

post username and password and other fields to register a new user

POST /login

post username and password fields to login using the password method

POST /claim

post a username to use for a connected user - use this when a user connects using an external service but you still need a username (as opposed to just an id)

GET /logout

clear the session and redirect to '/'

GET /check?username=

check if the given username exists

GET /status

return a JSON representation of the current session - this includes OAuth tokens

gandalf.protect(function(req, appid, userid, done){})

Return a 403 error if the user is not logged in:

router.addRoute('/private', gandalf.protect(function(req, res){
    // the user is logged in
    // we also have req.session and req.userid

If you do not pass a function then there just needs to be a user for access to be granted.

gandalf.delete(id, function(){})

Delete a user and all their details

gandalf.disconnect(id, provider, function(){})

Remove the connection details for 'provider' in the given user


gandalf.on('storage:put', function(key, value){})

When a value has been put to the database

gandalf.on('storage:batch', function(key, value){})

When a batch has been sent to the database

gandalf.on('request', function(req){})

A HTTP request has hit the handler

gandalf.on('provider', function(name, req){})

A HTTP request has hit a provider handler

gandalf.on('protect', function(req){})

A resource has been denied in a protect handler

gandalf.on('login', function(username){})

A login request

gandalf.on('register', function(username, body){})

A register request

gandalf.on('connect', function(provider, profile){})

A connect request

gandalf.on('save', function(id, provider, profile){})

A user profile has been created by provider

gandalf.on('claim', function(username){})

A claim request

gandalf.on('logout', function(req){})

A logout request

gandalf.on('log', function(type, message){})

gandalf.on('log:error', function(type, message){})



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