
0.0.1 • Public • Published

Machine Database

A machine database that stores information as flat JSON files


First, install Node.JS. Then:

[sudo] npm install -g machinedb

API Examples

Fire up machinedb by running:

$ mkdir data
$ machinedb-server --dir data
server started on http://localhost:9000 - - [19/Mar/2014:01:37:26 -0400] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "curl/7.30.0" - - [19/Mar/2014:01:37:28 -0400] "GET /stats HTTP/1.1" 200 246 "-" "curl/7.30.0"

This will start the HTTP server listening on localhost on port 9000, and serve out of ./data.

GET and PUT data

First, we'll see what happens when we try to access data before we save any

$ curl -s http://localhost:9000/nodes/ | json
$ curl -s http://localhost:9000/nodes/
Not Found

GET /nodes returns [], because there are no nodes saved yet. Trying to access a node by name returns a 404 because, again, nothing has been put in the database yet.

Let's put some data into the database and GET it back

$ curl -s -XPUT --data '{"foo":"bar"}' http://localhost:9000/nodes/ | json
  "message": "saved",
  "status": "ok"
$ curl -s http://localhost:9000/nodes/ | json
  "foo": "bar"

Now that the data is saved, when we GET /nodes, we will see the data stored in appear as an element in the array returned.

$ curl -s http://localhost:9000/nodes/ | json
    "foo": "bar",
    "name": ""

Notice the name attribute has been automatically been set for us. machinedb will automatically set name when retrieved as /nodes, overwriting what may have been saved as name.

Let's add another node

$ curl -s -XPUT --data '{"baz":"bat"}' http://localhost:9000/nodes/  | json
  "message": "saved",
  "status": "ok"
$ curl -s http://localhost:9000/nodes/ | json
    "foo": "bar",
    "name": ""
    "baz": "bat",
    "name": ""

Observe how the array now contains both nodes

$ curl -s -XDELETE http://localhost:9000/nodes/ | json
  "message": "deleted",
  "status": "ok"
$ curl -s http://localhost:9000/nodes/ | json
    "baz": "bat",
    "name": ""
] has been removed from the array, as it has been removed from the database.

Stats and Health

You can hit /ping or /stats to see process health.

$ curl localhost:9000/ping
$ curl localhost:9000/stats | json
    "arch": "x64",
    "dir": "/Users/dave/dev/machinedb/nodes",
    "machinedbversion": "v0.0.0",
    "mem": {
        "rss": 21270528,
        "heapTotal": 17603072,
        "heapUsed": 6780400
    "nodeversion": "v0.10.22",
    "now": 1395207482098,
    "pid": 38784,
    "platform": "darwin",
    "started": 1395207441931

CLI Examples

This package comes bundled with machinedb: a command line tool for interacting with the database.

Run it by itself to see all nodes

$ machinedb
    "baz": "bat",
    "name": ""

You can view a list of nodes by running it with list, or view a specific node with show

$ machinedb list
$ machinedb show
  "baz": "bat"

You can create or update a node with create or update. Because machinedb doesn't support rewrite, these operations are the same.

$ machinedb create <<< '{"baz": "bat"}'
  "message": "saved",
  "status": "ok"
$ machinedb list

You can edit a node like

$ machinedb edit
# vim was opened... edit edit edit... <esc>:wq
  "message": "saved",
  "status": "ok"

And finally, delete a node with

$ machinedb delete
  "message": "deleted",
  "status": "ok"
$ machinedb list


GET /nodes

Retrieve all nodes as an array of objects

GET /nodes/:node

Retrieve a node, supports if-none-match with the ETag given.

HEAD /nodes/:node

Same as GET without the data.

PUT /nodes/:node

Put data given into the key. The data is NOT verified, and should be JSON.

DELETE /nodes/:node

Delete the node given.



Usage: machinedb-server [-d dir] [-h] [-H host] [-n] [-p port] [-u] [-v]

A machine database that stores information as flat JSON files

  -d, --dir <dir>    the database directory, defaults to /Users/dave/dev/machinedb
  -h, --help         print this message and exit
  -H, --host <host>  [env MACHINEDB_HOST] the address to bind to, defaults to localhost
  -n, --no-log       [env MACHINEDB_NOLOG] disable logging, logging is enabled by default
  -p, --port <port>  [env MACHINEDB_PORT] the port to bind to, defaults to 9000
  -u, --updates      check npm for available updates
  -v, --version      print the version number and exit


Usage: machinedb [-h] [-H host] [-p port] [-u] [-v]

machinedb command line utility

  machinedb                 # same as GET /nodes
  machinedb list            # list all nodes separated by newlines
  machinedb show <node>     # same as GET /nodes/<node>
  machinedb create <node>   # create a node by name <node>, reads JSON from stdin
  machinedb update <node>   # update a node by name <node>, reads JSON from stdin
  machinedb edit <node>     # edit a node by opening $EDITOR on the JSON returned by the server
  machinedb delete <node>   # remove a node

  -h, --help         print this message and exit
  -H, --host <host>  [env MACHINEDB_HOST] the address to bind to, defaults to localhost
  -p, --port <port>  [env MACHINEDB_PORT] the port to bind to, defaults to 9000
  -u, --updates      check npm for available updates
  -v, --version      print the version number and exit


  • This program does no in-memory caching or expiring of data, it's built to run on the ZFS filesystem with the ARC for caching.
  • GET /nodes is a heavy operation as it reads every file from the filesystem, and also doesn't limit the number of files it will open at a time (todo fix this)


idea: chef replacement in bash, using simple bash scripts. search() by curl'ing a machine database that stores JSON for each node.

— Dave Eddy (@bahamas10_) March 12, 2014



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  • bahamas10